Topic: If I was to..
Army_Strong's photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:41 PM
Post lyrics to a song that I was really into would I have to be in a certain mindset? I mean if I was to post a song on here that I liked for umpteenth amount of reasons and it just so happened to talk about death.. Would I be flooded with e-mails involving ways to get help?

Now what if I posted lyrics dealing with love.. Would I have to be in love to post it? It's the same thing.. My friend just kind of pi$$ed me off earlier because I posted lyrics to a song.. Granted I felt blah that night but I've posted things about love and everything else under the sun... Why should I have to censor myself?

Nohottiesheresrsly's photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:43 PM
Yes! Follow the rules! There's a music form here where idiots post lyrics to songs everyone's heard a million times like it means anything to anyone other then the poster. Your more then welcome to go join them.

Army_Strong's photo
Mon 12/08/08 02:51 AM

Yes! Follow the rules! There's a music form here where idiots post lyrics to songs everyone's heard a million times like it means anything to anyone other then the poster. Your more then welcome to go join them.

Not really what I was asking but thanks?

usernamefayou's photo
Mon 12/08/08 03:11 AM

article 19 under the universal human rights act says you can express any opinion on any medium without interference