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Topic: Live for today?
buffry's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:31 AM
Did you ever feel that you are running out of time? Like the things that you want out of life wont happen if you don't set goals and stick to them? I am a very open minded person and hate setting criteria for anything. I am not a planner at all, but I am worried that I am running out of time and need to aggressively pursue the things that I want. But will these goals in the end, make me lose the fervor that I have for life in and of itself? Will it lesson the everyday appreciation for the little things? I just plain do not know what to do anymore. What is more important? The things that just plain make you happy or the things that you want that could make you happy? What is your perspective? Live for today? Live for your Dreams? Please give me some feedback!!!

Haloheldbyhorns's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:35 AM
Hmm good question. I have never been a big planner myself, prefering to live life day to day, but even though road blocks have gotten me down I never complain about it. It is just the way life is weather you plan it or not. Goals are important, but you have to remain flexable enough to change the route to those goals. Always keep the brass ring in site but not the only site. Look around and enjoy the trip!

trying_to_fly's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:40 AM
I usually live one day at a time and what happens happens. You can only do so much to make yourself happy. No one can make YOU happy. Before that happens, you have to make yourself happy first. DEFINITELY make each day yours and do as much as you can to please yourself and feel accomplished. Be kind to others, live by the golden rule and live with a smile!!!!biggrin biggrin

Thomas27's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:41 AM
A day at a time. I always try to make today my best day!

buffry's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:46 AM
But is happy for the here and now as important as letting go of the main objective??? Should you stick to your guns about what you want and let go of the temporary happiness in order to eventually meet that goal? Meaning, always looking ahead?

tcapp8's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:48 AM
Live for today because tomorrow may not happen. Plain and simple.

Thomas27's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:48 AM
I believe I only have a daily reprieve contingent on my spiritual condition.

*Please don't confuse with religion-

Haloheldbyhorns's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:50 AM

But is happy for the here and now as important as letting go of the main objective??? Should you stick to your guns about what you want and let go of the temporary happiness in order to eventually meet that goal? Meaning, always looking ahead?

You can do both live for the here and now and keep on the path to your goal. Sure there are setbacks but why worry about things beyond your control? Just do not carry any regret, the decisions you make are based on your experience, the more experience you have the better the decisions. Be multi-dimentional and enjoy the ride to where ever you are heading.

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:51 AM
It's always good to have goals and dreams.....otherwise you dead....get the picture. I think a lot of people may set unrealistic goals.....set smaller achievable goals then build up to bigger ones.

I also think that people may settle because they feel time is a factor....It is not...Whatever is meant to happen in your life.....will just breath set doable goals and most important love life and live life to the fullest each and every day.....Also one thing I have learned is get rid of the people that want to suck the life outta.....don't have the time for it. Surround yourself with good positive people that look at your relationship as a 50 50 thing. whether this is a friend or a boyfriend....don't settle.

buffry's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:51 AM
But to be the devils advocate here. If you do not strive for perfection how will you ever attain it? I have dreams and in order to accomplish these things, you need to work for it?

Haloheldbyhorns's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:52 AM

But to be the devils advocate here. If you do not strive for perfection how will you ever attain it? I have dreams and in order to accomplish these things, you need to work for it?

pefection is an unrealistic goal in my opinion. I agree with Feral cat small steps leading to bigger ones

buffry's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:54 AM

It's always good to have goals and dreams.....otherwise you dead....get the picture. I think a lot of people may set unrealistic goals.....set smaller achievable goals then build up to bigger ones.

I also think that people may settle because they feel time is a factor....It is not...Whatever is meant to happen in your life.....will just breath set doable goals and most important love life and live life to the fullest each and every day.....Also one thing I have learned is get rid of the people that want to suck the life outta.....don't have the time for it. Surround yourself with good positive people that look at your relationship as a 50 50 thing. whether this is a friend or a boyfriend....don't settle.

