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Topic: Elections are over right?
REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 12:24 PM

she is the new face of the GOP

along with Bobby Jindal and Tim Pawlenty and Michael Steele
rofl Bobby Jindal and Michael Steele at a Republican convention look like 2 flies in a bowl of milk rofl

haha and that is kinda the point. The GOP was never supposed to be the party of old rich white people. but it kinda got hijacked along the way

EDIT: it was the Republicans who freed the slaves

and it was the Republicans who passed the Civil Rights laws (against heavy opposition from the Democrats)
:smile: So what? :smile: It was the Democrats that enforced African Americans right to vote and ended segregation (against heavy Republican opposition)in the 60s.flowerforyouThe Republicans didnt do anything for black people for almost 100 years (thats why they lost them).:smile: The Democrats have done more to improve the lives of African Americans in a few decades than the Republicans did in 100 years, and the African American community knows this and thats why they are with us.:banana: They know which side of the bread is buttered.:banana:

I agree but it is not just African Americans. It is sick folks that get help. Homeless people. It has always killed me about this government. Why do we not take care of our own first.
That has always been one of my "pet peeves" about our Gov., we don't take care of our own firstexplode mad grumble

no photo
Thu 11/27/08 12:34 PM
That has always been one of my "pet peeves" about our Gov., we don't take care of our own first

that's where we get back into the differing political philosophies

is it the responsibility of government to "take care" of the people?

newarkjw's photo
Thu 11/27/08 12:39 PM

That has always been one of my "pet peeves" about our Gov., we don't take care of our own first

that's where we get back into the differing political philosophies

is it the responsibility of government to "take care" of the people?

Not really. But it is the responsibility of people to take care of each other. Above all. Government is the only way this will ever happen. Vicious cycle

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 11/27/08 12:43 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Thu 11/27/08 12:47 PM

she is the new face of the GOP

along with Bobby Jindal and Tim Pawlenty and Michael Steele
rofl Bobby Jindal and Michael Steele at a Republican convention look like 2 flies in a bowl of milk rofl

haha and that is kinda the point. The GOP was never supposed to be the party of old rich white people. but it kinda got hijacked along the way

EDIT: it was the Republicans who freed the slaves

and it was the Republicans who passed the Civil Rights laws (against heavy opposition from the Democrats)
:smile: So what? :smile: It was the Democrats that enforced African Americans right to vote and ended segregation (against heavy Republican opposition)in the 60s.flowerforyouThe Republicans didnt do anything for black people for almost 100 years (thats why they lost them).:smile: The Democrats have done more to improve the lives of African Americans in a few decades than the Republicans did in 100 years, and the African American community knows this and thats why they are with us.:banana: They know which side of the bread is buttered.:banana:

ahh but that's not really so. LBJ was considered a traitor for working with the Republicans to pass the Civil Rights laws. And it was Sen. Robert Byrd who led the Democrat opposition

I'm apolitical, neither Democrat or Republican I just try to see it all as history in progress. So I'm not trying to promote any kind of idealogical viewpoint. Just trying to present things without it
:tongue: Nice try Shawn Hannity.:tongue: But my version of events is TRUE history.laughThats why African Americans have been with the Democrats since the 60s. The Dems are also the party that nominated minority candidates for higher office.:banana: Its doubtful that the Republicans ever will (at this point).flowerforyou Its like I said before, African Americans (and other minorities) know which side of the bread is buttered.happy

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 12:44 PM

That has always been one of my "pet peeves" about our Gov., we don't take care of our own first

that's where we get back into the differing political philosophies

is it the responsibility of government to "take care" of the people?
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH, can you say 9/11? YES, it was their responsability to protect us from that!!!!

It was also their responsability to protect the men and women that had to go into that mess in the aftermath. Did they?????????????he** no, Do you know how many firemen, cops, ems personnel are dying today because our Gov. covered things up?explode explode explode

I'm sorry, but I have VERY STRONG feelings about 9/11. I lost 2 family members because of the horrible day.

Bush knew we would be hit and did nothing to stop it. The White House received a warning on Sept. 10, 2001 and ignored it.

Wait!!!! ok, i'm getting offtopic I apoligize. I think I need to start another post

Redshirt's photo
Thu 11/27/08 12:52 PM

Sarah is doing some image repair and getting ready for her next move.

Sadly....I don't think she is going away

If she went away so would the SNL skits. laugh

newarkjw's photo
Thu 11/27/08 12:56 PM

That has always been one of my "pet peeves" about our Gov., we don't take care of our own first

that's where we get back into the differing political philosophies

is it the responsibility of government to "take care" of the people?
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH, can you say 9/11? YES, it was their responsability to protect us from that!!!!

It was also their responsability to protect the men and women that had to go into that mess in the aftermath. Did they?????????????he** no, Do you know how many firemen, cops, ems personnel are dying today because our Gov. covered things up?explode explode explode

I'm sorry, but I have VERY STRONG feelings about 9/11. I lost 2 family members because of the horrible day.

Bush knew we would be hit and did nothing to stop it. The White House received a warning on Sept. 10, 2001 and ignored it.

Wait!!!! ok, i'm getting offtopic I apoligize. I think I need to start another post

Your on topic. Good point. I am sorry about your loss and I agree. The best thing to say about the last 8 years is that they are behind us.....:banana:
There goes that crazy dancing banana biggrin

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:04 PM
Oh good, I am still on topic? I thought I got way out into left field.

I do want to make a post about 9/11 and talk to EMS personnel that were there and get feedback on how things are going for them and what the Gov. is doing for them, if anything. Don't know if I should though. 9/11 is a hard subject for a lot of people to talk about. I know I have A LOT of feelings about it

newarkjw's photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:13 PM
Of course your on topic. It's your thread baby smokin

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