Topic: Perversion! | |
Like i said IMO. Porn is a poisen to demoralize. desenisize o ur minds to all the other facets of thier brainwashing techniques to control us. Therefore police being given more athority over our rights. Then we agree to it for the benefit of our most precious asset our children. Patriot act being a good example. Get us to spy on one another. This is the plan book that Hitler had that is in the archives from 1929 of how he was going to get the people incited to go to war and hate. among other things. But we are following in his footsteps because power and control are one in the same word to the Elite. did you read it and do you see correlations I have not read the whole thing when Hitler in 1929 was already planning to take over germany and what he told and said then to his closes Allies on this plan he had derived from the reading of another famous man. It really was not his idea totally but a little twist to what the German Govt' was asked to do 400+ years earlier. He said the first thing we must do is to spread terror among the people. Give them an enemy that they hate. We must get them to give up thier rights for the good of all to protect thier most precious asset. Thier children. Once we have done that and given them an enemy (the Jews here) to hate and become the spy network for our police. Then we have seperated them with fear and not knowing who to believe except for those of us in control and they will do as we say without exception. as much as I can remember. Does that sound the least bit familiar with a little twist? I will not say what the other things he said they must do to accomplish this goal as it breeds total disbelief. I will search for the archive and see if I can find a has been awhile This but a small excert of a man people still today see as a great man. Yet Hitler used his writings for his own porpuse. See if you recongize this famous person of old? This is certain, borne out by such an enduring and impressive testimony in all the world, that "He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father," and that he who does not have the Son cannot have the Father. The Jews ever blaspheme and curse God the Father, the Creator of us all, just by blaspheming and cursing his Son, Jesus of Nazareth, Mary's Son, whom God has proclaimed as his Son for fifteen hundred years in all the world by preaching and miraculous signs against the might and the trickery of all devils and men; and he will proclaim him as such until the end of the world. They dub him *Hebel Vorik,* that is, not merely a liar and deceiver, but lying and deception itself, viler even than the devil. We Christians must not tolerate that they practice this in their public synagogues, in their books, and in their behavior, openly under our noses, and within our hearing in our own country, houses, and regimes. If we do, we together with the Jews and on their account will lose God the Father and his dear Son, who purchased us at such cost with his holy blood, and we will be eternally lost, which God forbid! Accordingly, it must and dare not be considered a trifling matter but a most serious one to seek counsel against this and to save our souls from the Jews, that is, from the devil and from eternal death. My advice, as I said earlier, is: First, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss in sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire. That would demonstrate to God our serious resolve and be evidence to all the world that it was in ignorance that we tolerated such houses, in which the Jews have reviled God, our dear Creator and Father, and his Son most shamefully up till now, but that we have now given them their due reward. Second, that all their books their prayer books, their Talmudic writings, also the entire Bible, be taken from them, not leaving them one leaf, and that these be preserved for those who may be converted. For they use all of these books to blaspheme the Son of God, that is, God the Father himself, Creator of heaven and earth, as was said above; and they will never use them differently. Third, that they be forbidden on pain of death to praise God, to give thanks, to pray, and to teach publicly among us and in our country. They may do this in their own country or wherever they can without our being obliged to hear it or know it. The reason for this prohibition is that their praise, thanks, prayer, and doctrine are sheer blasphemy, cursing, and idolatry, because their heart and mouth call God the Father *Hebel Vorik* as they call his Son, our Lord Jesus, this. For as they name and honor the Son, thus they also name and honor the Father. It does not help them to use many fine words and to make much ado about the name of God. For we read, "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain" [Exod. 20:7]. Just as little did it avail their ancestors at the time of the kings of Israel that they bore God's name, yet called him Baal. Fourth, that they be forbidden to utter the name of God within our hearing. For we cannot with a good conscience listen to this or tolerate it, because their blasphemous and accursed mouth and heart call God's Son *Hebel Vorik,* and thus also call his Father that. He cannot and will not interpret this otherwise, just as we Christians too cannot interpret it otherwise, we who believe that however the Son is named and honored thus also the Father is named and honored. Therefore we must not consider the mouth of the Jews as worthy of uttering the name of God within our hearing. He who hears this name-from a Jew must inform the authorities, or else throw sow dung at him when he sees him and chase him away. And may no one be merciful and kind in this regard, for God's honor and the salvation of us all, including that of the Jews, are at stake! It is long but a very good reading of his short book he wrote to the people and govt. of Germany. |
