Topic: Senator Clinton named as possible seceratary of state | |
You know I always thought it was funny how many supposed family values republican pols are divorced, some on wife three already and they still talk about Bill's philandering. Who did the work and stayed together? I think that says something about family values. At any rate I think she's smart and capable. Colin Powell would be my choice first but too many black guys in power would make too many paranoid old white peoples heads explode I bet. he might not want the job either. Of course, I am fairly sure they are freaking out about Hilary's name being floated too. Life keeps getting more and more interesting. I think it's interesting that a man running for President pushed family values down our throat for months and he had a girlfriend and affairs while he was married to his first wife. ![]() I don't recall having ANYTHING shoved down my least...not by John S. McCain... ![]() Yep, he was pushing family values even though he had affairs and a girlfriend when he was married to his first wife. His children didn't even to go his wedding to the second wife. They wouldn't talk to him for years. Yep, good 'ole family values. ![]() the last time I heard the rant " family values "...was Bush Sr. in ' I've said before...Conservatives set standards each and everyday...they may not always reach or surpass them...but...they will never stop trying... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It appears that he took down his website. He said it. Oh, yes, Bush Sr. said it. Why is it that you think that Conservatives set standards for family values? Democrats have family values! I'm sure they do...I just don't know what they are...Walter Williams makes a great point...all the arguements in this country over ALL social policy is because the government interveened at some point and made it an us against them mentality...they basicly forced the American people to take sides...think about it...he's exactly right ! I don't think the government did that. I think talk hate radio did. And if you are unsure about Democrats having values - have dinner with a family of them. Many even say prayer before eating. ![]() the government sure Cal they voted it down, and now the want the courts to get busing...yes...affirmative punishmnet and state issues...yes...take a look at any street corner in this country...and...lokk tirn on red...turn on arrow parking on this side of street between 4 and never stops...and...its the fuggin Dems who are doing it...take the smoking laws...the government has no right to tell someone that they can't smoke in there place of business...but...they do...the fair law would have been a sign posted on the front door of all resyaurants saying..." this is a smoking establishment "...then let the prople decide if they want to eat there...but NO...the Dems know better then you and never ends...these are just a few reasons amongst others that I vote Republican... Gio, That is just wrong. |
Did anyone else see the article this morning on yahoo about Senator Clinton being a possible choice for Secretary of State? Well, my feeling is this... we have had nothing but Bushes and Clintons for the last 20 years. Please no more... its close to a monarchy when one set family of people rules. Blah... Time for the Bushes and the Clintons to go bye bye and let some new thinking take place. |
You know I always thought it was funny how many supposed family values republican pols are divorced, some on wife three already and they still talk about Bill's philandering. Who did the work and stayed together? I think that says something about family values. At any rate I think she's smart and capable. Colin Powell would be my choice first but too many black guys in power would make too many paranoid old white peoples heads explode I bet. he might not want the job either. Of course, I am fairly sure they are freaking out about Hilary's name being floated too. Life keeps getting more and more interesting. I think it's interesting that a man running for President pushed family values down our throat for months and he had a girlfriend and affairs while he was married to his first wife. ![]() I don't recall having ANYTHING shoved down my least...not by John S. McCain... ![]() Yep, he was pushing family values even though he had affairs and a girlfriend when he was married to his first wife. His children didn't even to go his wedding to the second wife. They wouldn't talk to him for years. Yep, good 'ole family values. ![]() the last time I heard the rant " family values "...was Bush Sr. in ' I've said before...Conservatives set standards each and everyday...they may not always reach or surpass them...but...they will never stop trying... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It appears that he took down his website. He said it. Oh, yes, Bush Sr. said it. Why is it that you think that Conservatives set standards for family values? Democrats have family values! I'm sure they do...I just don't know what they are...Walter Williams makes a great point...all the arguements in this country over ALL social policy is because the government interveened at some point and made it an us against them mentality...they basicly forced the American people to take sides...think about it...he's exactly right ! I don't think the government did that. I think talk hate radio did. And if you are unsure about Democrats having values - have dinner with a family of them. Many even say prayer before eating. ![]() the government sure Cal they voted it down, and now the want the courts to get busing...yes...affirmative punishmnet and state issues...yes...take a look at any street corner in this country...and...lokk tirn on red...turn on arrow parking on this side of street between 4 and never stops...and...its the fuggin Dems who are doing it...take the smoking laws...the government has no right to tell someone that they can't smoke in there place of business...but...they do...the fair law would have been a sign posted on the front door of all resyaurants saying..." this is a smoking establishment "...then let the prople decide if they want to eat there...but NO...the Dems know better then you and never ends...these are just a few reasons amongst others that I vote Republican... Gio, That is just wrong. really ? you mean my spelling ?...what I wrote is the you think I made it all up ?... |
