Topic: FOX too Liberal!
Lynann's photo
Sun 11/09/08 08:32 PM
haha Pretty entertaining comments here from Free Republic posters who feel that FOX is too liberal. I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder eh?

From the folks at

I don't watch Fox. Too far left.

I haven’t watched FOX since the interview they did with Hussein.

BTW, I’m still boycotting France.

And while your at it, please tell O'Riley, Sean, and the rest to let their damn guests finish answering the questions they ask, and stop talking over each other. This doesn't work with human hearing with all the voices coming from the same can't single out a voice by direction like you can in a crowded noisy turns into gibberish. That's usually when I change the station and watch the Game Show Network.

Rest assured that someone at FOX is monitoring this very thread and that it is quite troubling to them.....anyone in media with a brain watches FR closely.

We need a new tv news channel that is completely conservative. We have the talent. Rush, Ingraham, Levin, Hannity, Beck, Boortz, and others. Until then, I am cancelling cable.

I watch the Weather Channel often - to actually get the weather - but they are very liberal and promote “climate change” as part of their agenda. Be warned.

I thought the new Huckabee show was going to be fun and last week he had it chocked full of liberal guests.

If FOX wants me back they will bring on Glenn Beck and Rush. I have had it with weasels like Hannity and O’Reilly.

The problem with FOX is that they are pandering to people that truly want fair and balanced. We conservatives want the truth.

This Freeper believes there will be apocalyptic redress for the dissing of Saint Sarah:

Yesterday I had had enough!! Fox left us behind with all the democrat talking heads.That with all of this working to hurt Sarah Palin is the end for me.

I really think that God will step in and fight for her. He never rushes in. He is kind and sometimes He waits to let people show their worst. The time will come when He will move and when He does, I wonder how much power Fox News will have left.

I would not want to be in the shoes of all of those working to destroy Sarah Palin

Also, I suggest freepers send complaints about Shep Fag to Also, perhaps some NY Freepers can get photos of Shep and his boyfriend and post it online.

Besides this slamming of Palin, a couple nights ago, didn’t one of the Fox people call FreeRepublic a “hate site”?

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 11/09/08 08:40 PM
:laughing: scared

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 11/09/08 08:41 PM
"I really think that God will step in and fight for her. He never rushes in. He is kind and sometimes He waits to let people show their worst. The time will come when He will move and when He does, I wonder how much power Fox News will have left."

:laughing: This is my favorite :laughing:

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 11/09/08 08:52 PM
shockedGood grief.shockedI just checked out that site and there are some real wackos on there.scared Talk about some people in denial.surprised

Drew07_2's photo
Sun 11/09/08 08:59 PM
What strikes me as interesting is the comment (and I think it quite true) that your view of FOX/CNN/MSNBC and the like are predicated on an already established world-view. There were many conservatives who stayed home last Tuesday because they felt that John McCain was too liberal and there are already a handful of people I've read comments from (not here) who think that President-elect Obama has "sold out" by naming Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff in that Rahm was not totally opposed to Bush's use of force in Iraq and that he served on the Board of Freddie Mac.

As it pertains to the news I suppose that there will always be a number of people who feel that FOX is a massive right-wing cabal just like there are those who think that CNN reports from the left. I noted in a different post that Chris Matthews' comment about "a thrill going down his leg" after hearing Obama speak was suspect in that he was supposed to be reporting the news that night, not playing the role of pundit. I don't really care save for the fact that we should at least be consistent.

I don't care what FOX talks about nor do I care what CNN is doing. I use a lot of news sources and then I check facts at independent places like This helps me understand what is really happening and what is really being reported correctly.


MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 11/09/08 09:14 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sun 11/09/08 09:18 PM

What strikes me as interesting is the comment (and I think it quite true) that your view of FOX/CNN/MSNBC and the like are predicated on an already established world-view. There were many conservatives who stayed home last Tuesday because they felt that John McCain was too liberal and there are already a handful of people I've read comments from (not here) who think that President-elect Obama has "sold out" by naming Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff in that Rahm was not totally opposed to Bush's use of force in Iraq and that he served on the Board of Freddie Mac.

As it pertains to the news I suppose that there will always be a number of people who feel that FOX is a massive right-wing cabal just like there are those who think that CNN reports from the left. I noted in a different post that Chris Matthews' comment about "a thrill going down his leg" after hearing Obama speak was suspect in that he was supposed to be reporting the news that night, not playing the role of pundit. I don't really care save for the fact that we should at least be consistent.

I don't care what FOX talks about nor do I care what CNN is doing. I use a lot of news sources and then I check facts at independent places like This helps me understand what is really happening and what is really being reported correctly.

:smile: I agree with everything you said except the part about conservatives staying home on election day.:smile:No, thats not what happened.:smile:They got crushed is what happened because the majority of American people, and the world, want a change.:smile: Real change.:smile:All the republicans were talking about was stupid stuff like secret muslims, and "radical" college professors that nobody really cares about.:smile:They were treating Americans like they were stupid.:smile:We had a record turnout:smile: The Republicans got beat fair and square.:smile:

Drew07_2's photo
Sun 11/09/08 09:38 PM

What strikes me as interesting is the comment (and I think it quite true) that your view of FOX/CNN/MSNBC and the like are predicated on an already established world-view. There were many conservatives who stayed home last Tuesday because they felt that John McCain was too liberal and there are already a handful of people I've read comments from (not here) who think that President-elect Obama has "sold out" by naming Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff in that Rahm was not totally opposed to Bush's use of force in Iraq and that he served on the Board of Freddie Mac.

