Topic: For those who feel...... | |
are you illegal
illegal? LAWDY NO!!
![]() ![]() on you BUT do it LEGALLY. For years now here in TN ILLEGALS have been given the same rights to posess a legal and valid drivers license. Why? who knows! Now Bank Of America is offering up checking accounts to all ILLEGALS. HUH? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() start focusing on our own back yards instead of other countries because i am sick of seeing vets homeless, wee ones without health/dental/vision and seniors writing out checks for HUNDREDS of their retirement dollars monthly at the local pharmacy for medications they NEED to survive. I am not talking about viagra but heart and diabetic medicine and supplies. America needs to really do an OVERhaul on welfare here. At times i am rolling up pennies or going without meals to insure my child can eat thanks to the inflation only to watch an ILLEGAL using a FOOD STAMP DEBIT CARD buying gourmet coffee and cooked and veined gourmet SHRIMP. ![]() ![]() ![]() new CAR and drive off as i am jumping into my ol bucket of bolts praying it runs another year because i have a special needs child and my vehicle is needed for specialist visits and his neurologist appointments for all the different neurological problems he has had since birth. I am sick of seeing soooooooo many decent americans serving our country proudly in iraq and in my HONEST TO GOD OPINION start shipping the ILLEGALS who cross our borders (especially the violent ones who return over and over again)& hourly off to war. I will include deadbeat parents too because that would be a win win situation for those of us NOT getting help from that joke called child support ENFORCEMENT. Eliminate this crap of long term POLITICIANS. Pay them minimum wage and lets see how many step up and REALLY want that job?! ![]() times here in America ILLEGALS have been given the opportunity to GET THEMSELVES LEGALIZED. Did they do it? NO BUDDY! they cried "i was skeeeered", I cant speaka the english...blah blah blah. But learn to speak MY NATIVE LANGUAGE as in invade america ILLEGALLY. ![]() ![]() ![]() ALIENS sadly will be us. The average american. The time has come and personally I AM SICK OF IT. Its time to take AMERICA BACK. If i have offended anyone i will say this. I am outspoken, got a big heart, too generous tooooooo many times and i am not trying to be offensive. Just honest. ![]() |
Fine the people employing the illegals.
Take away the money & problem will end. MONEY drives everything. How many rich employ illegal house workers? |
You're absolutely right 'oldsage',
MONEY DRIVES EVERYTHING!!! And right now the money equation is against the legitimate gripes of the 'Fanta', 'Daniel', 'barbiebigsister' and a large and growing vocal opposition from the 'people'. The money equation to explain the whys of illegal immigration into the US might be as simple as this: Add: Widespread abject poverty and starvation in Mexico after US corporations relocated their cheap-labor plants from the US-Mexico border to Asia, plunging millions of low-wage earning Mexicans into poverty (living near teh border because the pants were there). Add: An extremely porous, under-enforced US-Mexico border. Which WA has no intention of enforcing! Add: LOW-wage pressures on the 'commodity' segment of your US GNP, and US employers anxious to keep their commodity farms or manufacturing business 'open', for more profits, and willing to exploit the poverty and fears of illegal immigrants to do so, with the full collaboration of your government. Add: The federal government anxious to curry favor with , and garner votes from, business owners and the Hispanic community...thus, willing to under-enforce borders and immigrations laws, and ignore illegal hiring by employers. Add: In the late '80's, your SSA had tagged at 189billion$, the correllation between 'illegals' (contribute but never collect), and employers SSA contributions. Today, SSA has become dependent on taking in $7 billion annually of contributions from illegal immigrant workers who will never receive benefits from the system. THE RESULT: Millions of illegal immigrants working for low wages and in poor working conditions, grateful for "scraps to fall from the US table of prosperity," per Dr. Groody. Wealthier US businesses, and a much-richer Social Security Administration, neither which reimburse local and state authorities and taxpayers for the costs (education, health care, law enforcement and more) associated with illegal immigrants. And a very angry US citizenry, who vilify immigrants for being here, rather than blaming the business owners who hire and exploit them, the US government which lets them enter the US and profits greatly from them, and the Mexican government which is happy to see them immigrate out of their country. "Our nation virtually posts two sign on its southern border: 'Help Wanted: Inquire Within' and 'Do Not Trespass," says Pastor Robin Hoover of Humane Borders. "Without the help of immigrant labor, the US economy would virtually collapse. We want and need cheap immigrant labor; in order for it to be that cheap it must be 'illegal', but we do not want the immigrants." |
Voil, has posted some exceptional replies to this situation in another
topic. There are so many ways to view this issue. Here are a couple of issues that make it crucial for us to be more attentive to the power the government should be wielding in the illegal immigrent question. I have known some small business owners in the labor trades, construction, lanscaping, etc. Hard work, long hours, out in all kinds of weather. Everyone I knew growing had family working in these trades, it used to be middle income, however, that was when labor unions ruled the. (remember that for a moment, I'll get back to it) It's not anymore. The pay for this work, without unions, is not much more than minimum wage. A single person has difficulties living on these wages. The businesses, stated above, deal with tardiness, no shows, complainers, theft, and that's with American citizens. Add to this the major expence of running a business, not just overhead, but the amazing amount of paperwork, state and federal assiciated with this business. If payroll is weekley, there is not a week that goes by that most states and the federal bureaucracy. Funny how they stay in touch with our money, but don't worry about illegals. There are so many rules, taxes requirements, paper requirements, OSHA requirements that the cost of running the business actually puts small business owners out of business. The solution, find workers, 'willing' to work and do that work for low wages. Not much paperwork needed for that, especially when there no reporting to state or fed in this regard. Remember I mentioned unions. It was unions that maintained the the work force. Maintained it and policed it and