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Topic: OH NO THEY DIDN'T!!!??
scttrbrain's photo
Wed 04/11/07 10:28 PM
Oh my gawd!!! I really, really did not think what I said would cause a
removal, but it did!! Now people....this is just ridiculous. Have you
ever known me to be an ass?? Well, maybe you don't want to answer that.
But, I am always a kind got it. They deleted me, zap, zowee. pooooof.


I did manage to copy my post before they deleted it. I was even in
conversation with bettis when it went green.

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 04/11/07 11:48 PM
Here is what got me banned. Was it offensive??

I came here for friendship, found it and now so many are gone. What has
happened? This used to be such a wonderful home away from home (so to
speak). The love and caring from so many is dwindled down dramatically.
I mean there are still good people here, don't get me wrong, but it
feels like I woke up and it was all a dream.
Even today, people came up missing. I can't find their profiles
anywhere. I'm lost as to why?
I've been here for quite a while, and it seems that many of the oldies
have disappeared. What is happening??
Can someone here explain to me what has happened in the past month or
It feels so strange and desolate. Whats wrong? Do I smell bad?lol
Well, if anyone has an answer for me, please let me in on it.
Lost and sleepless in "" land. (I removed the name to protect the

photofreek's photo
Wed 04/11/07 11:54 PM
I say dear lady but I think someone there has a stick up their

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 04/12/07 12:20 AM
I don't know, but it is very frustrating to say the least. I mean I
could understand it if I had been bold, or vocally outlandish. Makes me
wish had now. But, you know me...I am too kind hearted for that. Unless
they said something first.

irishlass's photo
Thu 04/12/07 01:00 AM
Kat the ones that I emailed are on here now, they all were banned after
they came on here, just as I was. I put nothing in the public forum
there. Whoever the moderator is, they are ruining the site. The way it
is being done is intentional, a possible take over.

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 04/12/07 07:29 AM
It is a strange thing that is happening there.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Thu 04/12/07 07:33 AM
well Kat I would definitly say you did an A$$ident.....

when you wrote that one!!laugh

I think you wanted to feel what it is like to get the boot in the
a$$laugh laugh laugh laugh

So how does it make you feel/???

yours truly Dr.Philsmokin

xoxoxox Kat. congrads.......drats.....huh

Gryphyn's photo
Thu 04/12/07 07:53 AM
I know how you feel about people missing, it seems there has been a lot
of people leaving, as to why? could be they were banned, or they may
have decidided to move on. I for one have seen many leave, yet there
seems to be more that come in.

I know several that were offended by some people and decided to leave on
thier own, others who are offensive/pushy/degrading seem to be on the
line and just don't care if others leave, its how they have fun.

Two people I know and invited rarely post anymore as a result of these
people. I for one just don't bother anymore because I would be the one
being banned for being defensive for another. It seems that the powers
that be have done too little too late for some of us, Hopefully this new
crowd won't go through what we did!!!



TwilightsTwin's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:02 AM
Yep...kinda like the CIA.

You ask a dissapear!

Thats what happened to me!

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:08 AM
Ohhh Kim...I have been going back in there every single day and reading
the posts and replying. I asked something very similar just the other
day in someone elses thread. The thread disappeared but I didn't.
As far as how it feels? It felt a little embarrasing. Sorta like it
feels to get caught cheating in school. I've never been kicked out of
anything, strange feeling.(Well....there was those times in my younger
days when I drank)
I truly did not think that I would get into trouble with that statement.
I have always been nice to the mods there and I thought respectable. I
was trying to stay in and be able to let others know whats up. And I did
not even use the " " mail for info. I took it to email.
So, I can tell you without a doubt, that people are being booted without
proper cause.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:10 AM
i know silly just kidding........flowerforyou really I
wasflowerforyou frown :heart:

tantalizingtulip's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:12 AM
I am well aware of what cs has been doing.:cry:

kojack's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:12 AM
CS you mention a name your gone

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:14 AM
Some of the people are asking.

There are several 'where are they threads' going. Wont last long I am

kinda dead over there.

cutting of the nose because of the face kinda thing.

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:15 AM
I didn't mention any names. I was being cautiously sentamental.
There is something going on, and it is getting curiouser and curiouser.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:16 AM

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 04/12/07 08:45 AM
I put a profile there and we will see what they do. As far as us
infiltrating their site, hahahahaha, If I am approved, which I am sure I
won't be, but I really don't care if they ban me, because this is home!!
I will put an ad for JSH there! O yeaaaaaa, sure this will get back to
LOLlaugh laugh laugh

tantalizingtulip's photo
Thu 04/12/07 09:19 AM
nerves if ya put an ad up ya won't have any funfrown

cuz they zap that fast so stay and play first.heheheehehe

Native_Grl39's photo
Thu 04/12/07 09:25 AM
Yep I hear ya Kat...I got zapped and did absolutely nothing!!!! Ce la
vie....I don't's just the principle of it...They act like
school bullies!!!!!!!!!

grumble noway flowerforyou

slikylisa's photo
Thu 04/12/07 10:26 AM
threw too many peaches around i guess they didnt like peachesgrumble

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