Topic: the individual religion
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Sat 11/22/08 01:08 PM

Since each person is very unique I think we should and probably do eventually, develop our own unique belief system.

I think this is as it should be since we each encounter our personal truth from a unique perspective.

This thread is for people who realize that they are unique in their beliefs and are fine with that.

I have never been much of a joiner, or a follower nor do I desire to be a leader. I just like to walk my own path.

What path are you walking?

Well, I can’t say I’m actually walking the path ‘cause I spend very little time actually on the path. Most of my time is spent playing in the woods. But every once in a while I get back on the path and take a few more steps along it before being distracted by a butterfly or a pretty flower or a wood nymph and wandering off into the woods again. But the path I’m trying to walk is, I guess, a very self-centric one. I believe that my own free will, combined with the free will of all the other path walkers and forest dwellers, is the highest thing there is. I don’t believe that there is any “higher force” than that. I believe that the purpose of following the path is to get out of the forest. But I also believe that the forest itself has a definite purpose – butterflies and pretty flowers and wood nymphs. I believe that any apparent lack of free will (i.e. inabilities) is really just the result of a decision to follow a path at all.

I'd call that a free spirit.

Not to adapt to a believe system, but to adapt a believe system to ones own needs.


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Tue 12/02/08 07:20 PM

I had a conversation with a catholic friend of mine, and we agreed(him being catholic, me being...spiritualist). That there is one thing right...Thy will be done. For if there was in "over-being" we agreed that it was/is long gone/dead. And the power therein was given to all beings, so essentially, the will is being done, through all of our actions, we ARE the will.

Wow, I so totally agree with this. drinker

People are always talking about "God's will" and they don't realize that "God's will" was transferred to us. Our will is God's will. Most people hate that because they want to believe that God is all loving and would never do any evil, and yet humans do evil all the time.

But God's will is that we be totally free, hence to totally control our wills as if we were robots would go against god's will.

For me there is a common thread in all religious beliefs.

It mainly comes down to the will of the ego versus the will of the higher self.

The will of the higher self is the will of "god". The will of the ego is what causes pain and misery.

Learning what YOU really want out of life, versus what your ego wants out of life is the key.

Also learning how to actually get what you want out of life is key too.

I think things like witchcraft, prayer, the law of attraction, etc. Can all be affective for even those of us who are lost in our egos.

In other words, a person who is lost in their ego can actually use the power of the universe to get what they want. But is what they are getting truly what they want? Or is it what their ego wants?

I think it can be quite difficult in differentiating between what your ego wants, and what you truly want.

At least it can be for people like me who are in the spiritual stage of the 'seeker'.

I've long since recognized that I'm no longer interested in the ego. However, lost of interest in the ego doesn't automatically place one a total state of higher self.

I think there is a state of limbo where there is loss of interest in the ego, yet not full awareness of the power of the higher self.

I think this stage is called the 'seeker' stage for good reason. The soul has lost interest in the ego and is now seeking its true self.

How is that achieved? It's achieved by becoming a 'seer' (a psychic). But not merely psychic. There are probably many people who are psychic and still lost in the ego. Being psychic alone is not enough. But it is a required tool none the less.

The seeker is seeking a communiqué with the spirit. But that can only be accomplished via the psyche. So whilst a psychic ability is required just being psychic alone is not sufficient.

It kind of like owning a telephone. Owning a telephone (being psychic) doesn't do anything for you necessarily. What true matters is WHO you call.

The seeker is seeking direction from his or her own higher self. So the seeker has a specific phone number in mind to call.

A natural psychic may very well be able to tap into phone lines of random conversations, but may not know how to dial a particular number (i.e. to contact their own higher self).

Unless of course, they too are in the 'seeker' stage of spiritual development. In that case then they already have the phone lines, all they need to do is dial the right number. bigsmile

So as a seeker I'm seeking to become a psychic. But only for the very explicit purpose of contacting my higher self and making that connection become like a continuous DSL line. :smile:

So from my point of view, there is a difference between the "will of God", and the "will of the ego".

They aren't the same thing. The ego wants different things than the higher self wants. And the ego may even bulk at what the higher self wants.

The higher self wants a great body to live in during this incarnation. The ego says, "Bull crap! Let's live on soda pop and ice cream and sit around all day doing nothing!". laugh

What the higher self wants often requires WORK that the ego may not be interested in doing.

