Topic: Why I am voting Democrat!
Winx's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:23 PM

I would rather Make a Sex Video with Roseanne Barr and Rosie O'Donnell than vote for Obama!!!!

I want to make a sex video with Rosanne and Rosie just because! With Tom Arnold watching!


kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:24 PM

i said republicrats bro.... there is a difference. The majority of both parties overlap these days. The true republicans are good to go. You know the REAL conservatives. That's actually what we need. We need cuts in government spending. We need a modest foreign policy of nonintervention. You know the rest...

Well unfortunatly they are not running for president, and if they are, they will not win.... And McCain is the best chance to keep that commie Obama out fo office....
Come on man do I have to give you another one

What? Another reason not to vote for Obama?

Thomas27's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:25 PM

I would rather Make a Sex Video with Roseanne Barr and Rosie O'Donnell than vote for Obama!!!!

I want to make a sex video with Rosanne and Rosie just because! With Tom Arnold watching!




no photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:25 PM

i said republicrats bro.... there is a difference. The majority of both parties overlap these days. The true republicans are good to go. You know the REAL conservatives. That's actually what we need. We need cuts in government spending. We need a modest foreign policy of nonintervention. You know the rest...

Well unfortunatly they are not running for president, and if they are, they will not win.... And McCain is the best chance to keep that commie Obama out fo office....
Come on man do I have to give you another one

What? Another reason not to vote for Obama?
We are talking McCain your man..Read the posts intead of slinging crap, unless thats all you got..What no substance just crap?

Thomas27's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:33 PM

very well put:smile: :smile: :smile:

Ummm...they're lies.

I didnt see any lies

Most of the DEMOCRATS are for Abortion

San Fransissyco is Mostly Liberal Democrats who give a safe Haven to Illegals

Look at will Clinton Did in the oval Office

You Dems have said repeatedly in these forums that Katrina was Bush's Fault and 911 was a inside job...

I didn't see lies, the truth just doesn't look that good too you......

Welllll, golly, San Francisco sure represents the whole U.S.noway

One man - Clinton. He is one man!! He is not all of the Dems.

A few Dems. on a dating site say that 911 was an inside job.
They are the minority.

Katrina was a combination of several people and several organization's fault, btw.


Now you say Katrina is everyones fault, month ago, F*** bush for Katrina, it is all that jacka$ss Fualt for for appointing that guy..

Dems are hippocryts.... And yes I meant to put Hippo in there because they are Big hippocryts

I would rather tell my ex wife that I miss her and I am miserable without her and she can come back and run my life, than vote for Comrad Obama....

I've never talked about Katrina on here. I didn't say it was everyone's fault. I said several persons and organizations.

I believe it all started with not enough money spent to maintain the upkeep of the levees.

Having lived in that area, one would know that the Gov. there is very corrupt. More so than other places, it's no real big secret. There is plenty of money for the levees, but the truth is that only about $10.00 of every $100.00 that is for such maintenance and repairs, actually goes towards it. So, out of millions of dollars, only thousands went towards the actual cause.

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:33 PM

i said republicrats bro.... there is a difference. The majority of both parties overlap these days. The true republicans are good to go. You know the REAL conservatives. That's actually what we need. We need cuts in government spending. We need a modest foreign policy of nonintervention. You know the rest...

Well unfortunatly they are not running for president, and if they are, they will not win.... And McCain is the best chance to keep that commie Obama out fo office....
Come on man do I have to give you another one

What? Another reason not to vote for Obama?
We are talking McCain your man..Read the posts intead of slinging crap, unless thats all you got..What no substance just crap?

You know, I used to post a lot of facts on here, but the Dems on here could not handle it and just threww Crap at me.... So throwing facts at them is just like throwing at a brick wall.... Why bother when it is "Lies" when it is about obama and "Truth" when it is about McCain...

You dems think you are soo high up in the clouds and are not capable of anything wrong.... Reid, Pelosie and Obama are sooo full of crap, they could be considered sewers...

