Topic: Ill make a bet with anyone that.....
BrandonJItaliano's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:07 PM
John McCain wont carry as many states then his predecessor did!

Its a common theory that history repeats its right?

If u dont know, look up info on Sen. Barry Goldwaters campaign from 1964, hmmm maybe we can all come to realize, HISTORY DOES REPEAT ITSELF!!

MatthewB1983's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:09 PM
i agree with you :thumbsup:

MatthewB1983's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:09 PM
i agree with you :thumbsup:

krupa's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:54 PM
Oh, I thought that you were referring to the Bush/Gore in Florida hanging chads fiasco.

I will keep my money in my pocket and skip that bet.

I learned long ago to never underestimate the human stupidity factor. It throws the Vegas odds right out the window.