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Topic: Rhyme and Reason-Perhaps
EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:15 AM
Shared requirements
begin anew
remebering me
and seeing you

Taken upon
nary an air
the winds does carry
never beware

Seeing in mind
feeling in heart
touching in spirit
becomes this, an art

tenuous strings
binds still entwined
the mirror sees forward
nothing behind...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:16 AM

Born in promises broken
shattered lives blow away
into winds of future madness

Somewhere 'long the way
splinters flew
and skewed the crazy with sadness

Cover the babe with taint
she wears it well
fashionably sensate girl

Behind her, drags her history
black and blue, and red
weighted hemline twirls

Becoming anchored unto fear
adrenaline habitual drug
like storms, her eyes emitting

Set upon the world, this one
created frankenstein screams
to whom she belongs, no admitting


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:21 AM
along for the ride
we meet kaleidoscopes
each in contrast
wonderful compliments
simple turns
take us along...
mathematical infinites
pieces of shades
and tints bring richness
and, depth of heart
weeps and sings

after the pain
release and understanding
freedom to feel
everything acute
then, shared among
the kaleidoscopes purpose
we reflect or pasts
and we catch glimpses of future
possibilities vast
encompassing truth
in pain, in smiles
and, in love...


karmafury's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:38 AM
Very nice pieces.flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:46 AM
Whispered hopes cast on the fragrant breeze,
Of dreams, desires, rich and abundant.
Following the path of forgotten memories
The scent of freedom growing stronger.

A glimpse, caught in the peripheral of kin.
Momentary heartbeat skips and flutters,
As instinct rises to the fore.
Recognition, acknowlegdement, safety awaits.

Soft touch, gentle on the rawness of soul
Soothes and holds, with arms wide open.
Kisses, feather soft upon the brow
Warmth in the breath of love.

Sisters all beneath these masks
The silent nod of knowing.
Rare beauty in the sweetest word
Home again, amongst one's own.


PureDesire's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:55 AM
Such explanation, understanding, and beauty
in your words. Thank you.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:11 AM
Open, and awesome to see you guys!happy flowerforyou

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:21 AM
She was
then gone into air
Around you
swirling energy spins out
Inside you
your heart, your head
Filling soul
with essences of her myth
She is


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:22 AM
In keeping with the perfect bow
her lips touched the minute air
Between the tiny spaces
from here to there...
Yet, powerful
the feeling of presence
Such space filled by unseen love...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:23 AM
she was freedom
she is still
she was a mother
she is still
she was wondering always
she does still

and not in sight, yet held within body and soul

she was considered
she is stillness
she was born
she is every day newness
she was loved
she will always

Me, Nene =o)

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:24 AM
she was flesh and bone
flat, and solid
kept inside her hatred of life
telling lies of herself
and to her mistakes
be a martyr

she was pain
and woe
she is pain
inside her self
alone and bitter
this home within she created

she was free once
forgot what that was
and is prisoner
she is her own jailer
bars of selfishness
freezing out love

she was like us all
she is
and pity on her
for those she harmed


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 01:12 PM
Love is blind

a truth I figure
then cupids eyes are gone
arrows fly in all directions
who says whom it hits is wrong?

the little chub, giggling in glee
just letting go wit the quiver
left and right, in all direction
do we see the feeling giver?

little bugger runs into a tree
boomp, falls on his ass
lets one fly into the air
how many miles will it pass?

who gave this cupid a weapon of choice
and did he have one at all
or, was this myth born fully armed
and turned loose to insanities ball?

imagine a being such as this
given freedom to shoot us at will
keys the turn "watch out, you'll put and eye out with that thing!"
and is why love is blind this day still...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:16 PM
Names can be labels
strings strong as cables
whomever is near
can't be thought enabled

or able, and capable...

sing a song of six-pence
sitting on the teeter fence
knowing bills are everywhere
counting chicken makes no sense

or, hence forth. cents...

rational rallies inside the head
while in heart the walker feels such dread
fear of waking to change so long
comfort in nearness go backward instead

no bread. and, given up tread...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:19 PM
childs play

sit among the tiny chairs
pouring pretend tea
for the guest in your mind
terror at the door, oh my!
answer it, see it's teeth
offer it tea
in fragile cups
let it in, to sit awhile
vengeance be intention
sugar coated woes
who sits and sips with guilt
table looks too small
one lump or twenty
hunters not allowed
sacred cow becomes
beast of burden barbecue
no room for the spit in here


