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Topic: gun ban law
no photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:32 PM

He can't do it. It doesn't matter if you are for a gun ban or you are not ....it won't happen.

Too many congressmen get too much money from the NRA.

Obama's heart is in the right place but even a 21 year old non college educated girl like me knows that he won't be able to do even half the stuff he promised in his campaign. The special interest groups, the bad economy, and even some of his own allies in congress will stop him from doing much of what he wants.

CNN is on 24/7 at the diner I work at. I've fallen in love with a couple of their anchors. lol

No politician EVER upholds their campaign promises. Whoever can sell us false hopes and empty promises the best gets elected. For example in 2000 Bush ran on a platform of no nation building, no policing of the world, and a humble foreign policy. You see how that turned out.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:36 PM

No politician EVER upholds their campaign promises. Whoever can sell us false hopes and empty promises the best gets elected. For example in 2000 Bush ran on a platform of no nation building, no policing of the world, and a humble foreign policy. You see how that turned out.

In his defense he did have 9/11 to deal with. That changes things. I bet if Obama has a 9/11 he will change his policies too.

jimmy99005's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:37 PM
I've been looking to get a new Beretta but trying to find anything in town is difficult stores are running low on inventory
Gun sales have risen 10 to 15

Pete0909's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:42 PM
I am picking up an HK tactical when I go back for vacation.

kirk443's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:43 PM

I've been looking to get a new Beretta but trying to find anything in town is difficult stores are running low on inventory
Gun sales have risen 10 to 15

good luck w/ your Beretta, i am so pissed the way things r
wish i could get a glock but i have no $

Well the only advice i could give to u would be get a 7ft blowgun like me, those things can pack a punch and best things they're silent.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:48 PM

No politician EVER upholds their campaign promises. Whoever can sell us false hopes and empty promises the best gets elected. For example in 2000 Bush ran on a platform of no nation building, no policing of the world, and a humble foreign policy. You see how that turned out.

In his defense he did have 9/11 to deal with. That changes things. I bet if Obama has a 9/11 he will change his policies too.

Attacking a country that attacked you IS understandable. However, the Taliban did offer to turn over bin Laden if the US produced evidence proving he was responsible for the attack which they refused to do.

Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11 nor did they pose any threat to us at all. Invading a country in the way we did with Iraq isn't justifiable. If you put aside the fabricated WMD's story then all you have left is ignoring the UN to invade a country for ignoring the UN, which doesn't seem too logical to me.

Pete0909's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:50 PM
The UN is a waste of time. It was a bad idea, just like the League of Nations.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:52 PM

The UN is a waste of time. It was a bad idea, just like the League of Nations.

In my opinion we should withdraw from the UN.

jimmy99005's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:55 PM

I've been looking to get a new Beretta but trying to find anything in town is difficult stores are running low on inventory
Gun sales have risen 10 to 15

good luck w/ your Beretta, i am so pissed the way things r
wish i could get a glock but i have no $

Well the only advice i could give to u would be get a 7ft blowgun like me, those things can pack a punch and best things they're silent.

laugh laugh laugh 7ft blowgun

I already own a few firearms the Beretta90-two is what I'm after now.

The new president would be vary stupid to touch a gun ban. Its being blamed on the democrats.

Tax on ammunition and firearms can/will increase

Pete0909's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:55 PM
I whole heartedly agree. But it's not in the plans. Global governance, UN is the staging point.

RKISIT's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:58 PM
i thought the G20 controlled everythingbigsmile

Pete0909's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:59 PM
nope just the 20!laugh

TelephoneMan's photo
Wed 11/19/08 09:14 AM
Edited by TelephoneMan on Wed 11/19/08 09:18 AM

what do you guys think about all this propaganda surrounding Obama and his admin. to restrict our rights as free lawful citizens from buying and using firearms? It sounds to me like we are turning more socialist. I hate to see what Obama and his collegues will do next.mad

They won't pass a law to ban firearms. They'll just tax the bullets so you can't afford to own a working one.

I'm glad you posted this about the bullets, because it leads me into exactly what I want to say...

BOTH parties, Democrat AND Republican have done things against our right to keep and bear arms.

In 1986 a bill was passed during the Bush I administration (i.e., Republicans) that banned the importation of certain firearms.

During Bush II, the BATFE was used to halt the impotation of ammunition at the seaports which effectively raised the price of all bulk case ammo in the U.S. The thought here was to force the price up, and people would not be able to afford as much of the same ammo. In other words, take away the ammo, and the guns are useless.

Either way, both of these issues were an assault (literally, with no assault weapons...lol) on our freedoms, and came from the Republican side.

As citizens, we must be vigilant to watch what ALL of the government does, not just one party or the other. I would possibly comment on this, though, that the Democrats typically are of the in-your-face variety of anti-gun legislation, whereas the Republicans are more of the do-it-behind-your-back-at-midnight type.

