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Topic: Conservatives Lost More Than an Election
Giocamo's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:45 AM

anyone who thinks that the counrty was NOT voting against G W Bush and the Republicans...is kidding themselves...O'Bama was the last Dem standing...that's it !!...as a matter of fact...under normal circumstances...with his views...thoughts...and...ideas...economically, and socially...he would have gotten his ass kicked !!...as most Americans live their lives Conservatively...
The conventional wisdom that Americans are overwhelmingly conservative is fundamentally false, according to “The Progressive Majority: Why a Conservative America is a Myth,” a study of poll data by Media Matters for America and Campaign for America’s Future.

The two organizations conducted the study by examining independent, nonpartisan polling data over the past 20 years from sources such as the American National Election Studies (NES), the General Social Survey (GSS), and Gallup polls.

Among the key findings of the study:

The role of government:

69% of Americans say the government “should care for those who can’t care for themselves.”
Twice as many people (43% vs. 20%) say they want “government to provide many more services even if it means an increase in spending” as want government to provide fewer services “in order to reduce spending.”
The economy:
77% of Americans say Congress should increase the minimum wage.
66% say “upper-income people” pay too little in taxes.
53% say the Bush administration’s tax cuts have failed because they have increased the deficit and caused cuts in government programs.

Social issues:
61% of Americans support embryonic stem cell research.
62% want to protect Roe v. Wade.

Only 3% of Americans rank same-sex marriage as the “most important” social issue.
43% of Americans say we are spending too much on our military.
60% say the federal government should do more about restricting the kinds of guns that people can purchase.
The environment:
75% of Americans would be wiling to pay more for electricity if it were generated by renewable sources to help reduce global warming.
79% want higher emissions standards for automobiles.
52% of Americans say “the best way for the US to reduce its reliance on foreign oil” is to “have the government invest in alternative energy sources.”
68% say US energy policy is better solved by conservation than production.
57% of Americans say “most recent immigrants to the US contribute to this country” rather than “cause problems.”
67% of Americans say, “on the whole,” immigration is a “good thing for this country today.”
Health care:
69% of Americans say it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have access to health coverage.
76% find access to healthcare more important than maintaining the Bush tax cuts.
Three in five would be willing to have their own taxes increased to achieve universal health coverage.
Related topics: Traditional, Regulatory, Healthcare, http://www.marketingcharts.com/topics/defense/research-most-americans-not-conservative-743/

here try this...I'll bet we agree on most...be honest...
#1 Do you believe murderers should be put to death ?
#2 Do you believe that you have the right to own a gun ?
#3 Do you believe that abortion is wrong and that we should try to limit the number of abortions in this country and around the world ?
#4 Do you believe in lower taxes for every American ?
#5 Do you believe in a strong military ?
#6 Do believe in private property rights ?
#7 Do you believe in less govenment ?
#8 Do you think gay sex is natural and normal ?
#9 Do you agree with affirmative action, and quotas in our public institutions and in the workforce ?

These are wedge issues in my book and most of them will have little impact on my way life. .

these are core beliefs...this is what you stand for...these ideas impact our lives each and everyday...by not answering...I'll just assume that you are pretty much like most Americans...conservative...yet...you voted for a Liberal...go figure...

madisonman's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:50 AM

anyone who thinks that the counrty was NOT voting against G W Bush and the Republicans...is kidding themselves...O'Bama was the last Dem standing...that's it !!...as a matter of fact...under normal circumstances...with his views...thoughts...and...ideas...economically, and socially...he would have gotten his ass kicked !!...as most Americans live their lives Conservatively...
The conventional wisdom that Americans are overwhelmingly conservative is fundamentally false, according to “The Progressive Majority: Why a Conservative America is a Myth,” a study of poll data by Media Matters for America and Campaign for America’s Future.

The two organizations conducted the study by examining independent, nonpartisan polling data over the past 20 years from sources such as the American National Election Studies (NES), the General Social Survey (GSS), and Gallup polls.