I am talking about goals in general. Whether it be a life goal or a relationship goal. Whether the here and now is more important or whether you should keep your head set forward to the future?

livelife68's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:54 AM
good question. I live one day at a time. All I have is today so I try to make the most of it. I do have goals and I try to work towards them but I must keep things in perspective and realize that my goals may never come true, they may change over time, and there is no guantee that they will make me any happier than I am now. I need to take time out and enjoy today for what it is. I need to relax and make sure I do something that will make me happy today. If I'm always working towards a future goals sometimes life becomes no fun at all. When that happens I need to ask myself is achieving the goal really worth it. It's best for me to find a happy balance. Working towards my goals while remembering to enjoy each day for what it is.

Greyhound's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:58 AM
Live today as if it was your last:banana:

tcapp8's photo
Sat 11/22/08 08:05 AM

Hmm.. if it were my last day alive... id do some things I'd later regret if i survived another day...

Thomas27's photo
Sat 11/22/08 08:07 AM

good question. I live one day at a time. All I have is today so I try to make the most of it. I do have goals and I try to work towards them but I must keep things in perspective and realize that my goals may never come true, they may change over time, and there is no guantee that they will make me any happier than I am now. I need to take time out and enjoy today for what it is. I need to relax and make sure I do something that will make me happy today. If I'm always working towards a future goals sometimes life becomes no fun at all. When that happens I need to ask myself is achieving the goal really worth it. It's best for me to find a happy balance. Working towards my goals while remembering to enjoy each day for what it is.


buffry's photo
Sat 11/22/08 08:11 AM
Thanks everybody! So what I'm gathering is that you should keep your goals in site. But to hold true to what makes you really happy in the end. You do not know for sure whether the grass will actually be greener on the other side. Best to keep your goals in site, but not let them interfere with the here and now?

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 11/22/08 08:11 AM

But to be the devils advocate here. If you do not strive for perfection how will you ever attain it? I have dreams and in order to accomplish these things, you need to work for it?

pefection is an unrealistic goal in my opinion. I agree with Feral cat small steps leading to bigger ones

I'll agree with this. Perfection IS a rather unrealistic goal, however, that should not hinder a person to strive to be the best person they can be, whatever "it" may be.

Do your best, duct tape the rest.

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 11/22/08 08:19 AM

But to be the devils advocate here. If you do not strive for perfection how will you ever attain it? I have dreams and in order to accomplish these things, you need to work for it?

Sometimes people can be their own worst enemy....sit down and really look at your goals.....If they are feasible they are attainable......Just can't beat yourself up if it doesn't happen when you want...Just doesn't work that way in life. Be patient and like I said, enjoy life...if your goals are he only things that you think of and you can't enjoy the journey their.....then you need to knock that crap off. Life first and foremost should be enjoyed...

example....I worked for a major entertainment was first and foremost, 16 to 20 hours days were not unusual....I had one small child at the time. Then I quit and I will never forget walking out of their and seeing sky, flowers, life. Right then and there it was like God smacked me upside my head and showed me in the next minute what was important.....Family, raising your children to be happy adjusted human beings, doing for others or those less fortunate then yourself. Understand to the fullest that life is never about things and those with the most toys....never take them with, living, and loving and living life...that is what is important.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 11/22/08 08:34 AM

Did you ever feel that you are running out of time? Like the things that you want out of life wont happen if you don't set goals and stick to them? I am a very open minded person and hate setting criteria for anything. I am not a planner at all, but I am worried that I am running out of time and need to aggressively pursue the things that I want. But will these goals in the end, make me lose the fervor that I have for life in and of itself? Will it lesson the everyday appreciation for the little things? I just plain do not know what to do anymore. What is more important? The things that just plain make you happy or the things that you want that could make you happy? What is your perspective? Live for today? Live for your Dreams? Please give me some feedback!!!

I have goals, but they are self-set and I don't express them often to people. Long term I want to get a doctorate in Entomology, hopefully that starts up around my birthday...but I live for the moment as well as in just doing things to do them for the sake of having a momentary laugh or good time. I don't plan too much, never was much of a plan person aside from setting dates to hang out with people or something of that sort.

I think everyone has long term goals as well as short term, it is just a perspective I suppose.

Of course my goals are my dreams so I guess it works out if the goal works out in the long run. This is a good question sweets!flowers

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