Topic: In Gods Hands
ChangeofHeart's photo
Fri 12/12/08 07:35 PM
I was listening to NPR last week. They had this Preacher on. He was talking about Death. He said when we Die, or when we are Dying, God is taking us away from the Hell we made for ourselves on Earth. Its one way he is saving us. The only thing is, there is so many ways that we can Die. So is God just taking some times, in some ways? Or all the time? Is the Devil taking the Bad People?

NkdSanta's photo
Fri 12/12/08 07:49 PM
I'm resonding to the subject title over the last 2 years I have hade to face a lot of tough things. Things I have no controle over. I'm in AA and a big part of the program is learning how to let go of those things I have no control over. How to put them in gods hands and trust in him. The more I do that the better my life gets. The hardest thing for an alcoholic to do is give up controle. Every time I try to take it back it whatever it is just gets all screwed up. One thing I have to keep repeting to my self is gods will not mine be done. Things don't alawys make sence right now but down the road things always come together when I leave it to him.

NkdSanta's photo
Fri 12/12/08 08:03 PM
That being said yet it. Try giving your will over next time your faced with something trying or something your not shure about throw your hands up ask for knowlage of his will and the power to cary it out sit back and watch what happens. You will be amazed before you are half way through. You may even find a strange sense of peace we AA's call serenity. For what it is worth I am not a religois person but I do belive in a higher power.