Topic: Extraterrestrials were the real fallen angels. | |
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Fri 12/05/08 12:47 AM
Angel Beaming Up 13:20 For it came to pass, when the flame went up toward heaven from off the altar, that the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar. A gleam of light beams up into the sky and an angel ascends in the beam. Flame comes from the word ' lahab ' meaning to gleam like a sword. goes with Ezekiels Wheel above ![]() |
Judges Angel Beaming Up 13:20 For it came to pass, when the flame went up toward heaven from off the altar, that the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar. A gleam of light beams up into the sky and an angel ascends in the beam. Flame comes from the word ' lahab ' meaning to gleam like a sword. goes with Ezekiels Wheel above ![]() ![]() ![]() |
WE ain't going nowhere's ese! LOL hahahaha, the greater part of the world as you know it is now a part of the alien nation. LOL hahahahaha, you want orchata with that or some sheeesh, LOL
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Whats up Marty?
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Flying Vehicles and Advanced Technology in the Bible This section of the work deals with the physical and flight characteristics of the flying vehicles in the Bible. It is important to understand that, since many of these descriptions occur in a place called "heaven", learning what the word means is crucial to proper understanding of the verses, in which, it appears. In the obscure language the translators used, heaven meant the sky. The word "sky" or "skies" only appears a dozen times in the entire Bible, although most of the events occur outside. The words "fly" and "flying" occurs 38 times; the word flight is not included as it meant "to flee" in every instance. This reveals examples of "godly" flight but, though these flights are described, in some instances, as being in the sky, they also flew in "heaven". The word "heaven" or "heavens" is translated from Hebrew and Greek words that mean "the sky", or directly related to the sky, in 99.7%, or all but 2, of the 730 times it appears, in both the Old and New Testaments. The vehicles described in the Bible are flying in the sky. The research on this concept can be found here. Heaven Is The Sky This concept can easily be divided into four logical categories: Two Important Verses Verses describing the need for these vehicles and a likely description of a vast number and variety of the vessels in the fleet. The Vehicles What Are They Flying? The Lord Yhovah of the Old Testament, who became the Lord Jesus of the New Testament, is described as flying in thick clouds, swift clouds, bright clouds, dark clouds, white clouds, low clouds, great clouds, and fiery clouds. There are platforms, vessels, whirling chariots of fire, sky thrones, fiery horses, cherubims, thick darkness, great fire, whirlwinds, fiery wheels, pavilions, dark waters, storms, sky dwellings, rolls, and sanctuaries. Whether, or not, one believes these objects are actually flying vehicles that the God of the Bible lives in, appears with, travels in, and is considered the seat of his power is a matter of opinion. The fact that they do not appear without him or his ambassadors, and that, in most major appearances, he and other beings are clearly described as directly associated with these flying objects, is undeniable. There are 362 verses describing natural and manmade objects as vehicles in the Bible Clouds Pillars Thrones Chariots Dwellings Lights and Fire Spinning Objects Dark Objects Other Vehicles The Fleet Nahum's Freeway Flight Characteristics How Do These Vehicles Fly? The fact that the objects described in the Bible are controlled, flying craft, is borne out by the flight characteristics of those objects. In Bible text the objects associated with the Elohiym are shown to exhibit rapid, prolonged flight, they ascend and descend, and they hover for extended periods. If these objects were just ethereal images created by ethereal beings, these flight descriptions would have no relevance. The fact that the authors wrote about the flight routine of these objects is evidence that they have a distinct physical presence. There are 162 verses describing the specific flight characteristics of vehicles in the Bible In Flight Ascending Descending Hovering The Beings Who Is Commanding These High-Tech Flying Machines? Two main beings are directly associated with the flying vehicles, the Elohiym, the gods, (See The Reality of God), and the Malak, the angels). Others include Archangels, Elders, Ministers, Saints, Watchers, and Men. There is another group which, though assumed to be living entities, are described in a manner that indicates they may be devices or machines. This group includes Cherubim, Seraphim, Living Creatures, and Beasts. Also presented are the beings that are associated with the modern UFO phenomenon by misplaced religious zeal; Satan and devils. A fleet of flying vehicles, described as the army, or Hosts, of Yhovah, appears several times and the importance of this fleet to the Biblical narrative is seriously underrated. Close encounters, from face to face conversations and beam-ups to meetings, are well documented in Biblical text and are a major part of many of the Bible's, more phenomenal, events. The nature of Yhovah in his human form as Jesus is a grossly neglected aspect of the Bible. Another questionable facet of accepted Biblical doctrine is the Holy Spirit as an individual member of a supreme triad. Is the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost a being or a spiritual force? And, do angels have wings, halos, and harps? If they do, the Bible doesn't mention this, nor does it mention a devil with horns, a pitchfork or a pointed tail. Jesus - Yhovah Close Encounters The Jesus Encounters Angels Giants Spirits Devils Satan Other Beings Technology Are These High Technology Vehicles Or Images? Glowing and flashing lights, light beams, and guiding lights are the most frequently associated technological aspect of the flying objects of the Bible. Broadcasting of voices, sounds, and extreme vibrations are, ever present in close proximity to these craft. The term "glory" emerges as the combination