poetwriter72's photo
Sun 10/26/08 02:40 PM
a queen was sitting at her thrown
next to the princess
she gave a challange threw out the kingdom
to win the princess's heart
many princes's would come to the queen
declairing there flase love to the princess
but the queen would just suit on her thrown
getting real bored and yawning out of bordom
but one lone knight came one dayand took the challange
she said your mission is to the hightest mountian
slay the dragon that guards a rare diamond for me but you must go alone
he accepted with honor
he traveled day and night it was rough but only the vision of the princess he needed to keep him going her beautiful face of her was all he needed he said to him self,for her i will go on
for her love keeps me going
he arrived at his destiation,he had a brutial battle with the dragon
it was long and well fought
he captured the diamond he looked at the diamond
it was the princess's heart
he held it close to his heart
and was filled with emotion
he layed his dagger down and kneeled and started to pray
to god and thanked him for giving him and strainght to go on for the princess
he also thanked him for leeding him to the princess he claimed victoryfor god and the princess he traveled back to the castle many tried to steel the diamond from him but he vowed to protected with his life
for it was the princess's love and happiness
he was scarred and alone but he knew he must go on for her
he got to his destination he presented the queen and the princess the diamond they was so over joyed she gave him a kiss he said to the princess
the kiss ment alot to me princess and gave her a rose
and bowed before her