Nancy pelosie is a Freaking joke.... Murtha is a idiot along with reid.... Look at al Franken, he is a Dip$hit, he makes Tom Cruise look normal...

Winx's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:34 PM

I would rather Make a Sex Video with Roseanne Barr and Rosie O'Donnell than vote for Obama!!!!

I want to make a sex video with Rosanne and Rosie just because! With Tom Arnold watching!




:smile: waving

no photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:35 PM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 10/17/08 08:36 PM

i said republicrats bro.... there is a difference. The majority of both parties overlap these days. The true republicans are good to go. You know the REAL conservatives. That's actually what we need. We need cuts in government spending. We need a modest foreign policy of nonintervention. You know the rest...

Well unfortunatly they are not running for president, and if they are, they will not win.... And McCain is the best chance to keep that commie Obama out fo office....
Come on man do I have to give you another one

What? Another reason not to vote for Obama?
We are talking McCain your man..Read the posts intead of slinging crap, unless thats all you got..What no substance just crap?

You know, I used to post a lot of facts on here, but the Dems on here could not handle it and just threww Crap at me.... So throwing facts at them is just like throwing at a brick wall.... Why bother when it is "Lies" when it is about obama and "Truth" when it is about McCain...

You dems think you are soo high up in the clouds and are not capable of anything wrong.... Reid, Pelosie and Obama are sooo full of crap, they could be considered sewers...

Nancy pelosie is a Freaking joke.... Murtha is a idiot along with reid.... Look at al Franken, he is a Dip$hit, he makes Tom Cruise look normal...
I ask him a simple question.What has McCain accomplished in 20yrs in the Senate on reform and working across the isle..I gave him one..But all he does is sling crap..Its a simple question..Im an Independent BTW

Winx's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:35 PM

very well put:smile: :smile: :smile:

Ummm...they're lies.

I didnt see any lies

Most of the DEMOCRATS are for Abortion

San Fransissyco is Mostly Liberal Democrats who give a safe Haven to Illegals

Look at will Clinton Did in the oval Office

You Dems have said repeatedly in these forums that Katrina was Bush's Fault and 911 was a inside job...

I didn't see lies, the truth just doesn't look that good too you......

Welllll, golly, San Francisco sure represents the whole U.S.noway

One man - Clinton. He is one man!! He is not all of the Dems.

A few Dems. on a dating site say that 911 was an inside job.
They are the minority.

Katrina was a combination of several people and several organization's fault, btw.


Now you say Katrina is everyones fault, month ago, F*** bush for Katrina, it is all that jacka$ss Fualt for for appointing that guy..

Dems are hippocryts.... And yes I meant to put Hippo in there because they are Big hippocryts

I would rather tell my ex wife that I miss her and I am miserable without her and she can come back and run my life, than vote for Comrad Obama....

I've never talked about Katrina on here. I didn't say it was everyone's fault. I said several persons and organizations.

I believe it all started with not enough money spent to maintain the upkeep of the levees.

Having lived in that area, one would know that the Gov. there is very corrupt. More so than other places, it's no real big secret. There is plenty of money for the levees, but the truth is that only about $10.00 of every $100.00 that is for such maintenance and repairs, actually goes towards it. So, out of millions of dollars, only thousands went towards the actual cause.

That is terrible!!!mad

Winx's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:37 PM

i said republicrats bro.... there is a difference. The majority of both parties overlap these days. The true republicans are good to go. You know the REAL conservatives. That's actually what we need. We need cuts in government spending. We need a modest foreign policy of nonintervention. You know the rest...

Well unfortunatly they are not running for president, and if they are, they will not win.... And McCain is the best chance to keep that commie Obama out fo office....
Come on man do I have to give you another one

What? Another reason not to vote for Obama?
We are talking McCain your man..Read the posts intead of slinging crap, unless thats all you got..What no substance just crap?

