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Topic: Unanswerd Questions
NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Thu 11/13/08 02:15 AM

Yeah, for example I've realized I shouldn't date people who drive white vehicles.

Well, probably not quite what was meant but if it's working for ya drinker drinker laugh

I just realized recently that every bad relationship I've been in or girl I should have been interested in the first place.. for the past 5-6 years, all the girls drove white vehicles.

no photo
Thu 11/13/08 02:21 AM
That is an odd thing. So, begs the question, what is it about these women that had them choose white for their car? You answer that, and I think you'll have your answer drinker

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Thu 11/13/08 02:25 AM
Unfortunately the answer isn't so simple. I've already attempted to process this. A couple of them had the white cars as gifts and didn't want the color. A couple picked them out themselves because it was cheap. One or two actually wanted that vehicle.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 11/13/08 02:30 AM
Lieing and Cheating is rarely an exclusive behavior saved for just a person's lover. Look how your potential candidated has been raised and how they treat the other people they have relationships with.

Do they lie to their parents, room mates, employeers, or people they want to impress? At least 80% of the people I have interviewed over the years had a parent that cheated and or was a chronic liar. A parent who is a drunk or any other kind of addict is a liar of giagantic porportions. Did they skip school, lay out work, go AWOL? Committment is a habit. Do they finish what they start? Do they have the attention span of a nat? Are they center of the universe?

Do they cheat on other things like coupons, writing checks, stealing supplies from work, doing their taxes, leaving tips? Return your car with and empty gas tank. Wear their roomamtes clothes?

DO they have the it will never catch up with me attitude? DO they ignore bills, car maintenance, their own health, do they party a lot?

Are they obsessed with their appearance? Or have they always had a self conciousness about their body? People who radiclly alter their body often are constantly seeking re affirmation that they are desireable. What is their real self image?

Someone who has been abandoned my actually be just beating you to the anticipated punch. Do you joke around or constantly push their sense of security not telling them where you are? Do you threaten to dump them for minor offenses? DO you offer ultimateums. Do you justify your friends leaving their spouses or cheating. Have you looked the other way or actually helped someone cheat? Do you threaten to take the kids?

Do they have a reputation or a series of people who have dumped them abruptly or as soon as the kids got in school or graduated? People don't leave perfectly good spouses for no reason all that often.

Have they already demonstrated abandoning people who do not give them enough attention? Do they job hop? Do they always need and audiance?

Are they sacastic or hyper critical? Were their parents? Were their parents or siblings very successful compared to them?

Do you invest in the future of your relationship. Do you anticipate vacations, honeyingmoons, or retirements together or do you leave your partner wondering if they have a tomorrow with you? Do you make a girlfriend think she has a pretty good idea when the next time she is going to see you? Or do you have well when I get around to it I might see you attitude? Do you complain about being tied down?

Do they tend to dress in costumes or uniforms or whatever is stylish even if it is unflattering? Have they ever padded a resume or pretended to be the boss?

The secret is paying attention to the little tell signs early on. If it smells like a three day fish it is a three day fish.

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/13/08 09:57 PM

Yeah, for example I've realized I shouldn't date people who drive white vehicles.

spock What's wrong with white vehicles? whoa

Yukkione's photo
Sat 11/15/08 04:09 AM
Exactly, this is an issue with you. Some deep self examination and work is in order. (doing a bit of this myself...a tune up per se) Remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping to achieve a different result. Good luck.

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