That WORK may come in the way of 'sacrifices' as Ruth suggests.

Giving up chocolate in favor of eating wheat germ, for example. laugh

I'm definitely guilty of SLOTH.

And it's all my ego's fault! laugh

The problem with all of that is that the buck stops with the ego. That is what I call "the person."

The person is the body and the personality that has sprouted from this particular lifetime. Even though it is connected to the life stream of the higher self and sustained by that life stream, the person (the ego) is in charge of this life.

This life is given to the person to do with what ever he or she decides.

Yes we want a great body, and to be healthy and to do many great things, but if we are lazy, we may decide not to. We may procrastinate. The higher self will not interfere. It only watches.

Until such time as we surrender to that higher self and ask for strength and guidance to achieve our purpose in this life.

You can find your purpose by following your hearts desire. Do what makes you happy and what motivates you, and do the things that you love most and get excited about. Dare to dream. Step out and be bold, and follow that purpose and your higher self and the entire universe will aid you in ways you cannot imagine.

That is when you will see magick.


Abracadabra's photo
Tue 12/02/08 08:09 PM
Yes we want a great body, and to be healthy and to do many great things, but if we are lazy, we may decide not to. We may procrastinate. The higher self will not interfere. It only watches.

It doesn't just watch, it participates.

You are always your higher self. There is nothing else to be.

When you're ego is running the show it's only because your higher self has given it the reigns and has allowed it to take charge.

We could have technical arguments about whether or not the 'ego' is real.

Of course it's real.

The ego is the brain, or to be more precise it's the programming that we have given it.

That program is very real. So in that sense the ego is very real.

But the ego is a manifestation of the brain (the programmable biological physical computer).

When the brain dies, the ego dies. It has no spiritual existence.

We don't 'become' our higher selves via spiritual awakening. We are always our higher selves, all the time. It's not something we need to 'evolve' into.

The fact that we have become 'lost' in believing that we are the programming contained within our brain, can almost be thought of as a disease of sorts.

It's a disease that we perpetuate by actually teaching people to believe that they are their ego. Religions like Christianity are infamous for teaching people to believe that they are their ego. They insist that this is all we are, and that God (the higher self) is something 'other' that we must appease in order to have our egos accepted and forgiven by 'grace'.

But then we teach our children that they are little egos that need to be forgiven for their pathetic state of being. laugh

It's not funny really. But maybe in the larger scheme of things it is.

After all, what would life truly be like if we were all born knowing full well our true state of being?

At first we might think, "Hey that would be GREAT!"

Sure it would. It would be great in comparison with what's actually going on right now.

But what if we didn't have that comparison to make?

What if life was always great?

Then it wouldn't be so great in comparison because there would be nothing else to compare it to.

And after a while (we're talking about eternity here), it would become boring.

So what would we do?

We'd invent a way to give our selves little brains that we can program into believing that we are something we're not. Then we could get lost in the delusion!

Well, that's what we did, and this is where we're at. bigsmile

We are free to reprogram our egos anytime we so chose.

But there are those who will proselytize that this is taboo and should never be thought of for it is against the gods and they will become angry and cast thee into a fiery pit of eternal damnation if thee should attempt to improve oneself. Only by appeasing the gods can one be 'saved' from their preprogrammed ego.

That's the 'program' they are running around programming people with. laugh

But no, your higher self never just sits around and 'watches you'. Unless of course, you just sit around watching yourself, because you are your higher self, always and forever.


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Tue 12/02/08 08:22 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 12/02/08 08:23 PM
But no, your higher self never just sits around and 'watches you'. Unless of course, you just sit around watching yourself, because you are your higher self, always and forever.

Yes I agree. And I can always sense them both. (My ego and my higher self self.) laugh

I guess that is why I tend to argue with myself a lot.

I am myself. My higher self. The "person" (personality) I am is a combination of my higher self and my ego.

I sense more than one person here. What is that all about?

My ego has many little egos. Many little personalities.

But I am in charge!drinker

(Okay now which one of you said that?) :angry:


I am.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 12/02/08 08:38 PM
I sense more than one person here. What is that all about?

My ego has many little egos. Many little personalities.