Like i said IMO. Porn is a poisen to demoralize. desenisize o ur minds to all the other facets of thier brainwashing techniques to control us. Therefore police being given more athority over our rights. Then we agree to it for the benefit of our most precious asset our children. Patriot act being a good example. Get us to spy on one another. This is the plan book that Hitler had that is in the archives from 1929 of how he was going to get the people incited to go to war and hate. among other things. But we are following in his footsteps because power and control are one in the same word to the Elite. did you read it and do you see correlations I have not read the whole thing when Hitler in 1929 was already planning to take over germany and what he told and said then to his closes Allies on this plan he had derived from the reading of another famous man. It really was not his idea totally but a little twist to what the German Govt' was asked to do 400+ years earlier. He said the first thing we must do is to spread terror among the people. Give them an enemy that they hate. We must get them to give up thier rights for the good of all to protect thier most precious asset. Thier children. Once we have done that and given them an enemy (the Jews here) to hate and become the spy network for our police. Then we have seperated them with fear and not knowing who to believe except for those of us in control and they will do as we say without exception. as much as I can remember. Does that sound the least bit familiar with a little twist? I will not say what the other things he said they must do to accomplish this goal as it breeds total disbelief. I will search for the archive and see if I can find a has been awhile This but a small excert of a man people still today see as a great man. Yet Hitler used his writings for his own porpuse. See if you recongize this famous person of old? This is certain, borne out by such an enduring and impressive testimony in all the world, that "He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father," and that he who does not have the Son cannot have the Father. The Jews ever blaspheme and curse God the Father, the Creator of us all, just by blaspheming and cursing his Son, Jesus of Nazareth, Mary's Son, whom God has proclaimed as his Son for fifteen hundred years in all the world by preaching and miraculous signs against the might and the trickery of all devils and men; and he will proclaim him as such until the end of the world. They dub him *Hebel Vorik,* that is, not merely a liar and deceiver, but lying and deception itself, viler even than the devil. We Christians must not tolerate that they practice this in their public synagogues, in their books, and in their behavior, openly under our noses, and within our hearing in our own country, houses, and regimes. If we do, we together with the Jews and on their account will lose God the Father and his dear Son, who purchased us at such cost with his holy blood, and we will be eternally lost, which God forbid! Accordingly, it must and dare not be considered a trifling matter but a most serious one to seek counsel against this and to save our souls from the Jews, that is, from the devil and from eternal death. My advice, as I said earlier, is: First, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss in sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire. That would demonstrate to God our serious resolve and be evidence to all the world that it was in ignorance that we tolerated such houses, in which the Jews have reviled God, our dear Creator and Father, and his Son most shamefully up till now, but that we have now given them their due reward. Second, that all their books their prayer books, their Talmudic writings, also the entire Bible, be taken from them, not leaving them one leaf, and that these be preserved for those who may be converted. For they use all of these books to blaspheme the Son of God, that is, God the Father himself, Creator of heaven and earth, as was said above; and they will never use them differently. Third, that they be forbidden on pain of death to praise God, to give thanks, to pray, and to teach publicly among us and in our country. They may do this in their own country or wherever they can without our being obliged to hear it or know it. The reason for this prohibition is that their praise, thanks, prayer, and doctrine are sheer blasphemy, cursing, and idolatry, because their heart and mouth call God the Father *Hebel Vorik* as they call his Son, our Lord Jesus, this. For as they name and honor the Son, thus they also name and honor the Father. It does not help them to use many fine words and to make much ado about the name of God. For we read, "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain" [Exod. 20:7]. Just as little did it avail their ancestors at the time of the kings of Israel that they bore God's name, yet called him Baal. Fourth, that they be forbidden to utter the name of God within our hearing. For we cannot with a good conscience listen to this or tolerate it, because their blasphemous and accursed mouth and heart call God's Son *Hebel Vorik,* and thus also call his Father that. He cannot and will not interpret this otherwise, just as we Christians too cannot interpret it otherwise, we who believe that however the Son is named and honored thus also the Father is named and honored. Therefore we must not consider the mouth of the Jews as worthy of uttering the name of God within our hearing. He who hears this name-from a Jew must inform the authorities, or else throw sow dung at him when he sees him and chase him away. And may no one be merciful and kind in this regard, for God's honor and the salvation of us all, including that of the Jews, are at stake! It is long but a very good reading of his short book he wrote to the people and govt. of Germany. |
Edited by
Sun 11/16/08 11:09 AM
That is not what i was trying to do. My point here even then through Media. Books. That Hitler used a demon (The Jew) to him. Then did demonize him to bring Germany under control of the Govt. To give up thier rights. To spy on each other. All for the good of the people and then mostly thier children.
