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Topic: Man Law! - part 31
no photo
Tue 12/16/08 02:55 PM
Hello AD

AaronzDad's photo
Tue 12/16/08 02:59 PM
Hiya Doze!

How was your summer?

no photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:00 PM
busy, how about yours

AaronzDad's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:04 PM
not busy enough! ohwell

just keep pluggin along though right?

What else is new and exciting in your neck of the woods?

myssfytz's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:32 PM
Can I puhleese have a cold beer Dozz ???

Got stuck at work cause pts. transpo didnt show up, and shes been there since like 330pm !!!

Oh so very wrong !!!

Finally boss said to leave, so I did.

Heya AD !!

Howtheheckareya ??


Copycat me !!!


AaronzDad's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:34 PM

Hiya Myss waving

What's a pts?

myssfytz's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:37 PM

Hiya Myss waving

What's a pts?

Short for patient.

She came in at like 330pm, was done by 4pmish, and still there when I finally had to leave her outside.I felt bad, but boss told me to go at 6pm.

AaronzDad's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:40 PM
well did she have anyone to call??

I hope she isn't just locked out and left there overnight!

myssfytz's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:44 PM

well did she have anyone to call??

I hope she isn't just locked out and left there overnight!

She called them right when she was done with her EKG, then 3 more times as she was waiting for them to come.They kept telling her, " any minute, any minute."Alot of transpo. companies are like this, they really dont give a crap about the pt. waiting at all.

I told her to wait by gas station where there are people and light, so she'll be safe.There are buses that come down our road that she can take home if needed.Im not allowed to make decisions on anything else.I wouldve gotten her a taxi, but boss said she cant rectify it for just a 10 minute EKG.Cabs costs a byt I guess.

I felt bad, but I cannot take a pt in my car, nor would I.

AaronzDad's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:46 PM
Yeah, and God only knows who is driving the transpo company vehicle. You see news reports about that every now and then. Kooks everywhere.

myssfytz's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:52 PM
They have GPS and phones in vans they drive, she called them one last time before I left and asked dispatcher to find out where he is, he didnt answer his phone.

Probably out at the local strip club havin a good ole time while she waits.

Transpo sux down here, but Id imagine it does everywhere though.

I need to go get some kids sneakers tomorrow night.Instead of us trading gifts at work with eachother, we "adopted" a family and we each get them a gift on their wish list.

I feel great about doing that instead of us exchanging.Give to someone who needs it ya know.

How was your day ? Mine was good other than that, slow n steady flow of peeps coming in. But I did have one really ignoramus of a supposed man come in with his wife and mother.

AaronzDad's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:54 PM
another fairly slow day here - what a drag

It's snowing again now. We're supposed to get around five inches before it's all through tonight. Bleah! I'm SOOO sick of winter. I wanna move to Arizona.

myssfytz's photo
Tue 12/16/08 03:56 PM

another fairly slow day here - what a drag

It's snowing again now. We're supposed to get around five inches before it's all through tonight. Bleah! I'm SOOO sick of winter. I wanna move to Arizona.

My best friend, Donna, the one in MD, her brother and his wife live there.They love it.

Why AZ ??

Thats alot of snow, holy crapoli !!!

AaronzDad's photo
Tue 12/16/08 04:01 PM
Actually if I move it will probably be back to the Reno, NV area. I just want to move southwest SOMEwhere

Somewhere I don't have to shovel white stuff six months out of the year!

myssfytz's photo
Tue 12/16/08 04:04 PM

Actually if I move it will probably be back to the Reno, NV area. I just want to move southwest SOMEwhere

Somewhere I don't have to shovel white stuff six months out of the year!

Is it nice there ? Never been.Any hotter than Florida ?

Is this salt, powder or sugar we are talkin' about here ?!!


Cause you should only need a spoon for them !!!


I silly.

And Im a dork.But we all knew that already.

AaronzDad's photo
Tue 12/16/08 04:07 PM
I don't know what the temps are like in FL but from what I've heard it's pretty muggy down there in the summer. The southwest is a dryer heat - which is also good for my asthma even though that's not too bad anymore.

When I was a kid the doc told my folks we needed to move to AZ for my sister and me. We were pretty sick kids for a while.

myssfytz's photo
Tue 12/16/08 04:13 PM

I don't know what the temps are like in FL but from what I've heard it's pretty muggy down there in the summer. The southwest is a dryer heat - which is also good for my asthma even though that's not too bad anymore.

When I was a kid the doc told my folks we needed to move to AZ for my sister and me. We were pretty sick kids for a while.

Yeah, the humidity level is bad here.But I still like it, esp if Ive got a/c going strong.

So that explains it !!!

It all stems from your childhood, now I understand why you were gettin all them headaches last night !!

It all makes sense now.

And I will tread lightly from now on, dont wanna coomfoose you anymore !!!

So you lived there already or you just want to ? How long were you there ?

I was born in NJ, but only there til I was 3 1/2, moved to Miami on Halloweenie of 74'.Aside from 2 yrs in Indy with my dad, Ive been here all my life.Vermont is nice, been there once 4 yrs ago, going again in May 09 for neices college grad.

CAnt wait !!

AaronzDad's photo
Tue 12/16/08 04:20 PM
I traveled out west for work years ago

I was in CA, then Reno, then up in Alaska, then back in Reno

I lived in Reno for around three years and fell in love with the area

I miss the mountains lemme tell ya. And the general attitude of the people out there too.

myssfytz's photo
Tue 12/16/08 04:25 PM

I traveled out west for work years ago

I was in CA, then Reno, then up in Alaska, then back in Reno

I lived in Reno for around three years and fell in love with the area

I miss the mountains lemme tell ya. And the general attitude of the people out there too.

Sounds like you shouldve stayed there then.

Make a plan and see what A's going to do, and if you really want to, then move there.Do what makes you happy.

Saw a really ncie tent on sale at Kmart in a flyer today, might go buy it this wknd, on sale $39.99, fits 7 people !! I wanna go camping so bad while the weather is still kinda cool here.NOT going in summertime !!!

And most people up that way are generally nicer, actually use the manners their parents taught them.Indianians are nice too.

Yes, made up a new word !!!


AaronzDad's photo
Tue 12/16/08 04:36 PM
Aaron was little back then and living here in WI with his mom

I needed to move back here for him

Now he's older and I'm looking at the horizon again...

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