Topic: another round life forever
Redykeulous's photo
Mon 04/02/07 04:11 PM
Ok now that I know how you view living forever within the context of
"this" realm of existance let's try another scenerio.

If your faith tell you that your will be resurected and your body will
physically go to heaven. What do you suppose your body, your person
would do in such a place for all eternity? What would that place be
like for a physical being who will never die?

no photo
Mon 04/02/07 04:30 PM
Probably eat a lot of sweet potatoes. Wait. Do resurrected bodies get to
eat? Cause if we can't eat things are going to be a little strange,
especially if we don't have sex, which if we life forever we might not
need to do (no procreation). So, hmm, no food, no sex, wonder if we will
sleep. Do they have TV? Cause I'm running out of options here. Sailing
trips could get monotonous if they lasted more than say a million years
or so. What about dialog? Can we have philosophical discussions? Is
there philosophy after life? What about conflict, arguments and such, we
aren't going to have constant arguing all the time just to keep
ourselves entertained are we? Some people I know here are like that.
They probably won't run out of stuff to do, tormenting the way they like
to do. Last, will we have to get up and jog every morning to keep in
shape? How about this? Plenty of sailing trips, some discussion, maybe a
little art, watch a little TV, read some books, and occasional jumping
jacks, after which we all compare biceps and talk about the new chicks
in the neighborhood. Oh Yeah, we could have some fun laughing at the
moslems that the virgins wouldn't give any attention to. I probably
won't laugh too much though, they don't give me any either. Do they have
sofas in heaven? This whole idea makes me think I need to work on the
eternal hobby list a bit. Meditating can be nice, but that would
probably get boring after a short while. If we have blenders we can make
smoothies, if we have fruit and juices.

MikeMontana's photo
Mon 04/02/07 06:25 PM
If the bodily-resurrection were literally and exactly as stated, then
we'd all simply rise from the dead and walk the earth, because, for us
to be able to do that, "heaven" would have to "touch" the earth.

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 04/02/07 08:55 PM
How dull! Philosopher, your thought process is quite a bit more like my
own. So what would be so great about being accepted into heaven, even
if it was the perfect Garden of Eden. Who would make the paper we paint
on, who would make the paints or pencils or pens. And who would make
anything, for industry would not be needed - would it? How would we get
from place to place?
And what need would there be to theorize or have philisophical
discussions, when no one cares about these things, why would they?
what purpose would there be to exploration? mmmm!!!!

no photo
Tue 04/03/07 08:51 AM
I was sort of thinking the same way. Yet another reason to have as much
sex here as possible. I vote for everyone to get laid immediately.
Eternity is a long time to go without sex. If you are unsure about that,
just ask me. OK only kidding about that, but eternity is a really long
time. I really think people should enjoy life as much as possible. And
keep in mind that making others happy contributes to our own happiness.
Its an element of human nature. Depression is a part of human nature too
though, people choosing to be unhappy rather than happy. That little
trick would be unpleasant to drag into heaven with you. Imagine, if
people choose to be unhappy in a depression mode what other absurd
things they might choose. Attitude may not be everything, but it can
help. Buddhists like to suppose that the right mindset here on earth
will improve your lot in the afterlife. I can certainly see that it
makes a difference here on earth. If it makes a difference on earth it
is worth pursuing even if it does not help after life, and with the
possibility that it might help, there is that extra bonus. Even in a
Christian heaven a good attitude might be a nice thing to bring along. I
wonder if anyone ever debated that snippet.