Topic: The Biggoted Right at its "best"
adj4u's photo
Thu 11/13/08 11:00 PM

no photo
Thu 11/13/08 11:07 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 11/13/08 11:08 PM

AM I wrong? YES under said law or interpation of said law. Is it right no. Laws or interpation of those law can be change by the people..

to change an ammendment takes congress

and i think 2/3 of the states to change it

or an article 5 convention


and for the record

i think churches should have to be audited on a regular basis

if they show a profit they should have to pay taxes

and after 3 times in five years they lose the exempt status completely

churches used to be there to help but now a lot of them are just a tax shelter for their members
drinker I beleive if you are donating you are making a profit!

Winx's photo
Thu 11/13/08 11:09 PM
Edited by Winx on Thu 11/13/08 11:09 PM

and for the record

i think churches should have to be audited on a regular basis

if they show a profit they should have to pay taxes

and after 3 times in five years they lose the exempt status completely

churches used to be there to help but now a lot of them are just a tax shelter for their members

Sounds sensible to me.

adj4u's photo
Thu 11/13/08 11:11 PM

AM I wrong? YES under said law or interpation of said law. Is it right no. Laws or interpation of those law can be change by the people..

to change an ammendment takes congress

and i think 2/3 of the states to change it

or an article 5 convention


and for the record

i think churches should have to be audited on a regular basis

if they show a profit they should have to pay taxes

and after 3 times in five years they lose the exempt status completely

churches used to be there to help but now a lot of them are just a tax shelter for their members
drinker I beleive if you are donating you are making a profit!

you can not donate if you have no profit for sure

no photo
Thu 11/13/08 11:30 PM

AM I wrong? YES under said law or interpation of said law. Is it right no. Laws or interpation of those law can be change by the people..

to change an ammendment takes congress

and i think 2/3 of the states to change it

or an article 5 convention


and for the record

i think churches should have to be audited on a regular basis

if they show a profit they should have to pay taxes

and after 3 times in five years they lose the exempt status completely

churches used to be there to help but now a lot of them are just a tax shelter for their members
drinker I beleive if you are donating you are making a profit!

you can not donate if you have no profit for sure
Planned Parenthood to name one. Many more tho and Im tired.

michiganman3's photo
Fri 11/14/08 01:01 AM

And just what does this have to do with the Catholic Church telling its members they can't take communion if they voted for Obama because he is pro-choice?

It dont... It has to do with The Church of Latter Day saints donating money to support Prep8 in California. Sorry the Cathlic church was in play.

Thank for bringing that up four pages into the discussion.
Its the same argument!

NO, it is not, not in any way shape or form.
Did you even read the original post?
It was about the Catholic Church, its members, who they voted for, and the issue of abortion, and communion.
It had nothing to do with campain contributions.

adj4u's photo
Fri 11/14/08 05:29 AM
well i do not care if they let them have communion or not

if they care they can leave that particular church

it aint like there is not another saint somethin down the road

they either take it or they don't

seems to me if they want to be a puppy on a leash that is there business

it could/should cause an abandonment of the support for the person (use i think it is a person nothing extra devine about them) that made this decision

but will they -- doubtful after all they are citizens and look how the citizen lets the leadership push them around

if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything
(and yes it goes both ways)

if enough people leave the decision makers flock and that money stops coming in wonder what the teaching will be in 5 - 10 years

just a thought

but hey

what do i know

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 05:34 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 11/14/08 06:13 AM

And just what does this have to do with the Catholic Church telling its members they can't take communion if they voted for Obama because he is pro-choice?

It dont... It has to do with The Church of Latter Day saints donating money to support Prep8 in California. Sorry the Cathlic church was in play.

Thank for bringing that up four pages into the discussion.
Its the same argument!

NO, it is not, not in any way shape or form.
Did you even read the original post?
It was about the Catholic Church, its members, who they voted for, and the issue of abortion, and communion.
It had nothing to do with campain contributions.
Its one of those threads that took many turns. When you came to it I believe we were discussing ,The belief in religion of judging others and is it a a sin to do so. We were not talking of just the catholic faith. The term church in a political arena is singular and with freedom of it needs to be plural. Try this. Equal representation: the people, me Im a bum and pay no taxes, winx works makes $80,000 a year, Donald Trump makes 1000000000000. We all have equal say. The states are broken down so no one state has more say than the other based on their population. The church ( which I don't believe belongs there)is plural, all Church's. Can you give one church more say based on the size of its congregation. I believe it happens and that's not equal representation or true freedom of religon.

michiganman3's photo
Fri 11/14/08 06:59 AM

And just what does this have to do with the Catholic Church telling its members they can't take communion if they voted for Obama because he is pro-choice?

