Topic: when daddy loves you best
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Thu 12/11/08 11:48 AM
i've noticed and some of my girlfriends have not wanted or needed to marry or they've waited until a late age to marry when daddy has taken good care of them (daughters).. buying them homes, condos, and cars, etc etc, financially supporting children they may've had out of wedlock.

i don't wonder if it's a disservice as these girls are afforded a freedom and must be happy or they'd choose a mate, but who can compare to daddy... even when daddy would supposedly like to see them in a family.

i went on a date with a man fifteen years younger than my father and eighteen years older than i am which is all fine and good, but at some point i figured he didn't measure up and i could never introduce him to my father as he was not nearly as in good of a shape.

so it's freedom i guess but also maybe an indication i'm getting a little old and my stomach has turned so many times over things and i've had so many issues that none of it really matters anymore. accepting one's plight rather than rebelling against all that you have and haven't had may be the more gracious and graceful thing to do with a more attractive end.

cause again, who will measure up?

lilith401's photo
Thu 12/11/08 11:54 AM
I'm not looking for a daddy. Frankly,I'm thrilled that my father raised me to be an independent woman and did not enable me or do for me, but rather taught me to do on my own.

And when I introduce men to my father... all he cares about is do they love me and do they make me happy. Nothing else.

I don't compare men to my father. Then again, I think Freud was a worthless drug addicted quack too.

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Thu 12/11/08 11:56 AM

I'm not looking for a daddy. Frankly,I'm thrilled that my father raised me to be an independent woman and did not enable me or do for me, but rather taught me to do on my own.

And when I introduce men to my father... all he cares about is do they love me and do they make me happy. Nothing else.

I don't compare men to my father. Then again, I think Freud was a worthless drug addicted quack too.

that sounds like good apple pie. where are you from lol??

mine raised me to be a girl who should take the world like a man..

lilith401's photo
Thu 12/11/08 12:42 PM
I'm from Rhode Island.... you saw I'm a shy thang, huh? laugh

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Thu 12/11/08 12:50 PM

I'm from Rhode Island.... you saw I'm a shy thang, huh? laugh

yes i know about them eastish coast girlsdevil
