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Topic: Autism
AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 04/03/07 10:41 PM

I have looked all over the web (maybe im not looking on the right sites)
But my mom was talking today about how my 3 month old baby girl doesnt
really pay attention to people. When you talk to her she wont really
look you in the eyes. And even though sometimes she will smile well when
she does that run and grab your camara coz it is only going to last a
second. I was wondering if anyone knew the early signs of autism? Ive
made a doctor appt just before I move but it isnt for another week. She
is a very grouchy baby one minute she will be ok and the next minute
you'll talk to her and she will freak. I'll put her in her bouncy chair
and she wil just sit there and stare at something as soon as you bend
down and look at her and say something she will cry. This is weird b/c
before she had a problem being away from me, If she was in the living
room and I was in the kitchen she would cry untill I would come and pick
her up. I have a friend who has a little girl who is 4 with Autism and
she told me a few things that match up with my little one. Is it to
early to tell? Autism or not I love her all the same, she is my world I
dont know what I would ever do without my baby girl. I was just curious
is it normal for a baby to be so attached to you one month and then all
of a sudden want nothing to do with anyone? Thanks for anyones input
that helps me out with my question flowerforyou

Charlies_first's photo
Tue 04/03/07 10:58 PM
Awwwww- I hope you find your answers, that really pulls on the heart
strings huh? I wish I could help you but unfortunatly I know very
little about the disorder, sorry, but I wanted to say that I really
appriciate your determination and unconditional love for your baby girl.
My daughter has ADHD and I often wonder if there really is such a thing?
I beleive that your doctors will have the answers to your questions but
whatever you do don't go on the internet to find them because I did that
once and let me tell you I had every kind of disease on there; the
symptoms all matched- for almost everything! turned out it was a
normal, completely natural illness. good luck


daniel48706's photo
Tue 04/03/07 11:08 PM
luv, personally two months is way too young to see any signs of a
personality disorder like autism, or adhd, or any of a million others.
Now, if she was blind or deaf that would be fairly easy to see and find
out. But as far as personality disorders go, she is way too young (in
my belief).
Go ahead and go to the doctor, she should have a well baby check at
three months anyway, if I remember correctly, and you can discuss it
then. If nothing else, it will help ease your worries.
I'll bet ya if anything she is colicky though. From what you said, it
sounds similar.

wanttachat's photo
Wed 04/04/07 04:42 AM
Hi Autumn At the time my son was diagnosed they they could diagnose at
18 months it may be alittle early to tell but if you are really
concerned talk with the doctor. Boys are more likely to have autism than
girls. So thats already in your favor
Autism Society of America has a online course free just need to

Persons with autism may also exhibit some of the following traits:

Insistence on sameness; resistance to change
Difficulty in expressing needs, using gestures or pointing instead of
Repeating words or phrases in place of normal, responsive language
Laughing (and/or crying) for no apparent reason showing distress for
reasons not apparent to others
Preference to being alone; aloof manner
Difficulty in mixing with others
Not wanting to cuddle or be cuddled
Little or no eye contact
Unresponsive to normal teaching methods
Sustained odd play
Spinning objects
Obsessive attachment to objects
Apparent over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to pain
No real fears of danger
Noticeable physical over-activity or extreme under-activity
Uneven gross/fine motor skills
Non responsive to verbal cues; acts as if deaf, although hearing tests
in normal range.

Email me if I can help with anything

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 04/04/07 06:10 AM

Thanks everyone for your opions and input. Im not worried as you would
say b/c like i said i would love still the same blind def autism
anything doesnt bother me. I just want to make sure b/c I know nothing
about it and my mom was the one who started mentioning it, so i started
seeing little "signs" But I am gonna take her to the docs next week and
see whats going on. i will keep everyone posted on what the doctor said.
thanks again guys and girls happy drinker flowerforyou

daniel48706's photo
Wed 04/04/07 06:38 AM
our pleasure luv. You just keep taking such wonderful care of that
little angel, and everything will be fine in the end.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Wed 04/04/07 07:37 AM
Autumn, at that age, your daughter still can't see clearly. It will take
time for her eyes to get used to life "on the outside".