I know exactly what you mean. I talk to myself all the time. And there's at least three of me. Me, myself, and I. If only because I was given those personal pronouns to use as programming fodder. laugh

When someone tells me they feel alone I always say, "You should come into my mind and join the party!"

But then again, I'm a Gemini. I'm supposed to be twins.

I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. huh

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 12/03/08 05:39 AM
JB, can you post a recommended reading list? Kind of like I did for witchcraft?

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Wed 12/03/08 07:29 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 12/03/08 07:35 AM
Sure, but I must warn you these are all pretty varied in topic. Of course for individual belief systems, thing have to be varied.

Reading List

Aboutr creating your personal reality:

"Creative Visualization" by Shati Gwain
(Abraham books)
"The Law of Attraction" by Esther and Jerry Hicks
"Ask and it is Given." by Esther and Jerry Hicks
"The Astonishing Power of Emotions" Esther and Jerry Hicks
"The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent"
(Seth Books)
"The Nature of Personal Reality" Jane Roberts
"Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul" Jane Roberts

Out of Body Journeys and awareness

(Robert Monroe)
"Journeys out of the Body" by Robert Monroe
"Far Journeys" by Robert Monroe
"The Ultimate Journey" By Robert Monroe

Tarot Cards

"Power Tarot" Trish MacGregor and Phyllis Vega (Great For doing readings)
"21 ways to read Tarot Cards" Mary Greer
"Learning the Tarot" Joan Bunning (also on line to read free)


"The 80/20 revolution" Richard Koch
"The 80/20 Individual" Richard Koch
"Ultimate Power" Anthony Robbins

On world affairs:

I have read some very dark stuff and some very out there stuff about aliens and world politics. This reading is very depressing so I don't recommend it for uplifting the spirit.


Ruth34611's photo
Wed 12/03/08 07:57 AM
Thanks. I am interested right now in learning about your spiritual views and what's behind some of your ideas. They are interesting to me.

On world affairs I am moving slowly in my study anyway as it is very depressing. After doing some reading and watching a couple of documentaries I got really down so I am stopping for a bit. The only person I can change is myself.

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Wed 12/03/08 08:54 AM
Well in general, I believe in reincarnation along the lines laid out by Val Valerian in the matrix V project. (Leading edge research group) ( )

"One of the keys to discovery of the Ultimate Matrix is out-of body experience and long-time observation of what is actually out there, who we really are, and what it means to incarnate in a body here on Earth. Matrix V is all about your Higher Self, who you really are, your journey of self-discovery on this planet, and what's really going on, both here on Earth and in the density levels which lie just outside our 3rd density level."

Val includes all the dark and dirty goings on in this absurd reality game we play here on earth, so he comes off as a bit cynical about what he calls "the game." (He does have an attitude I've noticed.) He is "gay" and believes that being both sexes is the natural state for original humans and that we were altered and split into the two sexes for the project on earth. (Which would be, I believe, the "Adam and Eve" genetic tampering projects.)

I don't take all of his material as the gospel truth any more than any information I read, but the incarnation paths of aliens vs. humans in this galaxy make a lot of sense to me. (You can only get his books via his website, they are self published works.)

Beyond that perception of this third density reality and the galaxy game on earth, I believe that all realities and dimensions are mind created holographic type environments which exist at different frequencies (like radio and television frequencies.)

All realities exist as environments within the universal mind. They are holographic and dream like in nature, and they arise from consciousness and from entities who attract like energies and collectively create realities for the incubation of all manner of life forms.

Its extremely vast and complicated. Infinity allows for infinite things.


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Wed 12/03/08 10:41 AM
The vastness of the universes are not something I get heavily into or worry about at this point in my journey.

We must all just begin where we are at this moment and take a good look around at our reality and what we have made of it.

This is like fantasy island and there are many pitfalls in this journey and galaxy game. Anything can happen. You should not worry about the problems that may arise in the future, you should only deal with obstacles you face at the present moment.

Live one day at a time the best possible way you can.

World affairs are going to get much worse in 2009 - 2013. The indicators are that there will be more terrorism and it will be blamed on Pakistan in order to begin the mid eastern war to end all wars. Don't be fooled! (Most people will be fooled.)

Pakistan and Muslims are not behind this. This is all a set-up and part of the game. Israel is behind it. The powers in control create terrorism. They want to start a war in the middle east!