It dont... It has to do with The Church of Latter Day saints donating money to support Prep8 in California. Sorry the Cathlic church was in play.

Thank for bringing that up four pages into the discussion.
Its the same argument!

NO, it is not, not in any way shape or form.
Did you even read the original post?
It was about the Catholic Church, its members, who they voted for, and the issue of abortion, and communion.
It had nothing to do with campain contributions.
Its one of those threads that took many turns. When you came to it I believe we were discussing ,The belief in religion of judging others and is it a a sin to do so. We were not talking of just the catholic faith. The term church in a political arena is singular and with freedom of it needs to be plural. Try this. Equal representation: the people, me Im a bum and pay no taxes, winx works makes $80,000 a year, Donald Trump makes 1000000000000. We all have equal say. The states are broken down so no one state has more say than the other based on their population. The church ( which I don't believe belongs there)is plural, all Church's. Can you give one church more say based on the size of its congregation. I believe it happens and that's not equal representation or true freedom of religon.

Please return to the first page of this thread,start with the first post. This discussion was well under way before you joined it. Since then, I can make little sense of what your arguement is, and how it relates to the original post, I am finsihed with this thread.

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 07:23 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 11/14/08 07:55 AM

And just what does this have to do with the Catholic Church telling its members they can't take communion if they voted for Obama because he is pro-choice?

It dont... It has to do with The Church of Latter Day saints donating money to support Prep8 in California. Sorry the Cathlic church was in play.

Thank for bringing that up four pages into the discussion.
Its the same argument!

NO, it is not, not in any way shape or form.
Did you even read the original post?
It was about the Catholic Church, its members, who they voted for, and the issue of abortion, and communion.
It had nothing to do with campain contributions.
Its one of those threads that took many turns. When you came to it I believe we were discussing ,The belief in religion of judging others and is it a a sin to do so. We were not talking of just the catholic faith. The term church in a political arena is singular and with freedom of it needs to be plural. Try this. Equal representation: the people, me Im a bum and pay no taxes, winx works makes $80,000 a year, Donald Trump makes 1000000000000. We all have equal say. The states are broken down so no one state has more say than the other based on their population. The church ( which I don't believe belongs there)is plural, all Church's. Can you give one church more say based on the size of its congregation. I believe it happens and that's not equal representation or true freedom of religon.

Please return to the first page of this thread,start with the first post. This discussion was well under way before you joined it. Since then, I can make little sense of what your arguement is, and how it relates to the original post, I am finsihed with this thread.
To me this thread it has everything to do with seperation of church and state. The church as a whole. I dont disagree with a church beleiving and saying anything they want, its their church. I never said anything about that. I have a problem when a free religon goes outside their church to support policy of man that has the right to that same freedom of religion. If you allow that it you are taking my right away to my own freedon of religon. I dont want to run you off. There are alot of threads that change direction. Im sorry if you seem to think that I did it. Maybe I did? If that and anything I have said offends you I appologize. Thats was not my intention. I am sorry! Your right you posted first, Its hard to keep up with these threads sometimes. Again I am sorry!drinker

TelephoneMan's photo
Fri 11/14/08 07:44 AM
Edited by TelephoneMan on Fri 11/14/08 08:08 AM

One very good reason for having a very well-defined separation of church and state. Remember the Spanish Inquisition. Remember Taliban-run Afghanistan. Both very good examples of religion having way too much political power.

Jesus said "my kingdom is not of this world."

But humans like to squabble for power...

Take the donation money of saintly, gray-haired little ol' ladies living off of social security and go lobby Congress with the money. Nice.

Funny how tithing is an Old Testament law, and Jesus said he fulfilled all the law and the prophets. Ten percent my pah-toot. So much for the poor who can give nothing being right with God, huh?

ALL of the Catholics I know here in Michigan are left-wing Democrats... (hundreds, probably thousands...) so as far as the OP's heading about the right "("The biggoted right at its best"...)... NOT... heavily populated German-Catholic beer-drinking Democrats just north and west of Lansing, the State Capitol. Every Catholic I know is a left-wing, Democrat-voting liberal. I guess they are all going-to-hell bad Catholics? It is all about the United Auto Workers (UAW) here in Michigan, they have their members all brain-washed to vote 100% Democrat. And a lot of the folks who used to be in agriculture here are now in the auto industry.

