Topic: Sprinkled With Hope
SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Fri 11/14/08 09:41 AM
Naked tree limbs quiver while a tiny town slumbers
Horses' hooves pound the pavement while buggy wheels softly rumble
Such peacefulness, both a blessing and a curse
For with the gentle hush of nothing comes thoughts of another place
Another world sometimes it seems
Where weary eyes of young men and wives speak volumes for lips that lie
Down those streets there are no buggies,
The soft whiny of horses does not come on the hot desert wind
Masculine commands ring louder than church bells
Combat boot clad feet move quickly with every order
The smell of fear and determination hangs heavy in the air
How sad this horrid scene
Young soldiers in dusty uniforms dream of the comforts of home
For some that's all it will ever be again
Safe and sound families weep
No amount of prayer could ever summon sleep
Wretched demonic beings, sneering as they too take a stand
Jeering silently
“They are just Americans!”
Hearts thunder in leaden chests
Palms sweat and frightened cries penetrate the night
Why must this happen?
Such hellish truths should not be seen by young innocent eyes
Yet they are
And as day gives way to night
A young woman holds hope tight
Someday we shall laugh in the faces of our heartless assailants
Failure will be shoved down lifeless throats
And at last...
He will come home

AngelLight's photo
Fri 11/14/08 09:45 AM
In war, no one wins.....:heart:

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 09:53 AM
ALWAYS hold on to that HOPE Nicki...he will be home in no timeflowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers