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Topic: liars
MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 12/01/08 06:05 PM

:smile:I am glad that I have actually seen the it in words because it just confirms my thoughts about the situation.:smile:And it is a situation that I would not have wanted to enter into because there wasn't complete honesty and communication.:smile:Lying by ommission is still lying to me.:smile:

yes lying by omission is a lie. withholding truth tat wouyld change a persons opinion...

a song this "honest" person sometimes lives by..hate me if you want to...love me if you can...:banana: :banana: :banana:

drinker laugh drinker

checkinout42's photo
Mon 12/01/08 08:34 PM
My kids I can just tell in their voice or their expressions when they are lieing to me. Now I have known a few people who lie right to your face and you never know. But after many lies your gut tells you something is just not right. And when you confront.. they either ignore or never speak to you again because they have been "BUSTED".

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 09:18 PM

how do you tell on the net if somebodys lying??

your missing some important things..body gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice...etc...

To some of us, those things don't matter anyway, even in face-to-face communication ^^

I generally discern a lie from the truth based solely on "facts." If the story changes...there is a lie going on.

People say Aspies can't lie. Well, it does feel wrong to lie. However, it's not impossible to lie:


no photo
Mon 12/01/08 09:21 PM
there are three ways to lie

1. Lie by omission

2. Tell the truth in a way that they think it's a lIe

3. Outright falsehood

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