of all these effects and is directly connected to the grandeur of the vehicle's appearance. Devices on board can alter weather patterns, cause earthquakes, dry up seas, level cities, and alter the planet's movements. Beams of light that consume and transport beings and things are clearly described as an arsenal of what can only be called transporter beams, high-tech weapons imagined in science fiction. Mechanical devices adorning the vehicles are described as living things, but their movements point to synchronized movement, metal construction, and attached lights, unknown to primitive society, though easily recognized in this modern age. Human bioengineering, mental manipulation, creating and healing diseases, and bringing the dead back to life that are described that mirror, as well as, exceed modern science. We do not claim that all miraculous events are caused by technological means, but many can be seen directly associated with many things we see in our modern world and the realm of science fiction. |
Flying Vehicles There are 362 verses describing natural and manmade objects as vehicles in the Bible Two Important Verses The concept that God uses flying vehicles and that those vehicles are part of a fleet of high tech vessels, known as, the Hosts of God is never mentioned from the pulpit, although, the Bible clearly proves this concept through in a thousand verses. Two of the verses lend particular detail to this concept, describing the need for these vessels, and the fact that there are thousands of different types of these flying vehicles. Though veiled in mysterious translation mistakes and additions, when viewed in the original text, these verses provide interesting aspects to this paradigm. Why God Uses Flying Vehicles The most common argument we receive concerning this paradigm, that God travels in vehicles similar to UFOs, and that God has need for this, is that this is a ridiculous concept; because "He" is everywhere, all the time. We believe that the Spirit, or force, of the Father God, called El in the Hebrew, is described as the head of the Family of beings known as the Elohiym, and is part of all living things. This word, Elohiym, is the Hebrew word most often translated into the English word God. The word elohiym, pronounced el-o-heem', is the plural of elowahh; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used in the plural thus, especially with the article of the supreme God. The word is definitely plural. And we believe that the Elohiym, the beings called God, which are led by the "individual" Elohiym called the Lord God named Yhovah, are not restricted by physical limitations, but do have a physical presence. The Elohiym are served by a variety of powerful beings, named the Malak, and called under the generic name in the Bible, as angels. It is that Family, Yhovah and the other Elohiym, along with the Malak, (God and the angels), that use these flying vehicles. This view of the real God, and Gods, of the Bible is easily revealed with simple research of scriptures on these subjects, and requiring no special knowledge. The research, upon which the details of this concept are based, can be found in two informative links on this website: The Reality of God and Jesus, The Christ With a realistic understanding about what the Bible does say about the nature of God, the following concepts describe a need for these vehicles, and a likely description of a vast number and variety of vessels in the fleet of God, the "Hosts of the LORD" . A Need for the Vehicle The verse, which confirms that God himself actually states that he does appear in clouds, for a specific purpose, is found here: Exodus 19:9 And the Lord said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and believe thee for ever. And Moses told the words of the people unto the Lord. The words 'unto thee' in the phrase come unto thee, 'with thee' in the phrase speak with thee, and 'thee' in believe thee were added by the translators. The original verse actually reads: "And the Lord said unto Moses, Lo, I come in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak, and believe for ever." Yhovah is not saying the people will hear and believe in Moses. The Lord clearly states the presence of this object is being used, by Him, to impress the people, so they will hear him and believe in him.. The Fleet Of Yhovah - Great Numbers and Types of Vehicles Almost 300 times, the God of the Old Testament is referred to as the Lord of Hosts. The word host is taken from, tsaba', pronounced tsaw-baw'; a mass of persons (or figuratively, things), especially organized for war (an army). This is an army, or fleet of many thousands of chariots and millions of beings called the Malak or angels. The chariots of God are also called chariots of fire and are described as flying. It is also clearly stated that the clouds are his chariots. Since Jesus is Yhovah of the Old Testament and because he will return coming in the clouds it is doubtless that those clouds are the flying chariots of fire of 2 Kings. Thousands of them certainly constitute a fleet. Bible text states that this fleet was involved in the creation of our current biosphere and will be the force that wrests control from the rebel angels that have power over the Earth and imprison these rebels for a 1000-year period. There is one verse that offers an interesting view of the awesome extent of the influence of the Family of God. When John witnessed the Revelation, he described the number of beings in the presence of Jesus, who was the same Yhovah of the Old Testament: "And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;" (Revelation 5:11) If taken literally, he is saying the number is, at least, in the hundreds of millions or, even possibly, in the millions of hundreds of millions, which translates to the trillions. Since the phrase "ten thousand" is translated from the Greek word for "myriad", the number may be uncountable, in human terms. And, considering these beings obviously have physical presence, the concept represented in this verse, possibly describing a wide variety of many different types of vehicles to serve them, seems obvious. "The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place." (Psalms 68:17). This last verse needs to be considered very closely, in its original meaning, as there are translation anomalies within it. * The Phrase "twenty thousand" was translated from the Hebrew word ribbow, pronounced rib-bo'; meaning a myriad, i.e. indefinitely, large number. It is not the Hebrew word commonly used for the number twenty, but, rather, the word used for an uncountable number. * The word "angels" was translated from the word: chaliyphah, pronounced khal-ee-faw'; meaning alternation: This is the only instance in the Bible where this word is translated into "angels", and the reason is a mystery. "Chaliyphah" is commonly used in reference to variety, as in changes of clothing or attitudes. The word "thousands", preceding the word "chaliyphah", does mean thousands in the Hebrew. With these two mistranslations considered, the verse could easily be read: "The chariots of God are myriad with thousand of varieties |