I am not trying to preach any religion here but a historical fact that this Book The Lie. Was a play book for the slaughter of Jews who had been living among the people for quite some time. To enrage people to the point of not caring what happened to them just get them away from me. I contend that this same play book in it's own twist has been slowly put on us. To change our history as a nation and to become spies for the Govt. To distill fear within us. To where the only taught athority is the State indocterating this from k- college. We can see this with our DARE programs. Teaching our kids to spy on thier parents. Teaching them right from wrong and if what they are taught at school is different at home they need to tell a teacher who passes this on. Spying on ourselves as an extension of the police. Using scare tactics of your nieghbor may be a pervert and you should watch what they do and turn in any you may just have a suspision of. Taking statistics and lying in Movies and the News always making a big deal out of it that a sex offender is a threat to you and your household no matter what they did to get this label our govt. gives them. Most of the public believes they are like rabied dogs who can never be trusted again. Putting fear in communities to enact the very thing Hitler did. Fear for your children . Give up your rights and we will protect you. When the Govt. when making the law went back to July 1979. Why? They can not be rehabed right? so why not forever go back? The answer thier lies that members of congress would then be made specticles of and have to register as sex offenders. They did not pull July 1979 out of a hat of numbers. Then thier own webs site govt. studies which the news media will never tell you about. Is that since records have been kept on this matter starting in 1992 that the sex offender who recommits a sex crime is 3.2% murder 3.1% stealing 2.9%. Yet that is not what we are lead to believe why? Then the study goes on and sex offenders are 20% less likely to commit any crime again than all other crimes. Do not get me wrong I am not condoning sex offences at all. They need to be dealt with and harshly. But statics show you have less to worry about a offender leaving jai/prison than anyone else who leaves. But the media wants you to believe otherwise. We have got our demon for the people to have and it is State Sponsered. I find this alarming. What else are we being told and lied about? |
Here is just a case of how the police is out of control.
Does anyone here know what traffic is like in Atlanta around noon? Disregard for the public totally. I wonder at this speed a wreck or a pedestrian might look like if one wrong move would of been made. Also don't police have radio's? Gotcha! Authorities now know exactly where their man is. He's seven miles away, on the other side of town. It's 11:02 a.m. Ergas guns his unmarked sport utility vehicle at 95 miles per hour through downtown Atlanta, zipping in and out of the city's notorious traffic congestion. Hear cops bang door, see raid on a home: "Get down!" » "I've got no place in my heart for pedophiles," he says, pressing down harder on the gas. The vehicle thrusts forward. Ten minutes later, he whips his SUV into the store's parking lot. The suspect's car, a burgundy, four-door Pontiac Grand Am, sits near a back stairwell. "When we go in there, he's going to run out the back," Ergas says. He parks near the front of the building and alerts his backup. Within minutes, the full team arrives. Two take position near the back stairwell. Ergas and other team members, dressed in black flak jackets, enter the front door at 11:19 a.m. Robinson doesn't have a chance. He tries to run, but slips. Ergas points his Taser and prepares to zap him. Robinson knows his gig is up. He surrenders peacefully. "He saw the Taser," Ergas says, with a smile. "Nobody wants to be Tased." More than 100 miles away, the man who first arrested Robinson in March 2004 gets word of the capture. "Anytime we can get a pervert off the street like that, it's going to make me happy," said Robert Tate, a detective with the LaFayette Police Department in northwest Georgia, near the Tennessee border. |
I have a guy living down the road from me who is on the sex offenders list.