Among the key findings of the study:

The role of government:

69% of Americans say the government “should care for those who can’t care for themselves.”
Twice as many people (43% vs. 20%) say they want “government to provide many more services even if it means an increase in spending” as want government to provide fewer services “in order to reduce spending.”
The economy:
77% of Americans say Congress should increase the minimum wage.
66% say “upper-income people” pay too little in taxes.
53% say the Bush administration’s tax cuts have failed because they have increased the deficit and caused cuts in government programs.

Social issues:
61% of Americans support embryonic stem cell research.
62% want to protect Roe v. Wade.

Only 3% of Americans rank same-sex marriage as the “most important” social issue.
43% of Americans say we are spending too much on our military.
60% say the federal government should do more about restricting the kinds of guns that people can purchase.
The environment:
75% of Americans would be wiling to pay more for electricity if it were generated by renewable sources to help reduce global warming.
79% want higher emissions standards for automobiles.
52% of Americans say “the best way for the US to reduce its reliance on foreign oil” is to “have the government invest in alternative energy sources.”
68% say US energy policy is better solved by conservation than production.
57% of Americans say “most recent immigrants to the US contribute to this country” rather than “cause problems.”
67% of Americans say, “on the whole,” immigration is a “good thing for this country today.”
Health care:
69% of Americans say it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have access to health coverage.
76% find access to healthcare more important than maintaining the Bush tax cuts.
Three in five would be willing to have their own taxes increased to achieve universal health coverage.
Related topics: Traditional, Regulatory, Healthcare, http://www.marketingcharts.com/topics/defense/research-most-americans-not-conservative-743/

here try this...I'll bet we agree on most...be honest...
#1 Do you believe murderers should be put to death ?
#2 Do you believe that you have the right to own a gun ?
#3 Do you believe that abortion is wrong and that we should try to limit the number of abortions in this country and around the world ?
#4 Do you believe in lower taxes for every American ?
#5 Do you believe in a strong military ?
#6 Do believe in private property rights ?
#7 Do you believe in less govenment ?
#8 Do you think gay sex is natural and normal ?
#9 Do you agree with affirmative action, and quotas in our public institutions and in the workforce ?

These are wedge issues in my book and most of them will have little impact on my way life. .

these are core beliefs...this is what you stand for...these ideas impact our lives each and everyday...by not answering...I'll just assume that you are pretty much like most Americans...conservative...yet...you voted for a Liberal...go figure...
you figured wrong and this is nonsence I do no believe in lower taxes if it means less for schools or services. I dont care if steve and tom get married no one is takeing your guns away just an FYI and no one is forceing an abortion on your pregnant daughter. I believe in a reasonably strong military and not one that cooks up reasons to go to war, shall I continue?

no photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:55 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 11/22/08 07:59 AM
"76% find access to healthcare more important than maintaining the Bush tax cuts.
Three in five would be willing to have their own taxes increased to achieve universal health coverage" Biggie!!!!:smile: Im paying high co premiums now. We have got to curb it now or they will be the next failing!!

Giocamo's photo
Sat 11/22/08 08:01 AM

anyone who thinks that the counrty was NOT voting against G W Bush and the Republicans...is kidding themselves...O'Bama was the last Dem standing...that's it !!...as a matter of fact...under normal circumstances...with his views...thoughts...and...ideas...economically, and socially...he would have gotten his ass kicked !!...as most Americans live their lives Conservatively...
The conventional wisdom that Americans are overwhelmingly conservative is fundamentally false, according to “The Progressive Majority: Why a Conservative America is a Myth,” a study of poll data by Media Matters for America and Campaign for America’s Future.

The two organizations conducted the study by examining independent, nonpartisan polling data over the past 20 years from sources such as the American National Election Studies (NES), the General Social Survey (GSS), and Gallup polls.

Among the key findings of the study:

The role of government:

69% of Americans say the government “should care for those who can’t care for themselves.”
Twice as many people (43% vs. 20%) say they want “government to provide many more services even if it means an increase in spending” as want government to provide fewer services “in order to reduce spending.”
The economy:
77% of Americans say Congress should increase the minimum wage.
66% say “upper-income people” pay too little in taxes.
53% say the Bush administration’s tax cuts have failed because they have increased the deficit and caused cuts in government programs.

