Topic: Who keeps moving my cheese?
no photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:24 AM

Who keeps moving my cheese?
Who keeps stealing my panties?
Who keeps peeing on my frosted flake?

Who keeps knocking at the door?
Who keeps calling on the phone?
Who keeps playing in the nasty backyard lake?

Who keeps smiling at me?
Who keeps waving at me?
Who keeps mailing me fetish porn that I can't take?

Who keeps me on this forum?
Who keeps me wishing he would contact me?
Who keeps me guessing his intentions for goodness sake?

Etrain's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:24 AM

redhead44613's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:27 AM
sorry.. I didnt think you would mind me moving it.. gosh!

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:28 AM

shoesmonkey's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:31 AM

Who keeps moving my cheese?
Who keeps stealing my panties?
Who keeps peeing on my frosted flake?

Who keeps knocking at the door?
Who keeps calling on the phone?
Who keeps playing in the nasty backyard lake?

Who keeps smiling at me?
Who keeps waving at me?
Who keeps mailing me fetish porn that I can't take?

Who keeps me on this forum?
Who keeps me wishing he would contact me?
Who keeps me guessing his intentions for goodness sake?

Hey Mindy, I like your writing. You should do some song's gurl.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:51 AM
Thx shoesmonkey. I don't think I have what it takes for song lyrics. Is there any money in it? I need money. I'm saving to buy a house with a white picket fence. Right now I can only afford the fence.

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:54 AM
Who's that knockin at the door? Somebody's ringin the bell ...

Ask the writer of THAT song .. they made big $$ :wink:

shoesmonkey's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:56 AM

Thx shoesmonkey. I don't think I have what it takes for song lyrics. Is there any money in it? I need money. I'm saving to buy a house with a white picket fence. Right now I can only afford the fence.
Well, I think you might do just fine writin some song's. Write em and see if you can get a local band to do em!!!!!!!!!! For real, I do think you should try and see what happen's. Might get ya that house to go along with that fence.

shoesmonkey's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:59 AM
Here's a lead in, "I'm waitin on a bag of flour" (from ex honey) see where ya go with that.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:02 PM

Well, I think you might do just fine writin some song's. Write em and see if you can get a local band to do em!!!!!!!!!! For real, I do think you should try and see what happen's. Might get ya that house to go along with that fence.

Now you are getting me all excited about a talent I may not have. I am always looking for something better than this waitress job. I make decent money but it doesn't have benefits or a real future. Besides I am starting to get tired of having my butt grabbed by the same old guys. I want new guys to grab my butt. Maybe cool guys with jobs that don't pay by the hour.

I ask too much I think.

choclablover's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:08 PM
I don't think you ask to much bigsmile

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:17 PM

I don't think you ask to much bigsmile

We will see. We will see.

Hello choclablover

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 08:01 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Tue 11/18/08 08:03 PM
Why do I smell like bacon?
Why do I spend all my time posting?
Why do the geese hang out in that nasty lake?

Why are Tuesdays so slow at work?
Why are all the coffee cups turned the wrong way?
Why are people staring at me like I'm a poisonous snake?

What's up with the guy in the farmer's hat eating sausage?
What's up with the lady in booth two sniffing the cheese?
What's up with my lazy co-worker making more than I make?

Where will I go after work is done?
Where will I go when I find some one?
Where will I go when the world ends for goodness sake?

jimmy99005's photo
Wed 11/19/08 03:03 AM
Do not ask questions you don't need the answers too
Best to leave some things unanswered
That to which you seek will only bother you more once you know
The greatest things in life are still mistrys

SharpShooter10's photo
Wed 11/19/08 03:18 AM
sick who keeps "cuttin" the cheese?ill spock huh bigsmile drinker laugh waving

whispertoascream's photo
Wed 11/19/08 03:20 AM