Topic: Where do you want me to start? | |
![]() Sigh. The first time I saw her was during lunch. She was walking up the ramp toward the cafeteria. Most people the first time the see me sort of look disgusted or laugh. She didn’t. She looked me right in the eyes. It was . . . penetrating. After that I saw her in the halls a couple times and it was always the same, like she was looking through me or into me. Like I was an equal, not a freak. The first time I actually talked to her was after a fight. Most of the time when two guys want to fight they go down to the park after school. It was Aaron and Bill fighting. I was there watching them go at it when I noticed her out of the corner of my eye. She was walking down the hill. I thought she was coming to see the fight. But she just walked right on by. Glanced at them and at me, and walked into the brush there along the creek. It was curious. I wondered why she would go there. Anyway after the fight was over I sort of hung back, talked to Aaron a bit. I told him I had to take a leak and I’d see him later. Then I walked into the brush after her. It didn’t take me long to find her. I followed the path a ways and there she was, sitting against a tree, eating an apple, a book in her hands. She looked up at me as I came nearer. “Hey” I said. “Hey” she replied “I’m Rick.” “Elizabeth” “What you doing here?" I asked "It’s Friday," she said. "Yeah so?" My dad gets paid on Friday. When he gets paid he gets drunk and when he gets drunk he gets . . “ “Mean” I offered “Among other things” she said "So you’re gonna stay here all night rather than going home?" I asked "That was my plan," she said "Don’t you get cold?" (This was at the end of end of September, and it was starting to get cold at night) "Yes." It occurred to me then that maybe she meant more than just regular mean, like yelling. “Does he hit you?” "Sometimes." “Then why do you stay? "And go where? The streets aren’t much better." Right about then a big clap of thunder shook the air. “Damn," she said and looked up at the sky. "What are you going to do now?" I asked "Looks like I’m going to get wet,” she said "Why don’t you come with me?" I said. “You could hang out at my place if you want.” She looked at me, and again it was like she was looking into my soul or something. “Take off your glasses,” she said. Now normally I’m not the type to follow orders. But for some reason this time I did. She just looked at me. It was kind of embarrassing really, like I was being read or something. “Okay.” She said. She got up, put her book into her backpack, zipped it, and threw her apple core into the stream. “You do this every Friday?” I asked as we began to walk out of the brush. “Pretty much,” she replied “It's better than the alternative.” As we came out, the first drops were starting to fall. As soon as we closed the car doors it started to pour. I looked over at her and she was shivering a bit "You cold?" "A little." So I started the car and turned the heat on. "You hungry?" "Yes." "Wanna go thru BK?" "I don’t have any money." "I’ll buy." "If you want?" So we went thru the drive thru and got some food and took it to my house. Now I should probably explain, my parents don’t really care that much about me. They let me come and go as I please. My room is also in the basement. I have my own bathroom and separate entrance. So I’m pretty much on my own. So we went to my place and sat on the bed and ate. She scarfed, I mean she ate that food like she hadn’t eaten in a week. I asked her some simple questions. How long she had been in town? Where she was from? That kind of stuff. She said her family moved around a lot, so they weren’t really from any one place. She asked me about mine. When we were done I told her I had to go to work. I work part time at Harter’s Repair. I’m not certified or anything so he lets me do the simple stuff, taking things apart, putting then back together and cleaning up. “May I stay here?” she asked “Yeah” I said “May I use your shower?” she asked Seemed like a strange request to me but I said yeah. “When will you be back?” She asked “Probably not until late, after 10” As I sat on the bed to change my shoes she said "Thank you." “No problem” I said and left I ended up working till about 11. When I came in I found her asleep in my bed, and wearing my clothes. She had straightened up a bit, picked up all the clothes off the floor and stuff like that. So I smoked a few bowls and went to bed. Sometime in the night I had this very strange dream. You know in the cartoons where you see a smell floating along and it grabs the character by the nose and drags them along. It was like that. It was red and it enveloped me, then it started to pull me along. It was like I was flying or floating because my feet weren’t touching the ground. Only it wasn’t a food smell like in the cartoons. It didn’t make me hungry. It . . . . it turned me on. I just kept sniffing and sniffing, trying to fill myself with that smell. That’s when I woke up. The first thing I noticed was that I was hard as a rock. The second was that the smell was still there. I thought perhaps I was still dreaming. It was then I realized that I wasn’t. Sometime while we slept we