Flying Vehicles In the Air There are 42 verses describing the general flight characteristics of vehicles in the Bible The fact that the Bible describes the objects as in the sky and is clear about how they fly, reinforces the physical nature of these vehicles. They descend and land on the ground, they ascend and takeoff from the ground, they hover above the ground, and they travel swiftly in flight. The entries in this section are references to general flight descriptions, non specific sightings in flight. Genesis A Glowing Object Passes Over 15:17 And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces. This is perhaps the first indication that a glowing, flying object is associated with God. The word 'passed' is more properly rendered 'passed over'. Furnace = fire pot. Smoking = vapor. Lamp = shining. Burning = fire. So what is being said is that something resembling a shining, vaporous firepot passed over after dark. Exodus Vehicular Flanking Movement 14:19 And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them: 20 And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night. The distinct and deliberate movements of this object show a realistic rather than ethereal nature. This is a solid object flying around above the encampment. It is physically preventing the approach of the Egyptian pursuers. This object can project light in one direction, yet cause darkness in the direction of the Egyptians. Here is the first indication that angels are in control of the craft. Aerial Harassment 14:24 And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the Lord looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians The flying object wreaks havoc on the Egyptian camp. An important thing to understand about the craft is that it is one object, not two, that changes appearance form day to night . Troubled = hamam, pronounced haw-mam' properly, to put in commotion. Fiery Platforms 13:21 And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night: 22 He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people. A platform, flown by Yhovah, resembling a thunder cloud that glows brightly at night leads the nation of Israel out of Egypt. Cloud = thunder-cloud, Pillar = column or base of column ie, platform, Light = to be luminous. The book of Exodus is where we get the first indication that God uses physical flying objects as a mode of transportation. It is described as a pillar of a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. The word pillar is translated from `ammuwd, Pron. am-mood; a column as standing; also a stand, i.e. platform. This means that this could either be a column or a platform that had the appearance of a cloud in the daylight and when the sun went down, it lit up. And it is staying close to the people, in other words hovering. When considered in light of descriptions not yet presented, the platform seems a more logical choice. Numbers The Vehicle Flies Day And Night 9:20 And so it was, when the cloud was a few days upon the tabernacle; according to the commandment of the Lord they abode in their tents, and according to the commandment of the Lord they journeyed. 21 And so it was, when the cloud abode from even unto the morning, and that the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they journeyed: whether it was by day or by night that the cloud was taken up, they journeyed. Whether day or night, the people respond to the movements of the vehicle. Deuteronomy Aerial Guidance 1:33 Who went in the way before you, to search you out a place to pitch your tents in, in fire by night, to shew you by what way ye should go, and in a cloud by day. It is pointed out that, in order to find a place to camp, Yhovah, in the flying vehicle, scouted the area for the people. 2 Samuel Yhovah Rides A Cherub And Flies 22:10 He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his feet. 11 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind. The 'thick darkness' under his feet can be rendered as low clouds which ties into the next verse.. Yhovah rides on a 'cherub' and flies on the edge of the wind. This could indicate a smooth, soaring-like flight much like a glider. Wings = extreme edge. Yhovah's Glowing, Solid, Flying House 22:12 And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies. This appears to be a description of a circular fleet of objects arranged around a main object described as Yhovah’s pavilion or mobile dwelling. Nehemiah Flying Craft Of The Exodus 9:12 Moreover thou leddest them in the day by a cloudy pillar; and in the night by a pillar of fire, to give them light in the way wherein they should go. The actions of the flying vehicle at exodus are recalled. Psalms Yhovah Flies A Cherub On The Wind 18:10 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind. Yhovah flies a cherub rapidly on the wings of the wind. Second fly = to dart or fly rapidly. Yhovah Travels The Sky 19:6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. Yhovah travels from one end of the sky to the other. God Rides In The Sky And Space 68:33 To him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens, which were of old; lo, he doth send out his voice, and that a mighty voice. Elohiym rides the skies and the envelope of stars. |
Thank you, SharpShooter, for posting all that. Very interesting. It puts a whole new spin the Bible.