Grouchiness can be symptoms of many things including colic, allergies,
ear infection, and much more. I once had a mother describe to me how her
baby was always crying and didn't like to lie down, but had no other
problems. This persisted for two or so weeks and mom finally got him to
the dr where the baby was diagnosed with an ear infection; he had no
fever, tugging at the ears, or any other "typical" symptom.

I'd take her in to the pedi and have him/her give your little one the
once over.

Good luck.

shydaddy99's photo
Wed 04/04/07 06:55 PM
look up kevin trudeau's theory on autism. has something to do with
certain vaccinations. but i agree with most people here and its too
early to tell. give it time.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Wed 04/04/07 08:59 PM

Studies have shown that there is no link between Autism and vaccines. I
know that this has been a long-running theory, but there have been many
independent studies devoted to this area, especially in recent years,
that suggest no correlation. In fact, there may be a genetic cause.

Here's a link!

For vaccines/autism

For genes/autism

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Thu 04/05/07 04:55 AM
I am the very proud mother to an autistic child. Instead of getting
upset see your pediatrician and REMEMBER that early intervention is
essential. Let me say this lil one about my own personal journey with an
autistic child....NEVER rely on the internet for information. You CAN
find alot of valid information from the ASA or autism society of america
and they have a website you can find and join for free. NO the vaccines
are not the cause. If they were we would ALL be autistic. I do NOT
believe a diet can change autism. I strongly suspect our ENVIRONMENT or
perhaps the preservatives in our foods plays a key factor and yes in
some cases our genes and family history but in my case who knows. I was
adopted at birth and my adoption records opened provided me no real
ALWAYS take your baby and hold her close with deep and very loving hugs.
My biggest suggestion is getting ahold of your pediatrician and ask
about EARLY INTERVENTION. Check with the United Way. Many have programs
and in our case they provided a special needs preschool (free) for my
son which was for special needs. HEADSTART when she is 3. The earlier
you catch the autism the sooner you can get her the much needed help IF
she has autism. Remember lilone that autism falls under many different
ranges and levels. In my case with my lil britches he was diagnosed at
age 3 which is the correct age for the right diagnosis. AT THAT TIME I
was told to place him into a group home and forget my child. His
diagnosis was 92-98% SEVERLY IMPARED AUTISTIC. Let me say I brought my
son home, prayed, and began pouring my entire essence and life into
helping him overcome this horrific disease. He broke the silence at age
4 and took off like a rocket! Today he is in public school, his grades
are all A's. He talks, reads, good math skills, great eye contact and i
credit the wonderful teachers he has along with the VERY FEW specialists
who BELIEVED IN OUR JOURNEY! Today when he is seen by a specialist not
knowing him they are amazed and find it difficult to see the severity of
YOUR MOTHERLY INSTINCTS. I ALWAYS held my boy and many many many BIG
they have sensory issues. If you get the diagnosis of autism do NOT fear
it lilone but EMBRACE THIS JOURNEY! Let me say that April is autism
awareness month and this is a wonderful time for you to get the
information you need thru the ASA. If you have any more questions I am
here for you! This has been the most incredible journey and witnessing
my child overcome this disease has been nothing short of a miracle for
sure! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou

My hero and mentor is a professor with the University Of Colorado and
you can google her name and find her easily. Dr. Temple Grandin.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Thu 04/05/07 05:02 AM
Lilone i forgot to add that you might want to ask your pediatrician
about your babygirls hearing. MANY TIMES at that tender age hearing can
mimick autism. If she cant hear you or if she has a problem with her
ears it can be corrected!
additionally Dr. Temple Grandin is a woman who is autistic and overcame
her severe disability. SHE ROCKS!flowerforyou

