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Topic: If your date looks exactly
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Sat 10/18/08 01:46 PM

Lets take this to extremes.

A midget can't possibly have the maximum POTENTIAL penis size of a 20 foot tall man

Where a midgets maximum and a 20 foot tall man's miminum meet is where the possibility of a midget being bigger in penis size could occur. Remember we are excluding "freaks" who have underdeveloped, unnaturral, dwarfed features.

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Sat 10/18/08 01:48 PM
if she was 7 feet and looked like beyonce, i think so. (and she was ALL woman, never know :wink:)

itsmetina's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:49 PM
Dr Daniel Nettle of the Open University used data from 10,000 men and women born in Britain in one week in March 1958 and his study concluded that the taller the men were, the less likely they were to be unmarried or childless 42 years later in 2000.

Dr Nettle’s study showed that there was a positive relationship between male stature and reproductive success: the average man of 1.77m (5’8”) is less likely to have children than a taller man of 1.83m (6’1”). This appeared to be due to taller men’s greater ability to attract a mate.

For the women, by contrast, those most likely to be married and have children by the same age were between 1.51m (4’9”) and 1.58 m (5’1”), well below the average height of 1.62 m (5’3”).

“It seems that tall men and petite women are favoured in evolutionary terms, even in a modern population, so the height difference between men and women is unlikely to disappear,” Dr Nettle explained.

The results corroborate earlier research findings that taller men are found to be more attractive than those of average height. However, men don’t appear to put the same premium on height when choosing a partner. Because men seek out ‘fertility cues’ in their mates, tallness doesn’t seem to matter, Dr Nettle pointed out. This is where shorter women gain an edge over their taller peers.

Dr Nettle explained that shorter women appear to have greater reproductive
success partly because there is delayed fertility amongst tall women. Short women generally reach puberty earlier whilst the bodies of tall women spend more energy on growing rather than entering puberty.

Additionally, due to the tendency for women to choose men taller than themselves, tall women have a smaller pool of available potential partners to select from.

Dr Nettle believes that the results of his research have debunked some long-standing notions about what attracts men to women and vice versa: “We have come to think that men pay attention to physical characteristics of their mates, whilst women pay more attention to status and resources. In the case of height, this is clearly not true; in choosing a husband, size matters.”

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Sat 10/18/08 01:54 PM
seems like im at a disadvantage, well all i can say is happy to have my awesome hair. laugh

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Sat 10/18/08 02:06 PM
Edited by GeniuSxBoY on Sat 10/18/08 02:08 PM
^^while his study is true specific to height he is missing other factors.

If you look at 99% of other species, the male is bigger and stronger than the female.*

Why? Because the male is the hunter and protector.

Females look for security when looking for a mate. A mate to kick someone else's ass when they try to hit on her. A mate to kick someone else's ass when SHE talks crap to someone else, lol.

Females can't find that sense of security in a partner that is shorter than them. They probably would have to do the defending and ass kicking.

Likewise, males don't like taller women because she would (not guaranteed, but perceived) to
be the stronger and faster one.... That'll put a damper on a male ego.

* (The 1% includes praying mantis and black widow spiders...)

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 10/18/08 02:34 PM
I'm partial to the 1%... pitchfork laugh

itsmetina's photo
Sat 10/18/08 02:39 PM
I've also read about studies that say short women instictly choose tall men to mate with so that the children will not be short,its in the genetics

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 10/18/08 02:43 PM
I'll date almost anybody local at this pointlaugh laugh

no photo
Sat 10/18/08 02:45 PM
He needs to be at least my height.

Lily0923's photo
Sat 10/18/08 02:46 PM

like Beyonce but only 7 feet tall! Would you date her?

and for the ladies

If your date looks like Brad Pitt but he is 5 feet tall would you date him?

I don't find Brad Pitt all that attractive and I really like tall men...so NO.

itsmetina's photo
Sat 10/18/08 02:50 PM

I'll date almost anybody local at this pointlaugh laugh
laugh laugh flowerforyou

popcornncoke's photo
Sat 10/18/08 03:22 PM
Maybe since I only stand 5'0 myself.smile2

dolphin14's photo
Sat 10/18/08 03:29 PM
no i like tall men, i love to wear heels and don't like to look over my man. I want them to be tall and strong to put their arms around me.

galendgirl's photo
Sat 10/18/08 04:26 PM
If my date looked "exactly like" somebody else I'd be a little weirded out to start with...

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