Topic: who thinks its ok to cheat
FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:43 AM
Defeats the purpose...doesn't it?

Engraven_Image's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:44 AM

ask satan for a blessing, he'll be glad to hook ya
Dude, I am so going to use that one in a church sometime.:laughing:

scotty1964's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:45 AM
u guys are asses.......cmon.......engravin, mirror, somebody give me a pass..........thats all i need.......wheres chevy?

livelife68's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:45 AM
cheating noway

no photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:46 AM

but im not married but she is.........i just want one person to give me a blessing....cause its so gonna happen......

If you want to let someone use you sexually and emotionally (and don't say you don't have feelings for her because a$$ is plentiful enough in this world, you don't have to settle for married a$$ to get any) and then watch her go back home to someone she claims to love and care about, then by all means do it.

If you don't think enough about yourself or have enough human consideration for her husband- who I'm quite sure would be hurt, angry and betrayed if he found out- sure, go ahead and have sex with this person. Just keep in mind, what goes around comes around and if you keep living, you just might find someone you really care about, and they might end up on a dating site one day asking "can i cheat??? huh??? can i?? can i????"

Then ask yourself, would I care? Would it hurt me as a person, or would I say flippantly, "who cares??"

So there, you have one person's blessing. Go forth and disgrace yourself.smokin

speedbug72's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:47 AM
sorry dude but cheatin is even a foul according to every holy book known to man.

PDA's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:47 AM

its not my fault.........we had love and i shouldnt? im sorry i know i shouldnt but , im lonely damnit..and ive been talkin to her and she loves me like im the only one.......if she shows up........its done:tongue:

It looks like you've already made your choice. And if you're looking for blessing, I think you'll meet resistent in here bro. I think you will have to consult somebody who actually thinks it's alright to cheat. That's gonna be hard, unless you talk to a russian (just hear-say that russian guys cheat constantly)

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:48 AM

u guys are asses.......cmon.......engravin, mirror, somebody give me a pass..........thats all i need.......wheres chevy?

Have at it then, who the hell needs a pass for what is a physical posted, we left our opinions. Take them or leave them.

no photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:49 AM

its not my fault.........we had love and i shouldnt? im sorry i know i shouldnt but , im lonely damnit..and ive been talkin to her and she loves me like im the only one.......if she shows up........its done:tongue:

If she loved you like you're the only one, why did she marry another man???

Engraven_Image's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:49 AM

u guys are asses.......cmon.......engravin, mirror, somebody give me a pass..........thats all i need.......wheres chevy?
Nah bro, it's still cheating and really uncool. But if she isn't married, there is nothing wrong with winning her over without cheating. Win her heart, steal her love, and she drops the other guy...No shame in that!

speedbug72's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:50 AM
i concur with the fear dude.

martymark's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:50 AM

its not my fault.........we had love and i shouldnt? im sorry i know i shouldnt but , im lonely damnit..and ive been talkin to her and she loves me like im the only one.......if she shows up........its done:tongue:
I had this dude show up one night. I was really pissed at him. I had already decided in my mind that I was gonna hurt him real bad if I saw him. When he showed for some reason all I could do was feel sorry for the bastard. I hugged him and sent him packin. kinda opposite of what your thinken about, but I often wonder what might of happened If I hadn't snapped, and had gone off on him instead, I could very well be in the system for the rest of my life. Do the moral thing man, then you can look at yourself with a little dignity

Engraven_Image's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:51 AM

its not my fault.........we had love and i shouldnt? im sorry i know i shouldnt but , im lonely damnit..and ive been talkin to her and she loves me like im the only one.......if she shows up........its done:tongue:

If she loved you like you're the only one, why did she marry another man???
Good point here Scotty.

no photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:52 AM

Cheating is low and immature. In a dating relationship, engagement, marriage, there is a commitment and responsibility there. Until that has changed, and the person that is in your life is aware and fully aware of it, and out of your life, there shouldn't be another in your life. And I don't give a sh!t what people think, cheating is cheating, whether it's a one night stand or even being affectionate with someone otherthan the person in your life at the current time. Even lusting over another person while you are in a commitment is cheating! And cheating is a choice, not an accident.

Yeah, that's what I tell people who say they couldn't help it, as if their whatsit just happened to fall into her yoohoo...grumble

no photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:52 AM

but im not married but she is.........i just want one person to give me a blessing....cause its so gonna happen......
Nope!!! No blessing from me!!!!noway

Why go to her level because you wanna get laid???? Its hurting you, her husband and most likely her kids.noway

Google Morals scotty!!!

scotty1964's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:53 AM

but im not married but she is.........i just want one person to give me a blessing....cause its so gonna happen......

If you want to let someone use you sexually and emotionally (and don't say you don't have feelings for her because a$$ is plentiful enough in this world, you don't have to settle for married a$$ to get any) and then watch her go back home to someone she claims to love and care about, then by all means do it.

If you don't think enough about yourself or have enough human consideration for her husband- who I'm quite sure would be hurt, angry and betrayed if he found out- sure, go ahead and have sex with this person. Just keep in mind, what goes around comes around and if you keep living, you just might find someone you really care about, and they might end up on a dating site one day asking "can i cheat??? huh??? can i?? can i????"

Then ask yourself, would I care? Would it hurt me as a person, or would I say flippantly, "who cares??"

So there, you have one person's blessing. Go forth and disgrace yourself.smokin
thats cool and everything, but this husband tricked her by sayin he had a vasectemy or something and she got pregnant and has a 10 year old and married him.....and yes i cheated with her 15 or more years ago, and she found me and needs me, i dont want to blow.......ahh who really cares on here.......i just wanted a blessing cause she wants me and i think God does toolaugh

martymark's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:53 AM
just go whack _ _ ! and forget about it!

no photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:53 AM

its not my fault.........we had love and i shouldnt? im sorry i know i shouldnt but , im lonely damnit..and ive been talkin to her and she loves me like im the only one.......if she shows up........its done:tongue:
I had this dude show up one night. I was really pissed at him. I had already decided in my mind that I was gonna hurt him real bad if I saw him. When he showed for some reason all I could do was feel sorry for the bastard. I hugged him and sent him packin. kinda opposite of what your thinken about, but I often wonder what might of happened If I hadn't snapped, and had gone off on him instead, I could very well be in the system for the rest of my life. Do the moral thing man, then you can look at yourself with a little dignity

That's a good point, OP, what if her hubby finds out and hurts you? What a stupid reason to get killed or injured, for a piece of a$$.

chevylover1965's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:56 AM

but im not married but she is.........i just want one person to give me a blessing....cause its so gonna happen......
where a rubber dumb ass !noway

Queene123's photo
Mon 12/08/08 12:58 AM

its not my fault.........we had love and i shouldnt? im sorry i know i shouldnt but , im lonely damnit..and ive been talkin to her and she loves me like im the only one.......if she shows up........its done:tongue:

everyone is lonely but you would be taking advantage of each other which is not right