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:25 PM
Heaven, guess what?
oh, we are IT!
Nary a place, as a state after, and after
and now
every time, All-time
moments to thunder rage
and empty vessel
renewed awhile
look out! path cleared
and good, GREAT!
Damage and Powerlust
come intentional
Pure raging justice
Awesome to behold
And, all hushhh....
as no sound follows thunderclap
and reverbing leads to mute

with all gone and done
listen with spirit
while tumultuous tears around us
reach the volume
down, down...
and hear it


No wrong here, there...

nene =o)

bibby7's photo
Wed 04/11/07 08:28 AM
A Visit To The Halls
by Bobby7

Last night, sleep eluded me, and I stared at four bare walls.
So I let my mind take me away to visit Haggard's Halls.
I knew the paths that I must take, our friend, Paul, showed us the way.
And I knew the risks of going there, and so I knelt to pray.

I prayed the Lord to let me live, and to bring to you this tale.
Then I stood before the great Hall's doors, the moon was cold and pale.
Inside, I heard such cries of pain, and shrieks from untold maimed.
And, from within, I heard a voice that was calling out my name.

The smell of blood and butchery was heavy on the air.
Dare I take the chance, and go inside, knowing well how I might fare?
The Hall's doors slowly opened wide and I peered into the haze.
Then, the keeper of this torture pit chanced to fall within my gaze.

No mortal man; So tall, so dark, with eyes as black as sin.
He howled with glee, and beckoned me; "Well, Robert!... Please step
Inside I saw the cold, dank walls, adorned with hooks and chains.
And heard the cries of endless souls enduring endless pains.

Rats and spiders everywhere, and bloodstains on the stones,
And in every room within these Halls, were piles of human bones.
The cries and moans that filled the air, from victims not yet dead,
Froze my mind, and filled my heart and soul with awful dread.

I wished to run; I couldn't move, I was held by evil's power.
And I felt that I would forfeit life, and be doomed, within the hour.
Then, suddenly; I was awake, and shivering in my bed,
The cries of all those tortured souls still ringing in my head.

But; This was no dream; For I was there, inside those hateful Halls.
And I can tell you, stone by stone, the contours of the walls.
Now I lie here, and shake with fear: There's good reason for my fright.
The dreadful things I witnessed there, have turned my dark hair white!

So, stay away, and save your souls, I warn you; one and all.
I played the fool, and now I pay. Lord, I wish I'd heeded Paul.
So let Haggard's Halls, and our friend Paul, those gruesome secrets

But; Woe is me, I'm oh, so tired,

*Yet,… too afraid to sleep.*



Re-Visiting My Demons
by Bobby7

It had been nearly fifteen years, since I stood before these Halls.
And reflected on the secrets that it held within its walls.
In my mind I saw the many souls that the creature held in chains.
I still hear the shrieks of agony as he distributed his pains.

I saw, in my mind's eye, the hooks, adorned with writhing men.
The pools of blood, and all the rats, that scampered through his den.
I remembered his forbidding face, as I watched it twist in glee.
As his masterpiece of butchery, was so proudly shown to me.

I heard a doomed man's assertion, another foolish man, like me
That the fiend had captured my friend, Paul. I was here to set him free.
I recalled those horrid memories that have haunted me for years.
But, I knew that to complete my quest, I must put aside my fears.

As night set in, I heard a sound that made my heart rejoice.
Though it was dim, I recognized; My friend Paul! The Poet's voice!
And now, I must devise a plan, to spirit my friend out.
It must be sound and silent; lest he suspect that I'm about.

I knew he had keen senses, after all, he's not a man,
So I mulled it over in my mind, each nuance of my plan.
The moon appeared, so cold and pale, and pushed the clouds aside.
An evil glow reached out, to cloak the surrounding countryside.

Another thought occurred to me: A plan that well might work,
And I sought out his familiar that was hiding in the murk.
By nature, I'm a gentle soul; I'd hurt neither beast nor man.
But, I thought about my good friend, Paul. My God! I think I can!

I tied the foul familiar, to a twisted oak tree's limb.
I gathered stones, my mind rebelled, but: I threw the rocks at him.
The creature's cries were loud and shrill; they pierced the silent
They caught the fiend's attention, for I saw candle light.

