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Tue 10/03/06 09:56 PM
I dunno how moving this will actually be but...

":Dr. Shrouder, I just wanted to tell you how impressed I was with your
latest work."
"Mia, you startled me." Said Dr. Richard Shrouder, looking up from the
lab mice he was experimenting on. Although he wasn’t even in his 30's
yet, Dr. Shrouder already had a PHD in both microbiology and organic
chemistry, and was known as a foremost expert in both fields. Or at
least he would have been if his work had been allowed to be known to the
general public.
"Sorry, I was just saying how impressed I was with your latest work."
Said Mia. "It really is quite brilliant, a viral agent that targets the
victim's brain and endocrine systems, making them irrational, angry and
violent. Just imagine dropping this into an enemy camp, the pandemonium
that would break out as victims turn on each other, and anybody who
survives will get killed by the virus anyway."
"It's also highly contagious and carried on the wind." Said Dr.
Shrouder, "On a good day you could wipe out an entire city with just a
small vial of that stuff."
"I know, we'll be conducting field tests later this week, and you can
rest assured that we will take every precaution to make sure nobody
outside of Resident Corp. finds out about this."
"Good because if the public found out that one of the most well known
and respected pharmaceutical companies was actually a front to develop
new and deadlier forms of chemical and biological warfare, the
government will shut us down."
"Even though we sell to the government, among others."
"It doesn't matter, if the public finds out about this, they'll shut us
down as a PR move, take our research and probably start over."
"I don't, if I wanted I could start my own lab and do my work
"Then why don’t you?"
"Because, a multi-national, billion-dollar corporation has a much
easier time finding customers, funding and equipment than a guy working
out of his basement. That means less work and steadier work for me and
more money too."
"If this latest virus work as well in the field as it has in lab tests,
you won't need to worry about money anymore. The US is offering us a
billion dollars for it; China and Korea will no doubt pay 10 times that
much, maybe even 100 times."
"And I get 10 percent of that."
"And if I get this new project I started to work, I could make a
billion dollars even at 10 percent."
"Why, what is you're working on now?"
"It's a virus that instead of tearing apart the cell it invades to
reproduce, it simply re-writes the individuals DNA. It changes them at
the genetic level to make them superior to how they were, and to anybody
"What do you mean by 'superior'?"
"Stronger, faster, smarter. I'm talking about turning ordinary people
into super-soldiers. Governments have long dreamt of creating
super-soldiers, but they always imagined they would have to grow them
from scratch, or perform complex surgeries on them at the microscopic
level, but with what I have in mind all they'll have to do is give them
a shot and the little bugs will do all the rest."
"I assume from the way you're talking that you haven’t quite completed
it yet."
"No," Dr. Shrouder sighed
"Why not?"
"Well most of the rats that I've injected with the virus have died.
One did survive but only because he managed to create an anti-body to
the virus, and fought it off. He shows no improvement in any area from
before I injected him."
"Why have they been dieing?"
"That's the thing; I can't quite figure it out. Well I have, sort of.
You see every cell the virus infects has turned cancerous. But I can't
figure what about the virus is turning them cancerous."
"A virus that causes cancer could be useful."
"Not this one. I explicitly designed it to be non-communicable. And
as far as I can tell, it works beautifully in that respect."
"Damn. I don’t suppose I can convince you to quit can I?"
"Hell no, this could be the biggest money-maker Resident Corp. has ever
seen. I am not giving up on this."
"Alright then, but do me a favor will you?"
"Depends, what kind of favor you asking?"
"If the virus becomes contagious and still causes cancer, please let me
"Will do."

hehehe. Thats actually the beginning of a story I'm writing. Actually
I doubt it will be the beginning, but it's going to be part of it.

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Thu 10/05/06 01:19 PM

ysrider's photo
Thu 10/05/06 01:26 PM
I'm not trying to be uncool here, but don't we have a section on this
board for Songs, Poems, and Lyrics? I see people post that down there,
but we also seem to post them anywhere.

ysrider's photo
Thu 10/05/06 01:29 PM
I can tell now. It is a traffic thing. If you post down there you
won't get seen, where in the general forum you get the chance everyone
will look. If I was moderating the board I would move these - but I'm
still a new guy and not the boss. Please disregard my complaint.

no photo
Thu 10/05/06 02:27 PM
actually this post was here before that section existed. there is also
another one buried deeper in the general topics somewhere. these didn't
get transferred when they created the poem and story section

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