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Topic: Meeting face to face
no photo
Fri 11/07/08 11:33 AM
Biker met me only seeing a picture of my eyeball.....I hope he wasnt too disappointed that I had 2!!!shocked rofl

tanyaann's photo
Fri 11/07/08 11:34 AM

Biker met me only seeing a picture of my eyeball.....I hope he wasnt too disappointed that I had 2!!!shocked rofl


Goofball73's photo
Fri 11/07/08 11:35 AM
Do a booger check before you meet them.

Cinderella75's photo
Fri 11/07/08 11:35 AM
Edited by Cinderella75 on Fri 11/07/08 11:36 AM

I've met someone (not from here) face to face & she was better than I expected:banana:
Aww Thank You Babe! I know the pics do not do me justice..lol Just Kidding..
yea it is a pleasant suprise when you meet the person and they are even better looking in person, and their personality comes through all the way..its just soo hard to tell on these Internet Sites.

tngxl65's photo
Fri 11/07/08 11:41 AM

exchanging current pictures before meeting helps

Make sure the pics are current because it's real embarassing walking right past the lady your there to go out with.TRUST MEnoway

I met a very nice lady from this site at a starbucks. She didn't see me sitting in the corner and she walked up to the only other guy in the place and introduced herself. The guy looked unkempt, disheveled, and didn't resemble me at all... but he was the only guy she saw. Once she realized her mistake she saw me in the corner. I was laughing at her, but was a little hurt that she managed to rationalize that guy as me!

no photo
Fri 11/07/08 11:43 AM
<---------WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY uglier in person!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 11/07/08 03:58 PM
I think the best thing would be to message here for a while followed by phone conversations to really get to know one another.Meeting to soon makes things very awkward and uncomfortable for both people>been there done that.

SitkaRains's photo
Fri 11/07/08 04:02 PM

Little nervous about actually meeting the people I've met on the site face to face. Anyone have any advice/stories on the situation?

I haven't met anyone off this site but I have others. The one thing I demand now is a webcam session before the meet and greet. IF they won't then I don't meet.
The other thing to remember is all you are doing is putting the actual body to the person you have been chatting with via email, voice chat and phone. Don't expect a whole lot and be relaxed. Don't try to impress since if you are going to do a meet and greet then you have already done the impressing so just be yourself.
The main thing to do is go into it with the idea no matter what you are going to meet a potential friend.

I think for the majority of meets I have had there have been way more positive's than negatives.

celtic_kitten's photo
Fri 11/07/08 04:19 PM

Little nervous about actually meeting the people I've met on the site face to face. Anyone have any advice/stories on the situation?

Just be yourself and don't be later for dinner ohwell

more specifically don't be 3 and a half hours late to a home-cooked dinner

but seriously being yourself is always the most important & not having too many expectations because you never know how things are going to work out - don't want to miss out on an awesome friend because you built up too many expectations for something more to happen

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