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Topic: Need some assistance...
Bmac2008's photo
Mon 11/17/08 05:36 AM

If she was a live in Nanny there was something going on. And there are probably more reasons than anyone is going to tell you because of confidentiality. My guess is she was a nanny for a sex offender or the employers kids are being abused or they wouldn't have ordered her to terminate her employment.

The Nanny job came after the child was taken into custody, so that has nothing to do with the case.

buttons's photo
Mon 11/17/08 08:53 AM

I don't know what the laws are in VT, but in PA a same sex parent can share a BR with a child, but if you have a child of a different sex they can require you to have a room for you and the child. I would definitely get a lawyer, though.

Yeah the child's a boy, so that makes a little more sense in that light. Allright, thanks for the help =)

the child if its a boy has to have its own room when he turns 1yrs old. thats according to housing

so if there is 2 children boy and girl they have to have there own room

that is flipping rediculas!!!! my girl was 5 and son 3 before they got their own bedroom..i was a single mom and never got childsupport.. at least my kids had a big fenced yard in to play and a house not an apt... guess im lucky then i didnt get my kids taken away ... what a joke i worked 2 jobs fed them never had welfare, never went out, hell i rarely drank maybe once every month and a half.. took my kids to park kept them clean that is just insane to find out that my kids could of been taken from me from csd or whatever its called in other states..

lilith401's photo
Mon 11/17/08 08:56 AM
Children's Services does not take a child for "nothing big".... they just don't.

Tell your friend to stop associating with trash, and do whatever she is told.

daniel48706's photo
Mon 11/17/08 02:31 PM

Children's Services does not take a child for "nothing big".... they just don't.

Tell your friend to stop associating with trash, and do whatever she is told.

It's not ALWAYS a case of CPS being right though lilith. If you havent seen it go look at my past post in this thread. Everyhting I mentioned is documented, and fromt he last I heard the worker was under investigation pending charges of wrongful removal/kidnapping. Wether anything comes of that investigation I don't knkow. I DO know he will never work in any type ofsocial service position again or any type of caregiver again.

I do however agree that there is probably more than is beng told in this case, and that the gentleman posting should back slowly and carefully away from it with his hands in the air, lol...

Seriously though sir, you SHOULD step away as you CAN be indited after the fact for anythign that happens if it is felt thatyou had a hand in it being allowed to happen; and heling her to et a house and rent etc while she is negligent to her child IS considred accessory (SP?) in some states.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Mon 11/17/08 02:38 PM

I don't know what the laws are in VT, but in PA a same sex parent can share a BR with a child, but if you have a child of a different sex they can require you to have a room for you and the child. I would definitely get a lawyer, though.

At what age do they require the opposite sex child to have their own room?

I wouldn't think that it's an issue from birth to maybe 6 yrs. old or so.

Most homes, after the child is one year old or more.

Hmmm...my child did it much longer.

I know couples that have had their 8 yrs. old show up in their bed on a stormy night.

My son shows up frequently and he's eight.
He waits till I fall asleep and sneaks in..Has his own room though and this is why I sleep fully clothed.
Anuway sounds like she was asked to quit nanay job because she wasn't fit to watch her child(DCF EYES)so why would she be fit to watch other children?She should get a lawyer but also cooperate fully.

AllSmilesInTulsa's photo
Mon 11/17/08 02:46 PM

If she was a live in Nanny there was something going on. And there are probably more reasons than anyone is going to tell you because of confidentiality. My guess is she was a nanny for a sex offender or the employers kids are being abused or they wouldn't have ordered her to terminate her employment.

The Nanny job came after the child was taken into custody, so that has nothing to do with the case.

If her own child is taken away do you seriously think she would be allowed to care for someone elses child/children?

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