As it pertains to the news I suppose that there will always be a number of people who feel that FOX is a massive right-wing cabal just like there are those who think that CNN reports from the left. I noted in a different post that Chris Matthews' comment about "a thrill going down his leg" after hearing Obama speak was suspect in that he was supposed to be reporting the news that night, not playing the role of pundit. I don't really care save for the fact that we should at least be consistent.

I don't care what FOX talks about nor do I care what CNN is doing. I use a lot of news sources and then I check facts at independent places like This helps me understand what is really happening and what is really being reported correctly.

:smile: I agree with everything you said except the part about conservatives staying home on election day.:smile:No, thats not what happened.:smile:They got crushed is what happened because the majority of American people, and the world, want a change.:smile: Real change.:smile:All the republicans were talking about was stupid stuff like secret muslims, and "radical" college professors that nobody really cares about.:smile:They were treating Americans like they were stupid.:smile:We had a record turnout:smile: The Republicans got beat fair and square.:smile:

MirrorMirror--I was one of the conservatives who did not vote for McCain so yes, a number of us did stay "home" in some regards. Yes you guys won--I have never maintained anything different but it was hardly a mandate and if he governs as though it was then it might be an interesting four years.

I never believed President-elect Obama was a Muslim or any of that nonsense that some people held on to. But I do think his policies are no good and that is why I did not vote for him.


Winx's photo
Sun 11/09/08 09:38 PM

What strikes me as interesting is the comment (and I think it quite true) that your view of FOX/CNN/MSNBC and the like are predicated on an already established world-view. There were many conservatives who stayed home last Tuesday because they felt that John McCain was too liberal and there are already a handful of people I've read comments from (not here) who think that President-elect Obama has "sold out" by naming Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff in that Rahm was not totally opposed to Bush's use of force in Iraq and that he served on the Board of Freddie Mac.

As it pertains to the news I suppose that there will always be a number of people who feel that FOX is a massive right-wing cabal just like there are those who think that CNN reports from the left. I noted in a different post that Chris Matthews' comment about "a thrill going down his leg" after hearing Obama speak was suspect in that he was supposed to be reporting the news that night, not playing the role of pundit. I don't really care save for the fact that we should at least be consistent.

I don't care what FOX talks about nor do I care what CNN is doing. I use a lot of news sources and then I check facts at independent places like This helps me understand what is really happening and what is really being reported correctly.

:smile: I agree with everything you said except the part about conservatives staying home on election day.:smile:No, thats not what happened.:smile:They got crushed is what happened because the majority of American people, and the world, want a change.:smile: Real change.:smile:All the republicans were talking about was stupid stuff like secret muslims, and "radical" college professors that nobody really cares about.:smile:They were treating Americans like they were stupid.:smile:We had a record turnout:smile: The Republicans got beat fair and square.:smile:

Yes, it was a record turn-out.

And..Republicans, that I know, even voted for Obama because they didn't like McCain.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 11/09/08 09:43 PM

What strikes me as interesting is the comment (and I think it quite true) that your view of FOX/CNN/MSNBC and the like are predicated on an already established world-view. There were many conservatives who stayed home last Tuesday because they felt that John McCain was too liberal and there are already a handful of people I've read comments from (not here) who think that President-elect Obama has "sold out" by naming Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff in that Rahm was not totally opposed to Bush's use of force in Iraq and that he served on the Board of Freddie Mac.

As it pertains to the news I suppose that there will always be a number of people who feel that FOX is a massive right-wing cabal just like there are those who think that CNN reports from the left. I noted in a different post that Chris Matthews' comment about "a thrill going down his leg" after hearing Obama speak was suspect in that he was supposed to be reporting the news that night, not playing the role of pundit. I don't really care save for the fact that we should at least be consistent.

I don't care what FOX talks about nor do I care what CNN is doing. I use a lot of news sources and then I check facts at independent places like This helps me understand what is really happening and what is really being reported correctly.

:smile: I agree with everything you said except the part about conservatives staying home on election day.:smile:No, thats not what happened.:smile:They got crushed is what happened because the majority of American people, and the world, want a change.:smile: Real change.:smile:All the republicans were talking about was stupid stuff like secret muslims, and "radical" college professors that nobody really cares about.:smile:They were treating Americans like they were stupid.:smile:We had a record turnout:smile: The Republicans got beat fair and square.:smile:

MirrorMirror--I was one of the conservatives who did not vote for McCain so yes, a number of us did stay "home" in some regards. Yes you guys won--I have never maintained anything different but it was hardly a mandate and if he governs as though it was then it might be an interesting four years.

I never believed President-elect Obama was a Muslim or any of that nonsense that some people held on to. But I do think his policies are no good and that is why I did not vote for him.

:banana: Thats cool Drew. :banana: You may have known some people that stayed home, but according to the statistics it was a record turnout on both sides.:smile:

Drew07_2's photo
Sun 11/09/08 09:59 PM
Barack Obama got 52.6% of the popular vote. While a solid win, it still shows an extremely divided nation. If anyone believes that Barack Obama is going to be sworn in with a national mandate then they are not looking at the numbers.

Finally, there is nothing new in people switching up parties. In every election there are Democrats that vote Republican and Republicans who vote Democrat. That some Republicans voted for Obama is no more interesting than a lot of Southern Dems. who voted for Reagan in 1980. It happens.