He was a year and a half older than his girl friend. They were a couple for three of four years in high school. They slept together in her parents house. They were both on the honor role. She became pregnant. The baby came early. She died. Her parents decided the death of their grandchild was caused by god as a punishment. He turned 18 the day the baby died. The next day the parents pressed charges against him for violating their daughter. The relationship ended. He had planned to marry her either way. He was convicted. He must registar as a sex offender the rest of his life. Now married he cannot attend events at his children's school. There's my story. Has justice been served? |
I have a guy living down the road from me who is on the sex offenders list. He was a year and a half older than his girl friend. They were a couple for three of four years in high school. They slept together in her parents house. They were both on the honor role. She became pregnant. The baby came early. She died. Her parents decided the death of their grandchild was caused by god as a punishment. He turned 18 the day the baby died. The next day the parents pressed charges against him for violating their daughter. The relationship ended. He had planned to marry her either way. He was convicted. He must registar as a sex offender the rest of his life. Now married he cannot attend events at his children's school. There's my story. Has justice been served? That is just another of many sad stories. The facts of what happened does not matter. It is a brownie pt for re-election. We are being brain washed. The Media is the tool our govt. uses us to get us on board with the program. A guy like this it was not on any national news but i saw it on the internet. A guy in Maine decided he was going to rid the world of sex offenders. He makes up a list of 33 with names addresses and maps. The 1st one he shoots after ringinging the doorbell and a 54 yo vietnam vet disabled in a wheel chair living with his wife looks out the front window. He shoots and kills him. he goes to the next victim. a 22 yo who had started a recycling business. Was walking out his front door to go to work. He is gunned down in front of his 20 yo wife to whom he had sex with when she was 17 and they married when she got out of HS. The police did finally corner him and after a shootout he was killed. That is when they found the list. # 1&2.. Mission accomplished |
Who's sick? |
We wonder why perversion happens in our country. Then we tell our young men to respect women. Then we say it is thier right to go walking around in a swimsuit that has enough material in it you can put it in the palm of your hand. We teach young women in HS to learn how to put on a protection on a cucumber and say Abstencence is best though? Then we wonder why Friends With Benefits is like a common game in HS. I do not know maybe that came from Clinton ![]() We are a country of saying one thing but teaching another by example. Thus the need for lawyers huh? Then everyone says kiddie porn how does this happen? people should be shot. Our govt. says we can not stop it it comes from overseas over the internet. Well lets think about that a minute. can we get that at the local library? Now we can not stop it because it comes from overseas. Lets see do I have an ISP and can my ISP with Software stop anything from coming to my computer? Answer YESSSSS they can. So why does the Govt. Tell us they can not stop it? Think about that and the whole big picture of Porn and our society? i don't watch porn.I find it silly.I love food and sex though. |
another one.