Since when did America Become a Police State? Since when was America totally free? Any time you have a government ruling the people, you have less freedom than if a man could simply roam the world unrestricted. History will repeat itself, and one again, a man-made government will fail, and the U.S.A. will eventually dry up and shrivel away just like all other empires. Persia, the Greeks, the Romans. All bye-bye now. So will the U.S. in a few years, or decades, or centuries. But it will happen. It is inevitable. Best to look to one's own self for survival, take care of yourself, store away some things for a rainy day, be prepared at all times. Then we are less dependent on the government doing anything for us. |
the government sure Cal they voted it down, and now the want the courts to get busing...yes...affirmative punishment and state issues...yes...take a look at any street corner in this country...and...look turn on red...turn on arrow parking on this side of street between 4 and never stops...and...its the fuggin Dems who are doing it...take the smoking laws...the government has no right to tell someone that they can't smoke in there place of business...but...they do...the fair law would have been a sign posted on the front door of all restaurants saying..." this is a smoking establishment "...then let the people decide if they want to eat there...but NO...the Dems know better then you and never ends...these are just a few reasons amongst others that I vote Republican... Basically... just a bunch of well-rehearsed right-wing drivel. What people don't realize is that NEITHER side (Democrats or the Republicans) give a rats a$$ about "We the people" anymore. Politics has become a gold-spoon-in-the-mouth only club on both sides. Filthy rich Democrats and filthy rich Republicans born into money, nearly born into a modern-day monarchy. We are not given choices for people who would actually be good leaders. When all of the candidates were lined up prior to the primaries I did not honesty see even on man I would like to vote for in the whole bunch from both sides. It has become a vote for the lesser of two evils, not a contest between two worthy world leader candidates. Whenever I see the extremist right-winger or left-winger viewpoints posted I have to laugh at how well "We, some of the people" have been so hood-winked and brain-washed by well-rehearsed garbage that doesn't matter. BOTH sides are stripping us of freedoms, doesn't anyone GET IT? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Did anyone else see the article this morning on yahoo about Senator Clinton being a possible choice for Secretary of State? Well, my feeling is this... we have had nothing but Bushes and Clintons for the last 20 years. Please no more... its close to a monarchy when one set family of people rules. Blah... Time for the Bushes and the Clintons to go bye bye and let some new thinking take place. That's a good point. I hadn't thought of it that way. |
Edited by
Fri 11/14/08 08:29 PM
Do you understand that Bushs push and disregard for American rights demanding the Patriot act, wash boarding who Republicans reported oh it's like surfing. Pretty demoralizing and against all we are suppose to stand for. Gave our city govt. city councils the right to start making no smoking cities as they seem fit. No more we the people. It gave the police the right to search without a warrant anyone or thier property by saying something was wrong. They seemed deceptive. State patrols have since greatly increased searching people and vehicles. Road blocks to check to see if you have a drivers liscence, your car is in order, proof of insurance. This started with if you can remember that the news or papers would tell the public from say friday at 11pm until 2am on this highway in this county the state patrol is going to quickly check for drunk drivers. Since the Patriot act. The Highway Patrol can set up road blocks for any reason at any time on any highway to check for anything. You do not do as they say then you could be arrested for interfering with a police officer. Since when did America Become a Police State? I was all republican untill I saw what has happened the last 8 years. We will back our current adminastration as they tell you I am going to put you out on the street and as a good American you will agree and love it. If you do not at the least you are UnAmerican or possibly a enemy of the state and could have Terroristic views. Look at the end of these 8 years and look at the end of the 8 years before that. To completely different ways govt. and Media I might add says what is right and what is wrong. they wanted to Impeach Clinton when the economy and our Fed. Budget had a surplus. The thought was brought up to impeach both the Pres and Vp and the News had a fit. Now who did us harm? In the last 16 years? If I remember correctly...didn't Clinton have a Republican congress ?...Section 8 article 1 of the constitiution reads.. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States...the president has NO power to spend or collect taxes... I am lost here. Where did I speak of taxes? Thier are no laws on the books for income taxes. Thats another topic though. Bush has denied and lied continually to our face. The Patriot act is not for the American people. It is for the construction I believe in a step futher for Marshal Law to be inacted easier. Getting us used to the Authorities having total control over us with all impunity. We need to look at what is to come. One of the best decisions I have heard Obama say he is doing as president elect is to look at all of Bushes Executive orders. These orders the American people know little about. Some Congress knows little about and if you do a search for them you will even see all the ones that just say ex. order. nothing else. Cheney refused as executive privilege to turn over documents a federal judge i believe even issued a warrant for but he held his ground. What are they hiding. Congress wanted the 2 of them to testify seperatly under oath. They refused. said they needed to do it together . Why? So they could make sure they get thier story right. How dumb are we. You and your business partner tell a Judge that. What happened? They testified together refusing to do it under oath? Why? Why could they not testify to congress under oath behind closed doors? We just sit and listen Oh well He is against abortion. They are good guys. I am against it also. But this Republican stance of hiding all thier wrong doings behind a cloak of secracy and the Moral Majority letting them get by with anything because they have "Christan values and Democrats do not" is so much bull. See what a man does not what he says ..this has went out the window along with reasoning. I can see whay so many people dispise organized religion. they are lost in a world of a few key words that a hypmotist will use to control people. At least to me it seems like that is what happened voting this adminastration in. A David Copperfield act to say the least |