Social issues:
61% of Americans support embryonic stem cell research.
62% want to protect Roe v. Wade.

Only 3% of Americans rank same-sex marriage as the “most important” social issue.
43% of Americans say we are spending too much on our military.
60% say the federal government should do more about restricting the kinds of guns that people can purchase.
The environment:
75% of Americans would be wiling to pay more for electricity if it were generated by renewable sources to help reduce global warming.
79% want higher emissions standards for automobiles.
52% of Americans say “the best way for the US to reduce its reliance on foreign oil” is to “have the government invest in alternative energy sources.”
68% say US energy policy is better solved by conservation than production.
57% of Americans say “most recent immigrants to the US contribute to this country” rather than “cause problems.”
67% of Americans say, “on the whole,” immigration is a “good thing for this country today.”
Health care:
69% of Americans say it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have access to health coverage.
76% find access to healthcare more important than maintaining the Bush tax cuts.
Three in five would be willing to have their own taxes increased to achieve universal health coverage.
Related topics: Traditional, Regulatory, Healthcare, http://www.marketingcharts.com/topics/defense/research-most-americans-not-conservative-743/

here try this...I'll bet we agree on most...be honest...
#1 Do you believe murderers should be put to death ?
#2 Do you believe that you have the right to own a gun ?
#3 Do you believe that abortion is wrong and that we should try to limit the number of abortions in this country and around the world ?
#4 Do you believe in lower taxes for every American ?
#5 Do you believe in a strong military ?
#6 Do believe in private property rights ?
#7 Do you believe in less govenment ?
#8 Do you think gay sex is natural and normal ?
#9 Do you agree with affirmative action, and quotas in our public institutions and in the workforce ?

These are wedge issues in my book and most of them will have little impact on my way life. .

these are core beliefs...this is what you stand for...these ideas impact our lives each and everyday...by not answering...I'll just assume that you are pretty much like most Americans...conservative...yet...you voted for a Liberal...go figure...
you figured wrong and this is nonsence I do no believe in lower taxes if it means less for schools or services. I dont care if steve and tom get married no one is takeing your guns away just an FYI and no one is forceing an abortion on your pregnant daughter. I believe in a reasonably strong military and not one that cooks up reasons to go to war, shall I continue?

the states should provide for schools...not the federal government...I didn't ask you about steve and tom...I didn't ask you if they were taking our guns away...I asked you if abortion was right or wrong ?...

madisonman's photo
Sat 11/22/08 08:01 AM

"76% find access to healthcare more important than maintaining the Bush tax cuts.
Three in five would be willing to have their own taxes increased to achieve universal health coverage" Biggie!!!!:smile: Im paying high co premiums now. We have got to curb it now or they will be the next failing!!
would these conservative still be for paying less taxes if it meant a cut back in military?

no photo
Sat 11/22/08 08:10 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 11/22/08 08:51 AM

"76% find access to healthcare more important than maintaining the Bush tax cuts.
Three in five would be willing to have their own taxes increased to achieve universal health coverage" Biggie!!!!:smile: Im paying high co premiums now. We have got to curb it now or they will be the next failing!!
would these conservative still be for paying less taxes if it meant a cut back in military?
What they fail to realize is we already pay. Look at the ERs. High price cure for a low cost disease. The hospital recoup their lose how. Higher premiums, that DAM I already paying. We are a great nation we will not turn you away if you are sick or dying!!! So we pay for the uninsured already. Do we pay now and save a lot later? You don't have to socialize it. Use the free market to curb an expense you already have. Let that free market set its self so it can survive or my friend it is going to fail...

no photo
Sat 11/22/08 08:15 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 11/22/08 08:52 AM

anyone who thinks that the counrty was NOT voting against G W Bush and the Republicans...is kidding themselves...O'Bama was the last Dem standing...that's it !!...as a matter of fact...under normal circumstances...with his views...thoughts...and...ideas...economically, and socially...he would have gotten his ass kicked !!...as most Americans live their lives Conservatively...
The conventional wisdom that Americans are overwhelmingly conservative is fundamentally false, according to “The Progressive Majority: Why a Conservative America is a Myth,” a study of poll data by Media Matters for America and Campaign for America’s Future.