Then the monster stood before the Halls and my courage nearly died.
He called my name, and promised death, and, much worse; he implied.
As he searched for his familiar, he vented cries of wrath.
I slipped inside! I freed my friend! We then bolted down the path!

By now, the moon was in retreat, and we ran by dawn's dim light.
But even in the gray of dawn, I saw Paul's hair was white.
As we ran along the forest trail, with the monster in pursuit,
I tripped and fell, a creeping vine, had wrapped around my boot.

That saved my life, for as I fell, I saw a bolt of fire flash.
It hit a tree that fell to earth with a muffled, tortured crash.
We were unsure of where we were, or the distance we had run,
But, as if in answer to my prayers, Behold! The rising sun.

The fiend that was pursuing us, paused, then, turned away.
For, it could not abide the blessed sun, and, it slept throughout the
So, we escaped, and to this day, this idea's mine, not Paul's.

We don't discuss what came about,

...Nor, speak of Haggard's Halls...


Re-Visiting My Demons
by Bobby7

It had been nearly fifteen years, since I stood before these Halls.
And reflected on the secrets that it held within its walls.
In my mind I saw the many souls that the creature held in chains.
I still hear the shrieks of agony as he distributed his pains.

I saw, in my mind's eye, the hooks, adorned with writhing men.
The pools of blood, and all the rats, that scampered through his den.
I remembered his forbidding face, as I watched it twist in glee.
As his masterpiece of butchery, was so proudly shown to me.

I heard a doomed man's assertion, another foolish man, like me
That the fiend had captured my friend, Paul. I was here to set him free.
I recalled those horrid memories that have haunted me for years.
But, I knew that to complete my quest, I must put aside my fears.

As night set in, I heard a sound that made my heart rejoice.
Though it was dim, I recognized; My friend Paul! The Poet's voice!
And now, I must devise a plan, to spirit my friend out.
It must be sound and silent; lest he suspect that I'm about.

I knew he had keen senses, after all, he's not a man,
So I mulled it over in my mind, each nuance of my plan.
The moon appeared, so cold and pale, and pushed the clouds aside.
An evil glow reached out, to cloak the surrounding countryside.

Another thought occurred to me: A plan that well might work,
And I sought out his familiar that was hiding in the murk.
By nature, I'm a gentle soul; I'd hurt neither beast nor man.
But, I thought about my good friend, Paul. My God! I think I can!

I tied the foul familiar, to a twisted oak tree's limb.
I gathered stones, my mind rebelled, but: I threw the rocks at him.
The creature's cries were loud and shrill; they pierced the silent
They caught the fiend's attention, for I saw candle light.

Then the monster stood before the Halls and my courage nearly died.
He called my name, and promised death, and, much worse; he implied.
As he searched for his familiar, he vented cries of wrath.
I slipped inside! I freed my friend! We then bolted down the path!

By now, the moon was in retreat, and we ran by dawn's dim light.
But even in the gray of dawn, I saw Paul's hair was white.
As we ran along the forest trail, with the monster in pursuit,
I tripped and fell, a creeping vine, had wrapped around my boot.

That saved my life, for as I fell, I saw a bolt of fire flash.
It hit a tree that fell to earth with a muffled, tortured crash.
We were unsure of where we were, or the distance we had run,
But, as if in answer to my prayers, Behold! The rising sun.

The fiend that was pursuing us, paused, then, turned away.
For, it could not abide the blessed sun, and, it slept throughout the
So, we escaped, and to this day, this idea's mine, not Paul's.

We don't discuss what came about,

...Nor, speak of Haggard's Halls...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 10:31 AM

been a busy guy, eh?

how are ya?


Said to tell her many things
and wish away her fears
Supposed to have been anything
deafness became her ears

too much had been, and scarred, was she
remembering those bits of light
so tired of only survival be
no colour within her sight

this day a stone, a statue, rock
fear became her inner core
should anyone be able to chip the lock
underneath it all, find more


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 11:23 AM
Today is clearer, is it not?
than yesterday, last week...

Understanding what it takes
to obtain those things we seek

Reveal to all whom wish it so
the ride you've taken far

But, take the hand that reaches out
Your in charge of All, you are

To lead those into what you've been
a travel mapped, or charted

Do not let go, there blinded soul
You finish what you started


bibby7's photo
Wed 04/11/07 01:18 PM
Not too busy to drop into your thread, love..

Take Care...Be Well...Bob

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 01:25 PM
and, you!

thanks. Not my thread. I just get to start it, lol.


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