would not allow illegal immigrants. The union was the workers lobby force with the government. The union made sure every worker in that union was entitled to and received, medical and perscription insurance benefits at the lowest cost, the best wage the market would allow, life insurance, berevement funds, and retirement benefits 10 times better than what the government has ever offered. It was propaganda the ended it. Why? It took away the power of the government. Now, I'm not saying I want unions back, what I'm saying here, is, for so long the workforce PAID for someone else to look after their needs, to lobby on their behalf, to know the law, to fight to add, change or defeat the laws regarding thier very lives and lifestyles. The small businessperson, is trying to stay in business. Those that hire him, seeing the illegals, don't care, they are getting a good price. On an individual basis we all take a bargain and rarely question, why it's a bargain. This is why, and how child labor in other countries existed for so long, because we never questioned it. Each of us who live here, who were born here, are not exempt from accepting and preforming a duty. That duty is to see that the government is providing for, responding to, working with, all the issues that it's people present that either prohibit, restrict or devalue, the kind of life promised us as in a free, democratic society. The small trucking fleet industry including owner-operators is among the cheapest labor in our union. This is an industry that provides greater that 50% of our basic needs. Now they are faced with high cost of fuel too. I promise you they are not sitting back, they are among some of the most comprhensive and knowledgable poeple, as far as government is concerned, that I've met. Illigal aliens are infringing in their territory, which infringes in our territory. The next time you are at your grocery store, or in Meijer or Wal-Mart take a guess at what percentage of the stock was shipped via truck! The truckers are falling by the way side, they can not keep up with the cost of running a business, when they can not get paid an appropiate amount for thier transportation. You may have not noticed so many going out of business, I'm sure, becuase the industry goes on, fueled by the low wage seeking immigrant. As individual citizens our voice may not be heard, or it may be ignored. How do you really know, if your elected officials are casting their votes according to the majority? We need to take responsibilty and that means having the proof, documented. That means someone has to research the current legislative session, reviewing those bills mandates, etc and then bringing it to the people. Collecting signatures, and forwarding these to your lawmakers. This is made easier still, with the internet, that we all here, spend so much time on. Setting up a website for the purpose of notifying your legislator is easy, and the emails can be counted pro and con, and the politician is now held accountable for backing new legislature, voting in accordance with their constituants and actually representing the people. The internet is the greatest tool to keep poeple informed and you don't even need to own a computer, you just need to communicate, as we are all doing here, with your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers. We have been too long afraid of talking, of offending, it's time that we make a social connection or our demecratic society will continue to degrade. Individuals - unite! HAS ANYONE LOOKED FOR A WEB SITE THAT FOLLOWS THE IMMIGRATION LAWS? IS THERE ANY ORGANIZATION THAT IS POSTING INFORMATION IN THIS MATTER? Haven't looked lately but keeps abreast of the trucking industry, are there others? |
In case no one wanted to read my long winded responce, thought I'd add
the most important part in a seperate reply. Individuals - unite! HAS ANYONE LOOKED FOR A WEB SITE THAT FOLLOWS THE IMMIGRATION LAWS? IS THERE ANY ORGANIZATION THAT IS POSTING INFORMATION IN THIS MATTER? Haven't looked lately but keeps abreast of the trucking industry, are there others? |
what it boils down to is theproblem stems from our current government.
Not the laws; not the paperwork; the politicians. To use an analogy, our politicians are like a snake. and when you have a problem with a snake what do you do? cut it off at the head, right? RIGHT!!! We need to, as a people, go out and replace all of our politicians no matter who they may be, that are not representing what we (the legal, law abiding citizens; in other words the country) want. We need to put new politicians in offie, and we need to put new guidelines and terms into effect that will limit how long they stay in office so that we do not end up with the same problem we have now. The president of the united states can only serve two consecutive terms by election. WHY THE HELL SHOULD OUR POLITICIANS BE ABLE TO SERVE ANY LONGER?! The reason I clarified "by election" for the president is say the president dies and the vp steps up to plate. He is not elected htere it is automatic and does not get added towards his time in office. What do you all say? Should we cut the snakes head off? |
bunch of stuff comes up if
you web search immagration laws |
You are one quick study!!! And you've got to join forces with Fanta46. He's on fire over this one, and has just switched his AIM on WA!!! Please join him on the 'minuteman...' post, or e-mail him, or call him!!! The two of you will make a great team, and move this chat topic into constructive action!!! Great work Red! |
voileazur while I might agree with you on some topics I think your
motives for your arguments is more instigation than actual resolution of the problem since you live in a country not directly effected by the problem. |
"the illegal alien problem could be helped by cutting the foriegn aid(welfare) program and using the money to secure borders" That would only weaken our allies in those foreign and strengthen our foreign enemies (Venezula, Cuba, terrorists). The best way is to build our neigbors economies in a way that it does not directly compete with American jobs but supports them. If Mexico has jobs then illegal wouldn't go over the border. Not to say that we should send jobs over there but to build their economy. Say we have them send their raw matierals, auto parts, crops, to us and we build the cars, textiles, building product to the world. |
You almost make it sound like a disease! Instigate... Never intended otherwise!!! I'm from Montréal! I'm not a US citizen. I'm nothing other than an instigator in this cause. Fanta appears to me like the best catalyst of solid and concerted political action on this issue. It helps move the threads away from petty and shallow 'illegals' bashing!!! ... towards political solutions to a social and economical conflict. GO check him out on 'Minuteman'. |