Edited by
Fri 11/14/08 08:29 PM
You know I always thought it was funny how many supposed family values republican pols are divorced, some on wife three already and they still talk about Bill's philandering. Who did the work and stayed together? I think that says something about family values. At any rate I think she's smart and capable. Colin Powell would be my choice first but too many black guys in power would make too many paranoid old white peoples heads explode I bet. he might not want the job either. Of course, I am fairly sure they are freaking out about Hilary's name being floated too. Life keeps getting more and more interesting. I think it's interesting that a man running for President pushed family values down our throat for months and he had a girlfriend and affairs while he was married to his first wife. ![]() I don't recall having ANYTHING shoved down my least...not by John S. McCain... ![]() Yep, he was pushing family values even though he had affairs and a girlfriend when he was married to his first wife. His children didn't even to go his wedding to the second wife. They wouldn't talk to him for years. Yep, good 'ole family values. ![]() the last time I heard the rant " family values "...was Bush Sr. in ' I've said before...Conservatives set standards each and everyday...they may not always reach or surpass them...but...they will never stop trying... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It appears that he took down his website. He said it. Oh, yes, Bush Sr. said it. Why is it that you think that Conservatives set standards for family values? Democrats have family values! I'm sure they do...I just don't know what they are...Walter Williams makes a great point...all the arguements in this country over ALL social policy is because the government interveened at some point and made it an us against them mentality...they basicly forced the American people to take sides...think about it...he's exactly right ! I don't think the government did that. I think talk hate radio did. And if you are unsure about Democrats having values - have dinner with a family of them. Many even say prayer before eating. ![]() the government sure Cal they voted it down, and now the want the courts to get busing...yes...affirmative punishmnet and state issues...yes...take a look at any street corner in this country...and...lokk tirn on red...turn on arrow parking on this side of street between 4 and never stops...and...its the fuggin Dems who are doing it...take the smoking laws...the government has no right to tell someone that they can't smoke in there place of business...but...they do...the fair law would have been a sign posted on the front door of all resyaurants saying..." this is a smoking establishment "...then let the prople decide if they want to eat there...but NO...the Dems know better then you and never ends...these are just a few reasons amongst others that I vote Republican... Gio, That is just wrong. really ? you mean my spelling ?...what I wrote is the you think I made it all up ?... This is wrong - the "fuggin Dems" did that. I'm not even going to get into with you. School busing? Traffic lights? No parking for street cleaning days? Smoking laws? Etc, etc. ![]() The last I heard, capital punishment was a Republican thing. |
You know I always thought it was funny how many supposed family values republican pols are divorced, some on wife three already and they still talk about Bill's philandering. Who did the work and stayed together? I think that says something about family values. At any rate I think she's smart and capable. Colin Powell would be my choice first but too many black guys in power would make too many paranoid old white peoples heads explode I bet. he might not want the job either. Of course, I am fairly sure they are freaking out about Hilary's name being floated too. Life keeps getting more and more interesting. I think it's interesting that a man running for President pushed family values down our throat for months and he had a girlfriend and affairs while he was married to his first wife. ![]() I don't recall having ANYTHING shoved down my least...not by John S. McCain... ![]() Yep, he was pushing family values even though he had affairs and a girlfriend when he was married to his first wife. His children didn't even to go his wedding to the second wife. They wouldn't talk to him for years. Yep, good 'ole family values. ![]() the last time I heard the rant " family values "...was Bush Sr. in ' I've said before...Conservatives set standards each and everyday...they may not always reach or surpass them...but...they will never stop trying... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It appears that he took down his website. He said it. Oh, yes, Bush Sr. said it. Why is it that you think that Conservatives set standards for family values? Democrats have family values! I'm sure they do...I just don't know what they are...Walter Williams makes a great point...all the arguements in this country over ALL social policy is because the government interveened at some point and made it an us against them mentality...they basicly forced the American people to take sides...think about it...he's exactly right ! I don't think the government did that. I think talk hate radio did. And if you are unsure about Democrats having values - have dinner with a family of them. Many even say prayer before eating. ![]() the government sure Cal they voted it down, and now the want the courts to get busing...yes...affirmative punishmnet and state issues...yes...take a look at any street corner in this country...and...lokk tirn on red...turn on arrow parking on this side of street between 4 and never stops...and...its the fuggin Dems who are doing it...take the smoking laws...the government has no right to tell someone that they can't smoke in there place of business...but...they do...the fair law would have been a sign posted on the front door of all resyaurants saying..." this is a smoking establishment "...then let the prople decide if they want to eat there...but NO...the Dems know better then you and never ends...these are just a few reasons amongst others that I vote Republican... Gio, That is just wrong. really ? you mean my spelling ?...what I wrote is the you think I made it all up ?... This is wrong - the "fuggin Dems" did that. I'm not even going to get into with you. School busing? Traffic lights? No parking for street cleaning days? Smoking laws? Etc, etc. ![]() The last I heard, capital punishment was a Republican thing. I guess my point is...the government and the courts have divided this country... |