The two organizations conducted the study by examining independent, nonpartisan polling data over the past 20 years from sources such as the American National Election Studies (NES), the General Social Survey (GSS), and Gallup polls.

Among the key findings of the study:

The role of government:

69% of Americans say the government “should care for those who can’t care for themselves.”
Twice as many people (43% vs. 20%) say they want “government to provide many more services even if it means an increase in spending” as want government to provide fewer services “in order to reduce spending.”
The economy:
77% of Americans say Congress should increase the minimum wage.
66% say “upper-income people” pay too little in taxes.
53% say the Bush administration’s tax cuts have failed because they have increased the deficit and caused cuts in government programs.

Social issues:
61% of Americans support embryonic stem cell research.
62% want to protect Roe v. Wade.

Only 3% of Americans rank same-sex marriage as the “most important” social issue.
43% of Americans say we are spending too much on our military.
60% say the federal government should do more about restricting the kinds of guns that people can purchase.
The environment:
75% of Americans would be wiling to pay more for electricity if it were generated by renewable sources to help reduce global warming.
79% want higher emissions standards for automobiles.
52% of Americans say “the best way for the US to reduce its reliance on foreign oil” is to “have the government invest in alternative energy sources.”
68% say US energy policy is better solved by conservation than production.
57% of Americans say “most recent immigrants to the US contribute to this country” rather than “cause problems.”
67% of Americans say, “on the whole,” immigration is a “good thing for this country today.”
Health care:
69% of Americans say it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have access to health coverage.
76% find access to healthcare more important than maintaining the Bush tax cuts.
Three in five would be willing to have their own taxes increased to achieve universal health coverage.
Related topics: Traditional, Regulatory, Healthcare, http://www.marketingcharts.com/topics/defense/research-most-americans-not-conservative-743/

here try this...I'll bet we agree on most...be honest...
#1 Do you believe murderers should be put to death ?
#2 Do you believe that you have the right to own a gun ?
#3 Do you believe that abortion is wrong and that we should try to limit the number of abortions in this country and around the world ?
#4 Do you believe in lower taxes for every American ?
#5 Do you believe in a strong military ?
#6 Do believe in private property rights ?
#7 Do you believe in less govenment ?
#8 Do you think gay sex is natural and normal ?
#9 Do you agree with affirmative action, and quotas in our public institutions and in the workforce ?

These are wedge issues in my book and most of them will have little impact on my way life. .

these are core beliefs...this is what you stand for...these ideas impact our lives each and everyday...by not answering...I'll just assume that you are pretty much like most Americans...conservative...yet...you voted for a Liberal...go figure...
you figured wrong and this is nonsence I do no believe in lower taxes if it means less for schools or services. I dont care if steve and tom get married no one is takeing your guns away just an FYI and no one is forceing an abortion on your pregnant daughter. I believe in a reasonably strong military and not one that cooks up reasons to go to war, shall I continue?

the states should provide for schools...not the federal government...I didn't ask you about steve and tom...I didn't ask you if they were taking our guns away...I asked you if abortion was right or wrong ?...
Gio, I agree with you there. My kid, my school..What I don't like hearing is people saying they don't want gay marriage because they don't want it taught in the schools or people complaining about whats being taught. We have control over them under local laws. Yes your friendly neighborhood school board. Get involved:smile: Right or wrong in who eyes?

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 11/22/08 11:28 AM

Conservatives need some revamping. Pushing their religious right ideals on the public is not popular. Noone wants to deny them the freedom to practice their religion, just the right to impose it on everyone.

drinker drinker drinker drinker

Yes they do. They need to actually take on conservative beliefs. But i think our problem really lies in the fact that conservatives are being replaced by neoconservatives.

Ron Paul is a true conservative. Belief in small government, limited government power(which means no trampling on the rights of citizens), noninterventive foreign policy, etc...