Barack Obama is in league with Israel. He is lining up a team who will push this agenda. He is not the savior of the world, although many think he is. Hilary Clinton? (The dragon lady) is on his team. What does this tell you?

Already terrorist attacks claimed to be from Pakistan are showing their face. Warnings on the news media say that we should "expect" a major terrorist attack on American soil between now and 2013 from Pakistan. How the hell do they know this? This is bullsh*t preconditioning propaganda put out by the Zionist controlled media.

It is part of the game to give advance warning of game play. You will see advanced warning in the form of propaganda and media focus on certain things.

We are coming close to the end game.


Abracadabra's photo
Wed 12/03/08 11:24 AM
Skyhook wrote:

Well, I can’t say I’m actually walking the path ‘cause I spend very little time actually on the path. Most of my time is spent playing in the woods. But every once in a while I get back on the path and take a few more steps along it before being distracted by a butterfly or a pretty flower or a wood nymph and wandering off into the woods again. But the path I’m trying to walk is, I guess, a very self-centric one. I believe that my own free will, combined with the free will of all the other path walkers and forest dwellers, is the highest thing there is. I don’t believe that there is any “higher force” than that. I believe that the purpose of following the path is to get out of the forest. But I also believe that the forest itself has a definite purpose – butterflies and pretty flowers and wood nymphs. I believe that any apparent lack of free will (i.e. inabilities) is really just the result of a decision to follow a path at all.

I like the way you put this Sky.

I feel much the same way you do. Where the woods is the physical world and the path leads to pure spirit.

However, at the same time, I agree that the forest has its purpose.

The path to spirituality may be to get out of the forest. But from my perspective that's not like the 'ultimate goal'. The ulimate goal is to appreciate the forest and the time spent within it.

I don't believe that there is an 'ulimate goal' spirtually. And the reason I don't believe this is because I believe that the spirit is eternal. Anything that is eternal cannot have an 'utimate goal' because the very idea of a ultimate goal is the idea of reaching a conclusion. A final destiny.

But if spirit is eternal what sense would a 'final destiny' make?

What would the spirit do after that?

If spirit is truly eternal there can be no final goal, no final destiny. All that would be meaningful is an endless journey through an infinity of forests.

Getting lost and then finding the way back home.

Then getting lost again and finding the way back home again.

Over and over and over again, for all of eternity.

I find it very odd that many people who believe in an eternal heaven will often say, "Wow! Woudln't that be boring or hopless?"

Well duh?

Wouldn't any eternal heaven also be boring and hopless?

Something has to keep happening for ever and ever if its eternal.

It seems to me that an enless reincarnation process makes more sense than to wind up in some sort of state of perfection that lasts FOREVER!

So in this sense the forests are every bit as important as the spirit world.

When in the forest the goal is to find the way back to spirit.

When in spirit the goal is find a way back into another forest.

It's not futile, because like I say, the REAL GOAL is to enjoy the forests and the time spent in them.

Non-spiritual people who just enjoy life to the fullest are probably in nivana!

The atheists who are truly happy with life are the ones who have reached the ulimate 'goal'. They spirituality is a given. It's their true nature. When they die, they will become fully spirit again.

There is no path required to attain spirituality because spirit is what we are naturally. It is our true essence.

So if you are distracted by the forest dwellers and you are enjoying the forest, then you are indeed serving your highest purpose. flowerforyou

There's no need for spiritaulity. The quest for the spirit realm is just another thing that the forest dwellers can do. It neither important nor unimportant. It's just one of the many facets of being. bigsmile

no photo
Wed 12/03/08 01:34 PM
I don't believe that there is an 'ulimate goal' spirtually. And the reason I don't believe this is because I believe that the spirit is eternal. Anything that is eternal cannot have an 'utimate goal' because the very idea of a ultimate goal is the idea of reaching a conclusion. A final destiny.

In my fathers house there are many mansions.

This to me means that there are many universes and many many stories in each one.

Each story has its 'ultimate goal.'

All are stories have a beginning, middle and end, and an ultimate goal within each story.

So it would depend on how all inclusive your question is about an 'ultimate goal.'

The current ultimate goal is to finish the game and get on to the next exciting adventure of which there are endless games and adventures, each with their ultimate goals. They are the object of the game.