in Tenn. 2 guys got drunk and decided they were going to kill a s.o. who lived in the country. They did not know he worked the midnight shift at a factory in town. They went and dowsed the whole house with gas so nobody could escape. It was reported when the fire truck got thier thier was no hope and you could hear the screams as the 2 drunks laughed they got that MF. No they got his 15yo daughter and his wife |
We wonder why perversion happens in our country. Then we tell our young men to respect women. Then we say it is thier right to go walking around in a swimsuit that has enough material in it you can put it in the palm of your hand. We teach young women in HS to learn how to put on a protection on a cucumber and say Abstencence is best though? Then we wonder why Friends With Benefits is like a common game in HS. I do not know maybe that came from Clinton ![]() We are a country of saying one thing but teaching another by example. Thus the need for lawyers huh? Then everyone says kiddie porn how does this happen? people should be shot. Our govt. says we can not stop it it comes from overseas over the internet. Well lets think about that a minute. can we get that at the local library? Now we can not stop it because it comes from overseas. Lets see do I have an ISP and can my ISP with Software stop anything from coming to my computer? Answer YESSSSS they can. So why does the Govt. Tell us they can not stop it? Think about that and the whole big picture of Porn and our society? i don't watch porn.I find it silly.I love food and sex though.'s always been my belief need to see it...and...women need to hear it... ![]() |
another one. in Tenn. 2 guys got drunk and decided they were going to kill a s.o. who lived in the country. They did not know he worked the midnight shift at a factory in town. They went and dowsed the whole house with gas so nobody could escape. It was reported when the fire truck got thier thier was no hope and you could hear the screams as the 2 drunks laughed they got that MF. No they got his 15yo daughter and his wife |
We wonder why perversion happens in our country. Then we tell our young men to respect women. Then we say it is thier right to go walking around in a swimsuit that has enough material in it you can put it in the palm of your hand. We teach young women in HS to learn how to put on a protection on a cucumber and say Abstencence is best though? Then we wonder why Friends With Benefits is like a common game in HS. I do not know maybe that came from Clinton ![]() We are a country of saying one thing but teaching another by example. Thus the need for lawyers huh? Then everyone says kiddie porn how does this happen? people should be shot. Our govt. says we can not stop it it comes from overseas over the internet. Well lets think about that a minute. can we get that at the local library? Now we can not stop it because it comes from overseas. Lets see do I have an ISP and can my ISP with Software stop anything from coming to my computer? Answer YESSSSS they can. So why does the Govt. Tell us they can not stop it? Think about that and the whole big picture of Porn and our society? i don't watch porn.I find it silly.I love food and sex though.'s always been my belief need to see it...and...women need to hear it... ![]() are visual,women like asthetics |
We wonder why perversion happens in our country. Then we tell our young men to respect women. Then we say it is thier right to go walking around in a swimsuit that has enough material in it you can put it in the palm of your hand. We teach young women in HS to learn how to put on a protection on a cucumber and say Abstencence is best though? Then we wonder why Friends With Benefits is like a common game in HS. I do not know maybe that came from Clinton ![]() We are a country of saying one thing but teaching another by example. Thus the need for lawyers huh? Then everyone says kiddie porn how does this happen? people should be shot. Our govt. says we can not stop it it comes from overseas over the internet. Well lets think about that a minute. can we get that at the local library? Now we can not stop it because it comes from overseas. Lets see do I have an ISP and can my ISP with Software stop anything from coming to my computer? Answer YESSSSS they can. So why does the Govt. Tell us they can not stop it? Think about that and the whole big picture of Porn and our society? i don't watch porn.I find it silly.I love food and sex though. sex whats that |
another one. in Tenn. 2 guys got drunk and decided they were going to kill a s.o. who lived in the country. They did not know he worked the midnight shift at a factory in town. They went and dowsed the whole house with gas so nobody could escape. It was reported when the fire truck got thier thier was no hope and you could hear the screams as the 2 drunks laughed they got that MF. No they got his 15yo daughter and his wife Of course you can . Jump in with anything about this thats on your mind. When you shut up or shut out on anything you are the one who loses |
We wonder why perversion happens in our country. Then we tell our young men to respect women. Then we say it is thier right to go walking around in a swimsuit that has enough material in it you can put it in the palm of your hand. We teach young women in HS to learn how to put on a protection on a cucumber and say Abstencence is best though? Then we wonder why Friends With Benefits is like a common game in HS. I do not know maybe that came from Clinton ![]() We are a country of saying one thing but teaching another by example. Thus the need for lawyers huh? Then everyone says kiddie porn how does this happen? people should be shot. Our govt. says we can not stop it it comes from overseas over the internet. Well lets think about that a minute. can we get that at the local library? Now we can not stop it because it comes from overseas. Lets see do I have an ISP and can my ISP with Software stop anything from coming to my computer? Answer YESSSSS they can. So why does the Govt. Tell us they can not stop it? Think about that and the whole big picture of Porn and our society? i don't watch porn.I find it silly.I love food and sex though. sex whats that ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 11/16/08 12:41 PM
I have a third nipple. Does that make me a freek. What about the one born with both gentalias, what about the one born with none. I read %1 of babies need hormones to push them into there sexuality? So you wanna talk sex!!! Where are YOU going to draw gods line? What might seem pervert to me isnt pervert to someone else. What gives me the right to judge. You are born the way you are!!!