AutumnLee21's photo
Thu 04/05/07 07:09 PM
thanks Barbie that was alot of great advice and information. i got my
lil ones ears checked when she was only a month and they said she doesnt
have a hearing prob. but my docs appt for her is next week so i will
have a better idea whats going on next week. thanks again

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Thu 04/05/07 09:18 PM
good luck with the pediatricians appointment lilone and if you need any
more information feel free to give me a holler!flowerforyou

WalknOnBrknGlas's photo
Fri 04/06/07 09:48 PM
hey, my daughter is 4 years old...and i understand wat u are saying,
becasue i am actually going through the same thing...except my daughter
acted absoluly normal up until she was two years old...actually...she
was way ahead(wich they say is a sign) once she tunred 2 it was
like...she drastically went in the other direction.not that she is
behind, its just that she goes in her own world sometimes...and then
snapps out of it. for 2 years ive been asking her pediatrion for
help...she dint think anything was wrong until my daughter flipped out
in the waiting room...that is all it took...we still dont kno wat is
wrong,...they say she has signs of autism. BUT because i have
medicade....i cant find a nuerologist to take u said id love
her all the same...i just wish that i had a lil help u kno? well it
seems like i totally changed this topic to about me and kayla...but wat
i was tryin to say is...everything will be ok...being there for her is
wat counts the most :) and enjoy her...:)

oldsage's photo
Sat 04/07/07 08:59 AM
Has done extensive research on autism & many other problems.
Go ck. out their works.

Vaccines of the past had a low dose of mercury in them to extend shelf
life. Some people's bodies couldn't get rid of the mercury. Low levels
of mercury have been found in many autistic brains. So there are
studies out ther claiming the vacines have caused the rise in this

Personal opinion, there are several reasons, different things affect
people different. Want to talk further mail me.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 04/07/07 09:27 PM
I am sorry but I can not believe a "vaccine" has any reliable assistance
in ANYTHING that falls under mental health. Mental health issues are
almost all if NOT all a form of chemical imbalance to one extent or
another; r so is my understanding. And a vaccine by definition is
something that prevents. for an imbalance yhu need not prevent but to
rebalance as much as posisble.
Does this make sensew to anyone else?

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 04/07/07 10:37 PM

When you say "mental", what I think you mean to say is "neurological".
"Mental" strictly speaks of the brain, when discussing Autism, a central
nervous system disorder, "neurological" is the proper terminology.

Due to the cognitive issues surrounding Autism, it is characterized in
the DSM-IV however that doesn't strictly imply that it's something akin
to a chemical imbalance. I am sure many parents would wish it were that
simple; pop a pill and all is well.

killxherxoff's photo
Sun 04/08/07 03:41 AM
your child is very, very young.
too young to decide.
there have been links between gastrointestinal abnormalities and autism.
the lining of the intestine has 'holes,'
which allow secretions of the liver, etc. to flow back into the body.
they can cause discomfort in the child,
so watch for stomachaches.
there is a new study saying that, when removing gluten and casein from
the diet,
symptoms can improve in various degrees.

killxherxoff's photo
Sun 04/08/07 03:48 AM
these gluten/casein diet studies,
are not reliable.
they are beginning to conduct dependable, double-blind control
experiments in order to prove or disprove this theory.
gluten is found in wheat products,
while casein is found in milk.
both these chemicals affect the part of the brain that controls
communication as well as social skills.

i didn't really need to add all that technical stuff,
it just made me feel smart.
long story short:
tell the doctor to check for 'leaky gut.'

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Tue 04/10/07 05:24 AM
I am certain my sons autism was NOT related to the baby vaccines. If so
everyone would be autistic. Mercury diets do not hold merit either. God
bless you Lady_ab!!! flowerforyou I do believe autism is caused by our
environment. Be it the food preservatives, water, air quality, etc. In
rare cases parents genes. I am about to embark on the study with parents
having wee ones with autism thru the center for disease control and will
keep everyone posted on this!

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