Neither one want to see a well-armed people.

Doesn't matter if Obama announces any anti-gun stuff, there is plenty of Republican-based anti-gun legislation in place to cancel out the issue of "oh, those bad Democrats" completely. It isn't just one party, it is the entire government.

Make your own choices at home as to what to do for yourself, and be watchful towards Congress and the Department of Justice (DOJ) (,etc...) to see what the Gov does next. The BATFE is DOJ, and this is a Republican-run DOJ at the moment, and they were given orders to delay importation of ammo, and that drove up the price of ammo but over 100%.

Case ammo (that dealers and enthusiasts can buy) that was around the price of $90-$110 per 1,000 rounds just a few years ago, jumped to double that (now $190-$250 per 1,000 rounds) during the Bush adminstration due to the help of the BATFE at the seaports. Some larger caliber ammo triple and more in price.

Thanks Mr. Bush, you're such a pal....

Can't wait to see what the next nin-com-poop is going to pull.....

SharpShooter10's photo
Wed 11/19/08 09:21 AM

what do you guys think about all this propaganda surrounding Obama and his admin. to restrict our rights as free lawful citizens from buying and using firearms? It sounds to me like we are turning more socialist. I hate to see what Obama and his collegues will do next.mad
I'm trying to give Obama a chance, he won fair and square but his stance on gun ownership scares the chit out of me. One of his speeches he didn't sound to fond of gun owners or religion. He has a terrible record on non support for gun rights. Time will tell, I found out since i'm moving that I have to register the ones I got with the State Police in the new place where I will be living,grumble They are already registered when you buy the damn thingsgrumble Never in my life have I had to do that, owned firearms of some sort since I was 10. Not gonna give mine up, I can see that causing problems but not gonna do it, cosmoline and say I sold em, lost em, they got stolen, but not gonna give em up, cause they don't want to buy em either, just take em away, let you think the cops will protect you and your loved ones when we all know that the cops come "after" a crime. Invade my home, rob me, or try and harm my loved ones and you will wish you went someplace elsedrinker

SharpShooter10's photo
Wed 11/19/08 09:27 AM

No politician EVER upholds their campaign promises. Whoever can sell us false hopes and empty promises the best gets elected. For example in 2000 Bush ran on a platform of no nation building, no policing of the world, and a humble foreign policy. You see how that turned out.

In his defense he did have 9/11 to deal with. That changes things. I bet if Obama has a 9/11 he will change his policies too.

Attacking a country that attacked you IS understandable. However, the Taliban did offer to turn over bin Laden if the US produced evidence proving he was responsible for the attack which they refused to do.

Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11 nor did they pose any threat to us at all. Invading a country in the way we did with Iraq isn't justifiable. If you put aside the fabricated WMD's story then all you have left is ignoring the UN to invade a country for ignoring the UN, which doesn't seem too logical to me.
whatever country they are from, when they attack us, cut off and film the beheadings of our people and drag our soldiers mutilated corpses through the street, I say

Nuke em till they glow and shoot their ass in the dark,

but then, I'm not in charge of night shooting and glow production in the middle east

SharpShooter10's photo
Wed 11/19/08 09:32 AM
That ammo thing is true telephone man

thats why I like to keep about 1000 rounds per gun sittin around. cant afford it anymore, I used to shoot 500 - 1000 in a week target shooting, gettin so a guy can't have fun anymore

TelephoneMan's photo
Wed 11/19/08 11:21 PM
Edited by TelephoneMan on Wed 11/19/08 11:29 PM

That ammo thing is true telephone man

thats why I like to keep about 1000 rounds per gun sittin around. cant afford it anymore, I used to shoot 500 - 1000 in a week target shooting, gettin so a guy can't have fun anymore

I think if the powers that be are going to wage any kind of gubermint war on the people's ability to shoot firearms, it will most likely be waged against the ammo that goes BANG, because it has already been proven the (with the Clinton ban that has now sun-setted) even if rifles are $3,000 (that used to be like $500 or less) people will still buy them.

But take away the ammo, and the guns can't go bang. The Republicans started it, all the Democrats (who now have the Presidency, the House and the Senate...) have to do is to accept the same baton in the race against the Constitution's 2nd Amendment.

Have you ever seen any of the news footage of the police and military dis-arming innocent law-abiding citizens during hurricane Katrina? Scary stuff...


ABC World News - September 5, 2005:



Or these yummy real examples of what happened during Katrina...



Isn't that special?

Communist China?

Nazi Germany?

Nope, United States of America...... 2005....

Just remember... this stuff happened when a REPUBLICAN was in the White House...


Did anyone see the movie "300"... ?

The reply of Leonidas, King of Sparta, to the messengers sent by Xerxes to Thermop'-ylae. Xerxes said, “Go, and tell those madmen to deliver up their arms.” Leonidas replied, “Go, and tell Xerxes to come and take them.” (Molon Labe)

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