Giocamo's photo
Sat 11/22/08 12:55 PM

anyone who thinks that the counrty was NOT voting against G W Bush and the Republicans...is kidding themselves...O'Bama was the last Dem standing...that's it !!...as a matter of fact...under normal circumstances...with his views...thoughts...and...ideas...economically, and socially...he would have gotten his ass kicked !!...as most Americans live their lives Conservatively...
The conventional wisdom that Americans are overwhelmingly conservative is fundamentally false, according to “The Progressive Majority: Why a Conservative America is a Myth,” a study of poll data by Media Matters for America and Campaign for America’s Future.

The two organizations conducted the study by examining independent, nonpartisan polling data over the past 20 years from sources such as the American National Election Studies (NES), the General Social Survey (GSS), and Gallup polls.

Among the key findings of the study:

The role of government:

69% of Americans say the government “should care for those who can’t care for themselves.”
Twice as many people (43% vs. 20%) say they want “government to provide many more services even if it means an increase in spending” as want government to provide fewer services “in order to reduce spending.”
The economy:
77% of Americans say Congress should increase the minimum wage.
66% say “upper-income people” pay too little in taxes.
53% say the Bush administration’s tax cuts have failed because they have increased the deficit and caused cuts in government programs.

Social issues:
61% of Americans support embryonic stem cell research.
62% want to protect Roe v. Wade.

Only 3% of Americans rank same-sex marriage as the “most important” social issue.
43% of Americans say we are spending too much on our military.
60% say the federal government should do more about restricting the kinds of guns that people can purchase.
The environment:
75% of Americans would be wiling to pay more for electricity if it were generated by renewable sources to help reduce global warming.
79% want higher emissions standards for automobiles.
52% of Americans say “the best way for the US to reduce its reliance on foreign oil” is to “have the government invest in alternative energy sources.”
68% say US energy policy is better solved by conservation than production.
57% of Americans say “most recent immigrants to the US contribute to this country” rather than “cause problems.”
67% of Americans say, “on the whole,” immigration is a “good thing for this country today.”
Health care:
69% of Americans say it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have access to health coverage.
76% find access to healthcare more important than maintaining the Bush tax cuts.
Three in five would be willing to have their own taxes increased to achieve universal health coverage.
Related topics: Traditional, Regulatory, Healthcare, http://www.marketingcharts.com/topics/defense/research-most-americans-not-conservative-743/

here try this...I'll bet we agree on most...be honest...
#1 Do you believe murderers should be put to death ?
#2 Do you believe that you have the right to own a gun ?
#3 Do you believe that abortion is wrong and that we should try to limit the number of abortions in this country and around the world ?
#4 Do you believe in lower taxes for every American ?
#5 Do you believe in a strong military ?
#6 Do believe in private property rights ?
#7 Do you believe in less govenment ?
#8 Do you think gay sex is natural and normal ?
#9 Do you agree with affirmative action, and quotas in our public institutions and in the workforce ?

These are wedge issues in my book and most of them will have little impact on my way life. .

these are core beliefs...this is what you stand for...these ideas impact our lives each and everyday...by not answering...I'll just assume that you are pretty much like most Americans...conservative...yet...you voted for a Liberal...go figure...
you figured wrong and this is nonsence I do no believe in lower taxes if it means less for schools or services. I dont care if steve and tom get married no one is takeing your guns away just an FYI and no one is forceing an abortion on your pregnant daughter. I believe in a reasonably strong military and not one that cooks up reasons to go to war, shall I continue?

the states should provide for schools...not the federal government...I didn't ask you about steve and tom...I didn't ask you if they were taking our guns away...I asked you if abortion was right or wrong ?...
Gio, I agree with you there. My kid, my school..What I don't like hearing is people saying they don't want gay marriage because they don't want it taught in the schools or people complaining about whats being taught. We have control over them under local laws. Yes your friendly neighborhood school board. Get involved:smile: Right or wrong in who eyes?
..to quote my hero Archie Bunker...you ask right or wrong in who's eyes ?.." mine and Gawds "...lol

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