The problem is... people trying to use God to sledge-hammer their way into politics. If you want to be politically active, why smear God's holy existence by rubbing him in people's face like so much pie? James Dobson (or Jerry Falwell) and Jesse Jackson, they come from different political viewpoints, but are still wrangling in the public eye for attention and power, they have nearly completely lost their focus on spreading the Gospel, and are addicted to lobbying Congress while at the same time pulling God along, kicking and screaming, as if He is a slave to their ideals. Its freaking pathetic. Meanwhile people are dying and going to hell everyday because they have not heard the Gospel message. But we gotta fight gay marriage, right? Gotta fight abortion? Who cares if people are going to hell in the meantime? We need political power, who needs the Gospel message that in due time Christ died for the ungodly? Not us, we are all righteous all by ourselves........ Makes me sick to my stomach every time I see some kind of (cough, hack) "religious leader" stand up in the political realm.

John 18:36
Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place."

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The fight of faith is not in this world, it is in the spiritual world, so what I am saying is to lobby Congress and to concern one's church and religion in the matters of this world is vanity. Strengthen the believer's faith by teaching them the scriptures, send them out well-fed in the Word of God, and stop wasting precious time involving yourself in ridiculous political squabbles. People are going to hell while you argue politics.

And one more thing, while I'm ranting (ha)... the U.S. Constitution is NOT a God-breathed scripture. A lot of these religious/political types have lost sight of the actual spreading of the Gospel message (Christ died for our sins, etc...) and have submitted to Constitution worship. Its as if the Constitution is some infallible holy book. It isn't and guess what, it will fail because it is man-made, not God-breathed as is canon of scripture. Every government that has ever existed on Earth has eventually passed away... and guess what... there were Christians on this rock a LON-N-N-N-NG time before there was a U.S.A... and there will be Christians here a LON-N-N-N-NG time after this country dries up and shrivels away.

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 08:43 AM
One word "Interpretation"..The constitution has many ways to interpret it. Who are you going to ask which is right? You cant go back to the beginning. The people will judge....The bible has many interpretations of it. Who are you going to ask which is right? You cant go back to the beginning. I know who will judge me and its not the church with so many interpretations.

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 08:49 AM
The Rev. Jay Scott Newman said in a letter distributed Sunday to parishioners at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Greenville that they are putting their souls at risk if they take Holy Communion before doing penance for their vote.

What is a reverend doing at a Catholic church??? Or Is he stirring the pot to increase the numbers at his church???

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 09:29 AM

Yeah, the Catholic Chruch does not support abortion. This is news to you?
And if you believe in what the Church teaches, then you cannot support a candidate that supports abortion. And if you voted for one, then you have taken a direct action against Church doctrine,against the Church itself.
It's their Church, their rules, just like any other organization. Abide by the rules or leave.

I agree with you. But there needs to be clean separation of church and state. If not every religion should be given Equal say in said policy. One president is the Electoral college. It is suppose to give equal representation to the states based on population. The same should apply to the church. JMO

One person, one vote and EVERYONE has the right to vote their conscience. geeze


no photo
Fri 11/14/08 09:33 AM

Typical priest? Wants more children that he can molest.

A very small minority of Catholic Priests are child molesters. It's statistically true that your children are in more danger from their teachers than church. But I bet you think that teachers should get a raise, don't you?

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 10:04 AM
Ive said it before and Ill say it again.,

man will never be free until the last emperor is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

adj4u's photo
Fri 11/14/08 10:13 AM
freedom is a perception of reality

and is never truly real

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 10:17 AM

Typical priest? Wants more children that he can molest.

A very small minority of Catholic Priests are child molesters. It's statistically true that your children are in more danger from their teachers than church. But I bet you think that teachers should get a raise, don't you?
Heres my thing with schools. Its a local issue. We have local school boards that over see ours schools. Hold them accountable (VOTE LOCALLY). To me its my kid,my school, my say! I like having to sign those permission slips...

no photo
Fri 11/14/08 09:19 PM

Typical priest? Wants more children that he can molest.

A very small minority of Catholic Priests are child molesters. It's statistically true that your children are in more danger from their teachers than church. But I bet you think that teachers should get a raise, don't you?

Isn't a priest a teacher?
Often children are abused by people who are close to them so it makes sense that a teacher would be high on that list. After all school is pretty much a second home from kindergarten through 12th. You can't really say with certainty that priests are actually a small percentage when it comes to abusing children though. Statistics show only 10% of abusers are actually caught.
There are teachers that deserve raises and never get them and others whom should never even have been considered for the job that are getting them. I think all should be evaluated periodically and raises should be determined by their performance.

noblenan's photo
Fri 11/14/08 09:31 PM

Typical priest? Wants more children that he can molest.

A very small minority of Catholic Priests are child molesters. It's statistically true that your children are in more danger from their teachers than church. But I bet you think that teachers should get a raise, don't you?

You didn't go to Catholic school, did you?