Topic: Ron Paul Is a Hero and a Patriot.
warmachine's photo
Sat 10/18/08 06:06 AM

There are those that would call McCain a Maverick... what a joke.
Only Dr. Paul has been standing up for real Conservatives by defending the Constitution.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 10/18/08 06:08 AM
The more i hear about Dr. Paul the more i respect him. I didn't realize until recently that the republican party censored him so badly. In every poll he was "allowed" to participate in, he WON. He one the popularity on the debates too... ARGH

I'm probably writing him in...

warmachine's photo
Sat 10/18/08 06:15 AM
Republicans ought to take note that Dr.Paul drew more contributions from the Military than all the other GOP candidates combined.

Not McCain, Not Romney, not cross dressing Guiliani.

It must get the NeoCons goat that the Dr. is being brought up now, because... He told the TRUTH and he was CORRECT about important issues.

no photo
Sat 10/18/08 06:16 AM

There are those that would call McCain a Maverick... what a joke.
Only Dr. Paul has been standing up for real Conservatives by defending the Constitution.

It was a travesty how he was treated in the primaries.

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Sat 10/18/08 06:18 AM
Hes an amazing man, Dr. paul is a true American hero!!

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 10/18/08 06:23 AM
I wish we could get this man on the ballot... I REALLY wish we could get him in JUST ONE debate against the current candidates... If we were granted these two wishes, he WOULD win the popularity country wide.

Drew07_2's photo
Sat 10/18/08 06:38 AM
I agree with all of you who have already commented. The more I watched him (I've known about him long before this election) the more I've identified with so much of what he has to say. Instead of using the Constitution for nefarious and unjustifiable positions on everything from war to federal bailout programs, Dr. Paul understands that there is a mechanism in place to amend our Constitution if desired.

Dr. Paul is treated poorly by those who have a massive aversion to both facts and the binding nature of an un-amended Constitution.

He has my vote.


no photo
Sat 10/18/08 09:46 AM
Ron Paul....simply awesome.smokin

warmachine's photo
Sun 10/19/08 02:32 AM
We're getting there. Only an idiot would deny the Dr. his due as far as it pertains to telling truth to power and being on the money with projections about where certain decisions will take us., get informed, thats the best thing you can do in the Infowar.