Topic: Your right...I mean you're right...
IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:21 PM
Main Entry: ob·nox·ious

1 archaic : exposed to something unpleasant or harmful —used with to
2 archaic : deserving of censure
3 odiously or disgustingly objectionable : highly offensive

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:23 PM
Etrain this one is perfect for ya...


Etymology: Middle English, from Latin bellicosus, from bellicus of war, from bellum war
Date: 15th century

1 favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars

Etrain's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:23 PM

Etrain this one is perfect for ya...


Etymology: Middle English, from Latin bellicosus, from bellicus of war, from bellum war
Date: 15th century

1 favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars

:angel: not me:angel:

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:25 PM
Not "you" silly for your thread.. slaphead

izzie's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:25 PM

Main Entry: in·san·i·ty
Pronunciation: \in-ˈsa-nə-tē\
Function: noun

1: a deranged state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder (as schizophrenia)
2: such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or as removes one from criminal or civil responsibility
3 a: extreme folly or unreasonableness b: something utterly foolish or unreasonable

Etrain's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:26 PM

Not "you" silly for your thread.. slaphead

Thats hot when you call me sillylove

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:27 PM
Main Entry: ar·ro·gant
Pronunciation: \-gənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin arrogant-, arrogans, present participle of arrogare
Date: 14th century

1 : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner <an arrogant official>
2 : proceeding from or characterized by arrogance <an arrogant reply>

Riding_Dubz's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:28 PM
listen i know my grammer isn't the greatest,

but ppl neeed to know the diffrence between,

Feel and fill spock

there and theirspock

bare and bearspock


board and bored,spock

:laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl:laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl :laughing: rofl

adirtygirl's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:29 PM
fake 1 (fk)
Having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent.
1. One that is not authentic or genuine; a sham.
2. Sports A brief feint or aborted change of direction intended to mislead one's opponent or the opposing team.
v. faked, fak·ing, fakes
1. To contrive and present as genuine; counterfeit.
2. To simulate; feign.
3. Music To improvise (a passage).
1. To engage in feigning, simulation, or other deceptive activity.

Izzz lik dis one

izzie's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:30 PM
Main Entry: ego·cen·tric
Pronunciation: \ˌē-gō-ˈsen-trik also ˌe-\
Function: adjective

1: concerned with the individual rather than society
2: taking the ego as the starting point in philosophy
3 a: limited in outlook or concern to one's own activities or needs b: self-centered , selfish

Etrain's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:30 PM
I have exorcised the demons... this house is clear:banana: :banana: :banana:

izzie's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:31 PM

Main Entry: 1cra·zy
Pronunciation: \ˈkrā-zē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): cra·zi·er; cra·zi·est

1 a: full of cracks or flaws : unsound <they were very crazy, wretched cabins — Charles ****ens> b: crooked , askew
2 a: mad , insane <yelling like a crazy man> b (1): impractical <a crazy plan> (2): erratic <crazy drivers> c: being out of the ordinary : unusual <a taste for crazy hats>
3 a: distracted with desire or excitement <a thrill-crazy mob> b: absurdly fond : infatuated <he's crazy about the girl> c: passionately preoccupied : obsessed <crazy about boats>

Main Entry: 1b!tch
Pronunciation: \ˈbich\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English bicche, from Old English bicce

1: the female of the dog or some other carnivorous mammals
2 a: a lewd or immoral woman b: a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman —sometimes used as a generalized term of abuse
3: something that is extremely difficult, objectionable, or unpleasant
4: complaint

Etrain's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:35 PM
How can I be getting zis vork done wit all de shouting? Control de shouting!!!:banana: :banana: :banana:

adirtygirl's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:36 PM
sew whad tim iz clas out????

adirtygirl's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:42 PM
oops oops oops

Etrain's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:42 PM
Heres a little song...I have no idea why but its my thread and I can do what I want

Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a woman's man, no time to talk.
Music loud and women warm,
I've been kicked around
since I was born.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
And now it's all right, it's OK.
And you may look the other way.
We can try to understand
the New York Times' effect on man.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
you're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breaking and everybody shaking,
and we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Well now, I get low and I get high,
and if I can't get either, I really try.
Got the wings of heaven on my shoes.
I'm a dancing man and I just can't lose.
You know it's all right, it's OK.
I'll live to see another day.
We can try to understand
the New York Times' effect on man.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
you're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breaking and everybody shaking,
and we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive. Aah.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Life going nowhere.
Somebody help me,
somebody help me, yeah.
Life going nowhere.
Somebody help me, yeah.
I'm stayin' alive.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a woman's man, no time to talk.
Music loud and women warm,
I've been kicked around since I was born.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
And now it's all right, it's OK.
And you can look the other way.
We can try to understand
the New York Times' effect on man.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
you're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breaking and everybody shaking,
and we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Life going nowhere.
Somebody help me,
somebody help me, yeah.
Life going nowhere.
Somebody help me, yeah.
I'm stayin' alive.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Life going nowhere.
Somebody help me,
somebody help me, yeah.
Life going nowhere.
Somebody help me, yeah.
I'm stayin' alive. ...

Etrain's photo
Thu 11/20/08 04:43 PM
damn this valiumsmokin

markecephus's photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:11 PM

Suthun contraicshuns...

Yall...a contraction of "you all"

Fronchard....The area of lawn in front of YOU'RE house.

didja...a contraction of "did you"

sebmup...a popular soda properly named "7up"

dijall....this is a compound contraction, of the contraction did + yall...EX. dijall see the weather?

fiddinda...a contraction of "fixing to"

lol, there ya're guide to suthun slang, your welcome..bigsmile

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:12 PM
laugh laugh laugh
Thanks Mark...

Etrain's photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:14 PM

Suthun contraicshuns...

Yall...a contraction of "you all"

Fronchard....The area of lawn in front of YOU'RE house.

didja...a contraction of "did you"

sebmup...a popular soda properly named "7up"

dijall....this is a compound contraction, of the contraction did + yall...EX. dijall see the weather?

fiddinda...a contraction of "fixing to"

lol, there ya're guide to suthun slang, your welcome..bigsmile I have a headachefrustrated frustrated frustrated