You know, I used to post a lot of facts on here, but the Dems on here could not handle it and just threww Crap at me.... So throwing facts at them is just like throwing at a brick wall.... Why bother when it is "Lies" when it is about obama and "Truth" when it is about McCain...

You dems think you are soo high up in the clouds and are not capable of anything wrong.... Reid, Pelosie and Obama are sooo full of crap, they could be considered sewers...

Nancy pelosie is a Freaking joke.... Murtha is a idiot along with reid.... Look at al Franken, he is a Dip$hit, he makes Tom Cruise look normal...

Now you are saying that I am so high up in the clouds and am not capable of doing anything wrong.:angry:

no photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:37 PM

very well put:smile: :smile: :smile:

Ummm...they're lies.

I didnt see any lies

Most of the DEMOCRATS are for Abortion

San Fransissyco is Mostly Liberal Democrats who give a safe Haven to Illegals

Look at will Clinton Did in the oval Office

You Dems have said repeatedly in these forums that Katrina was Bush's Fault and 911 was a inside job...

I didn't see lies, the truth just doesn't look that good too you......

Welllll, golly, San Francisco sure represents the whole U.S.noway

One man - Clinton. He is one man!! He is not all of the Dems.

A few Dems. on a dating site say that 911 was an inside job.
They are the minority.

Katrina was a combination of several people and several organization's fault, btw.


Now you say Katrina is everyones fault, month ago, F*** bush for Katrina, it is all that jacka$ss Fualt for for appointing that guy..

Dems are hippocryts.... And yes I meant to put Hippo in there because they are Big hippocryts

I would rather tell my ex wife that I miss her and I am miserable without her and she can come back and run my life, than vote for Comrad Obama....

I've never talked about Katrina on here. I didn't say it was everyone's fault. I said several persons and organizations.

I believe it all started with not enough money spent to maintain the upkeep of the levees.

Having lived in that area, one would know that the Gov. there is very corrupt. More so than other places, it's no real big secret. There is plenty of money for the levees, but the truth is that only about $10.00 of every $100.00 that is for such maintenance and repairs, actually goes towards it. So, out of millions of dollars, only thousands went towards the actual cause.

That is terrible!!!mad
Thats criminal!!!!

Thomas27's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:39 PM

laugh laugh laugh I am just an "old" fogey. I have seen.....

just remember....the first casualty of a campaign is the truth, and the first promises broken are all those given in the campaign.

There is one promise I can recall that was kept.

It was by George W. Bush believe it or not. He said he would give a pay raise to those who serve their country in the Military. Every year he's been in office, the men and women in uniform have received a pay raise.

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:39 PM

i said republicrats bro.... there is a difference. The majority of both parties overlap these days. The true republicans are good to go. You know the REAL conservatives. That's actually what we need. We need cuts in government spending. We need a modest foreign policy of nonintervention. You know the rest...

Well unfortunatly they are not running for president, and if they are, they will not win.... And McCain is the best chance to keep that commie Obama out fo office....
Come on man do I have to give you another one

What? Another reason not to vote for Obama?
We are talking McCain your man..Read the posts intead of slinging crap, unless thats all you got..What no substance just crap?

You know, I used to post a lot of facts on here, but the Dems on here could not handle it and just threww Crap at me.... So throwing facts at them is just like throwing at a brick wall.... Why bother when it is "Lies" when it is about obama and "Truth" when it is about McCain...

You dems think you are soo high up in the clouds and are not capable of anything wrong.... Reid, Pelosie and Obama are sooo full of crap, they could be considered sewers...

Nancy pelosie is a Freaking joke.... Murtha is a idiot along with reid.... Look at al Franken, he is a Dip$hit, he makes Tom Cruise look normal...
I ask him a simple question.What has McCain accomplished in 20yrs in the Senate on reform and working across the isle..I gave him one..But all he does is sling crap..Its a simple question..Im an Independent BTW

And I asked you a simple question and you will not answer it, And how many times are you going to state you are a independant? Do you want a cookie or something?