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Hey Ruth
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Hey Ruth ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 12/05/08 09:27 AM
I thought about this topic a lot last night, I can not really for certain say this, but will throw it in the ring as a thought. It could very well be that most of us are "fallen angels" and "angels" and their offspring! We just do not have the ability to understand this!
I thought about this topic a lot last night, I can not really for certain say this, but will throw it in the ring as a thought. It could very well be that most of us are "fallen angels" and "angels" and their offspring! We just do not have the ability to understand this! quite possible martymark and not far fetched! |
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Sun 12/07/08 03:40 PM
The kicker would be if the extraterrestials would come and tell us about their belief in the same Creator we have with a different point of view.
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Mon 12/08/08 01:09 AM
I thought about this topic a lot last night, I can not really for certain say this, but will throw it in the ring as a thought. It could very well be that most of us are "fallen angels" and "angels" and their offspring! We just do not have the ability to understand this! GOD Created MAN in HIS IMAGE.... GOD did NOT Create ANGELS in HIS IMAGE. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
yes I know morningsong, but no where in the scripture does it say that satan and or his angels could not have come up with a way to disguise themselves as humans. that's why we need to be able to discern the spirits. we never know when we are entertaining angels, Gods or fallen ones, unless we can discern the spirits we may let the wrong influence take control of our actions. discernment is a gift from God, pray for it, if you don't feel as though you have it.
Morningsong, be not decieved all that you see is not as you think. Even scripture warns us as martymark stated that we may not know if we are entertaining angels, and even in 1corinthians it warns women to cover their heads because of the angels. Who then was the Almighty referring to?
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Sorry to have to disagree Yamin....
As Christians,we don't have to worry about being "decieved" by strange "alien angels" .... not if we are walking and staying close to God, that is.... cause God, thru His Holy Spirit protects us and gives us discernment ... and keeps Watch over His Sheep. THEREFORE, there is REST found in the Lord..... not some strange weird worry... over whether we are being decieved by " alien angels" or not. There is a BIG difference between walking in FAITH ... versus walking in FOOLISHNESS. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I thought about this topic a lot last night, I can not really for certain say this, but will throw it in the ring as a thought. It could very well be that most of us are "fallen angels" and "angels" and their offspring! We just do not have the ability to understand this! GOD Created MAN in HIS IMAGE.... GOD did NOT Create ANGELS in HIS IMAGE. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sorry to have to disagree Yamin.... As Christians,we don't have to worry about being "decieved" by strange "alien angels" .... not if we are walking and staying close to God, that is.... cause God, thru His Holy Spirit protects us and gives us discernment ... and keeps Watch over His Sheep. THEREFORE, there is REST found in the Lord..... not some strange weird worry... over whether we are being decieved by " alien angels" or not. There is a BIG difference between walking in FAITH ... versus walking in FOOLISHNESS. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
yes I know morningsong, but no where in the scripture does it say that satan and or his angels could not have come up with a way to disguise themselves as humans. that's why we need to be able to discern the spirits. we never know when we are entertaining angels, Gods or fallen ones, unless we can discern the spirits we may let the wrong influence take control of our actions. discernment is a gift from God, pray for it, if you don't feel as though you have it. |