had cuddled up against one another. Her back was toward me and my face was buried in her neck and hair. It was her I smelled. It was her that was turning me on. So I did what came naturally and stated to kiss her neck. She woke up slowly, sighing. Her back was still to me and I was still kissing her neck. My hands had begun to explore her body. She rolled onto her back and looked up at me. I looked down at her. Neither one of us said a word. I tried to kiss her on the mouth. But she turned away so that my kisses fell on her cheek. Again and again I tried but each time she turned her mouth away. But it didn’t matter. I was still so turned on. I kept kissing her neck and my hands explored under her shirt. She ran her fingertips up my arms and wrapped them around my shoulders. I just kept kissing her, burying my face in her neck. Her smell was intoxicating. I pulled her shirt up over her head and she did the same to me. I kept kissing and kissing her neck and chest. I just couldn’t get enough of her. She ran her thumb up my spine and it was like electricity shot through my body. I had to have her. Now I’ve been with plenty of girls but somehow this was different. It was like time stood still, but at the same time it seemed to go on forever. Never had I been that turned on or tuned in. It was like we were on the same wavelength or something. Usually when I have sex it’s a wham bam thank you ma'am type of thing and my mind tends to wander. With her it didn’t. I was right there for all of it. All I could think of was wanting to consume her. It was like we were inside desire. It was the best sex I ever had. She never said anything; in fact she didn’t even make a sound. She responded. It was almost like she could read my mind, moving the way I wanted her to move, touching me where I most wanted her to touch. It was magical, unbelievable really. I never knew it could be that way. When it was finally over I was exhausted, out of breath and sweating like a pig. I rolled off of her onto my back. She still didn’t say a thing, just cuddled up next to me and put her head on my shoulder. After a few minutes I could tell she was asleep by the sound of her breathing. I just lay there. This girl I barely knew, lying next to me, thinking what in the world just happened. I drifted off to sleep, the smell of her still in my nostrils. When I woke up the next morning she was gone. No note, no nothing, just my clothes folded up neatly on the floor and her smell clinging to the pillow. I didn’t know where she lived, didn’t know her number, didn’t even know her last name. I had no way to track her down. I spent the entire weekend thinking about her, wondering why she left. Had I hurt her? Made her mad? Insulted or embarrassed her? I just didn’t know. Never in my life had I wanted a Monday to come so much. I couldn’t wait to get to school that morning. I even arrived early to look for her. But couldn’t find her. I had to wait until lunch to see her. When I finally did see her I yelled her name across the room. Everyone turned to look at me but I didn’t care I had to know why she had left. I took her by the arm and led her to a quiet corner. Mr. Maher was eyeing me suspiciously “What?” Was all she said. “Why did you leave?” I blurted out “I didn’t see any reason to stay.” she said. I was confused, “What do you mean?” I asked I mean there was no reason to stay. You got what you wanted. So I left.” "Huh?" I said still not understanding. "Look Rick you were nice to me, you bought me food, took me to your nice warm house and later on you got what you were after. You did something for me so I did something for you. What reason was there for me to stay afterwards?" I was just totally shocked, flabbergasted. It was so unbelievable I took a step back. Here she thought I had done all those thing just so I could sleep with her. Never had anything been more far from the truth. I looked at her and said “I didn’t do those things just so I could sleep with you. I did them because I wanted to. Because I like you and want to get to know you better." It was her turn to look shocked. "You do?” she asked “Yes I do. What made you think it was the other way?" That’s the way most guys are She had a point there and I couldn’t deny it. My hand reached up to stroke her cheek and I found her eyes looking into mine. “I didn’t intend it to be that way. I didn’t intend for some of those things to happen. But they did and now I find I can’t get you off of my mind. Please, spend some time with me. I like you very much and would like to get to know you better.” Okay I knew I was being watched but I couldn’t resist I leaned down to kiss her and this time she let me. When our lips met it all came flooding back, the smell, the feelings, the desire. I was lost in it until I heard a loud “ahem” Mr. Maher was looking down his nose at us, no small feat considering I’m taller than him. "Let’s go sit down," I said and took her hand and led her into the cafeteria. That’s how it all started. “Why don’t we take a break” he said as he clicked off the recorder. It wasn’t until he left that I realized there were tears in my eyes. ![]() |
wow. that is quite the story.... wow...
so when does the book come out?