When you sit down to play poker, the object of the game is to win, and to get away with your winnings. Nobody sits down to a game with the goal to loose. It is possible some sit down just for the fun of it, with the idea that they don't care if they win or loose but people don't usually plan to loose.

They are games, and we play them for the experience and adventure and we play in hopes to win something.


Abracadabra's photo
Wed 12/03/08 02:38 PM
They are games, and we play them for the experience and adventure and we play in hopes to win something.

This is true. And many of the games are just interactive, not meant to be won or lost. Like taking in a movie, or a concert, or a great dinner. No winning or losing, just a great experience.

I think life can be the same way. Some people are out to win power, wealth, fame, or whatever. Others are just out to enjoy the experience without keeping score or looking for trophies.

I think it's all good. If you like the forest for the forest, then so be it. That's your prize. bigsmile

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 12/03/08 06:47 PM

Well in general, I believe in reincarnation along the lines laid out by Val Valerian in the matrix V project. (Leading edge research group) ( )

I went to this website today. I am very intrigued. It's going to take me quite a while to get through all the information.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 12/03/08 06:52 PM

World affairs are going to get much worse in 2009 - 2013.

Do you believe in the idea that there will be a cataclysmic event that will end life as we know it in 2013?

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Thu 12/04/08 06:46 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 12/04/08 06:54 AM

World affairs are going to get much worse in 2009 - 2013.

Do you believe in the idea that there will be a cataclysmic event that will end life as we know it in 2013?

I have never actually heard that particular theory. Can you direct me to details on this?

It is possible that a cataclysmic event can happen in 2013.

The reason I believe this is very possible is because on December 21, 2012 the sun reaches the galactic center of the equator (where the galaxy spins)of the Milky Way Galaxy in its journey through the galaxy.

I have not learned exactly where the earth itself will be within the solar system on this date, but the earth may not reach the galactic equator itself until later in 2013.

This equator has been said to be extremely dangerous in terms of gravitational forces. I don't know what these forces might do to the axis spin or rotation of the earth. There could be major changes. But even minor changes can be devastating to life considering that one asteroid can destroy all life on earth.

I don't believe all life will be destroyed or ended but there could be many deaths.

According to Val Valarian, there are several different outcomes for the end of the game that are possible. I think he plans to spin out of the game soon as he says many or most humans will leave the earth game at the same time.



Our solar system is not originally part of the Milky Way Galaxy. It was captured long ago in a collision. That is why it spins at a different angle from the Milky Way. It is traveling towards the other side of the galaxy and passing through the equator where the galaxy spins on December 21 2012.

If it makes this passage without (the earth) being destroyed it will be on the other side of the galaxy which is the lighter side that has many more stars.


Ruth34611's photo
Thu 12/04/08 06:56 AM
Sorry, I got my date wrong. I meant the 2012 date in December. I'm going to read more from that website today. Thanks for directing me to it.

no photo
Thu 12/04/08 06:58 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 12/04/08 07:25 AM

Sorry, I got my date wrong. I meant the 2012 date in December. I'm going to read more from that website today. Thanks for directing me to it.

If we make it through the date Dec 21, 2012, I am not going to breathe easy just yet. The other half of the solar system still has to pass through the equator.

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 12/04/08 07:02 AM

Sorry, I got my date wrong. I meant the 2012 date in December. I'm going to read more from that website today. Thanks for directing me to it.

If we make it through the date Dec 21, 2012 I am not going to breathe easy just yet. The other half of the solar system still has to pass through the equator.

That makes sense. From what I have read North America is not such a good place to be when this happens. Although, I don't think anyone knows exactly what the impact will be or how extensive it will be.

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Thu 12/04/08 07:31 AM
I am not sure how I feel about all of it myself. On one hand if something amazing is going to happen, I am glad to be here to see and/or experience it.

On the other hand I love life and want to live forever and/or as long as possible, yet on the other hand I am not looking forward to growing old and infirm, so dieing before that happens does not bother me that much.

There is so much more I would like to do. Yet I feel like time is running out... one way or another. (My age and the earth game.)

The only thing I can suggest is to live each day to its fullest with boldness. Do not be afraid to do what your heart wants to do. Do not make any decision based on fear.
