Topic: does anyone believe in ...... | |
Spiritual possesion? I swear a couple people in here have taken on ole
Gary's attitudes and beliefs and what not since he got banned.. lol. I wont name names right now, but they have been just as patently "misguided" as Gary was, and just as ignorant of the facts. They also like to throw out "examples of proof" which contradicts itself with its own words... So does anyone here believe in spiritual possession? |
Gary was a bit too much |
ya can only be possessed if u r possessed.
a weak mind can be possed by any thing weather its spiritual or a wife
or husband or friend |
okay i agree horseracer. how r u
Daniel LOL is it spiritual if I knew this thread was coming....
no fanta if you knew this thread was coming then either a: I need to
block my thoughts better, or B: YOU need to get outta my head!!!! lamo |
My question would be, why would anything having it's origin and
existance in the realm of the spiritual, want to limit it's capability by inhabiting, posessing the body of a three dimentional being? To go even further, wouldn't this belief have to include the fact that: 1. we are not the only beings in this universe 2. that we are flawed in some way, that allows such a posession 3. if number 1. is a consideration, then who's more intelligent 4. if this is a real danger, why isn't the government involved I could go on, but let's see if anyone has any responces to these. |
I have had some very weird things happen. But, true possession is very
rare. |
I know I have been possessed with love for all on here, and more so for
one in particular |
If you ever experienced raging PMS you wouldn't have to ask that
Question... |
OMFG Barbie that was so WRONG!!!!!! wait until I tell Autumn you
reffered to her as a dog ooh you gonna get a whooping for sure, lol |
God, I feel like eating a jellybean.
women bleed for seven days and live...Possession is a myth.
OK, so let's take this from another angle. If you DO believe that
humans can be possessed, by anything, what is it that they actually possess? I mean phsiologically, is it some part of the brain, well I guess that it would have to be, but what accounts for the physical changes? You know, the voice, the skin rashes, infalmations, cuts other things? So if you do believe in possession, what exactly do you think is taking place in this event? |
I recall a terrifying event, where I was being pushed out of my own body
by a black force. Scared the hell out of me. Tried get in through my back... No, nada on the schizo... I thought I was going crazy... nope. some things are just not provable, yet. |
Wow ET that's a bizaar experience to say the least. When you say you
felt you were being forced from your body, do you believe that your body and your thoughts and knowledge are somehow two seperate entities? Any ideas what another entity might want with your body? One other question, if you feel that way and your body is simply a recepticle for the personality of you, why couldn't you just find another body to move into? For you, and anyone reading this, this is not meant to question Et's sanity or belittle the experience she had. Please view these questions and inquiries and not as statments, opinions or condescending remarks. I'm just curious as to how one, who has actually had this experience, relates to it on the human level. Thanks ET for sharing, it's not often most of us have the opportunity to talk with someone whose felt this experience. |
I believe our thoughts are our won, yes. We cary our personalities with
us for a time... I think (I don't know) it is possible for some of the more powerful energies to impose upon us. I do not know the whole reason. But, like any scientific proven reactions to energy, it is a true thing... My own feeling is we have to figure things out for ourselves. Once we get it right, we move to some more pure energy... I am pretty sure the de ja vu, or reincarnation ideas have common themes in this. We come back until we get it right... After death, the energy leaves the body, and changes... (I have been studying how EVPs work for awhile... energy recorded in LP records... vs intelligents) I believe what happened to me was some sort of scre tactic, or payback, lol. For two weeks after something that happened in the hospital withmy gramma, I was terrorized at night. Just when I would try to fall asleep, I would be gripped terror. unable to move, paralyzed, noise that got louder and louder...Like a freight train... but different. Wooshing, too. I felt myself leaving. It was fear. This one time in particular, I was in between sleep states and consciousness somehow...was sorta half in, and half out of my body (like I was fleeing) I woke blind. I couldn't see anything. I was feeling around, scared. next thing I know, SLAM! I was back in my body completely. And, it hurt bad, LOL! Have had other stuff happen, too. And, my daughter... Being lifted off her bed... I asked the doctor about it, and had been tested. I was so afraid I was losing it. Seriously. But, I was found sane, and ok. Was he most bizzar thing I have ever encountered. And, I hope it never happens again. I don't have all the answers, and I probably just confused you with the explanation of the seemingly impossible. sorry I can't explain it better. |