Thomas27's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:42 PM

very well put:smile: :smile: :smile:

Ummm...they're lies.

I didnt see any lies

Most of the DEMOCRATS are for Abortion

San Fransissyco is Mostly Liberal Democrats who give a safe Haven to Illegals

Look at will Clinton Did in the oval Office

You Dems have said repeatedly in these forums that Katrina was Bush's Fault and 911 was a inside job...

I didn't see lies, the truth just doesn't look that good too you......

Welllll, golly, San Francisco sure represents the whole U.S.noway

One man - Clinton. He is one man!! He is not all of the Dems.

A few Dems. on a dating site say that 911 was an inside job.
They are the minority.

Katrina was a combination of several people and several organization's fault, btw.


Now you say Katrina is everyones fault, month ago, F*** bush for Katrina, it is all that jacka$ss Fualt for for appointing that guy..

Dems are hippocryts.... And yes I meant to put Hippo in there because they are Big hippocryts

I would rather tell my ex wife that I miss her and I am miserable without her and she can come back and run my life, than vote for Comrad Obama....

I've never talked about Katrina on here. I didn't say it was everyone's fault. I said several persons and organizations.

I believe it all started with not enough money spent to maintain the upkeep of the levees.

Having lived in that area, one would know that the Gov. there is very corrupt. More so than other places, it's no real big secret. There is plenty of money for the levees, but the truth is that only about $10.00 of every $100.00 that is for such maintenance and repairs, actually goes towards it. So, out of millions of dollars, only thousands went towards the actual cause.

That is terrible!!!mad

Yes it is. It is down right disgusting. Even post Katrina money was very badly mishandled.

kerbear73's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:46 PM

very well put:smile: :smile: :smile:

Ummm...they're lies.

I didnt see any lies

Most of the DEMOCRATS are for Abortion

San Fransissyco is Mostly Liberal Democrats who give a safe Haven to Illegals

Look at will Clinton Did in the oval Office

You Dems have said repeatedly in these forums that Katrina was Bush's Fault and 911 was a inside job...

I didn't see lies, the truth just doesn't look that good too you......

Welllll, golly, San Francisco sure represents the whole U.S.noway

One man - Clinton. He is one man!! He is not all of the Dems.

A few Dems. on a dating site say that 911 was an inside job.
They are the minority.

Katrina was a combination of several people and several organization's fault, btw.


Now you say Katrina is everyones fault, month ago, F*** bush for Katrina, it is all that jacka$ss Fualt for for appointing that guy..

Dems are hippocryts.... And yes I meant to put Hippo in there because they are Big hippocryts

I would rather tell my ex wife that I miss her and I am miserable without her and she can come back and run my life, than vote for Comrad Obama....

I've never talked about Katrina on here. I didn't say it was everyone's fault. I said several persons and organizations.

I believe it all started with not enough money spent to maintain the upkeep of the levees.

Having lived in that area, one would know that the Gov. there is very corrupt. More so than other places, it's no real big secret. There is plenty of money for the levees, but the truth is that only about $10.00 of every $100.00 that is for such maintenance and repairs, actually goes towards it. So, out of millions of dollars, only thousands went towards the actual cause.

That is terrible!!!mad

Yes it is. It is down right disgusting. Even post Katrina money was very badly mishandled.

But According too all the liberals, it is all GWB's Fault....

dolphin14's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:47 PM
Well neither prayer nor sex education helped her daughter from getting pregnant now did it. Oops how did that happenslaphead

Winx's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:48 PM

laugh laugh laugh I am just an "old" fogey. I have seen.....

just remember....the first casualty of a campaign is the truth, and the first promises broken are all those given in the campaign.

There is one promise I can recall that was kept.

It was by George W. Bush believe it or not. He said he would give a pay raise to those who serve their country in the Military. Every year he's been in office, the men and women in uniform have received a pay raise.

And cut monies to the VA hospitals.

Thomas27's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:50 PM

You know, I used to post a lot of facts on here, but....
Why bother.....

Help me Tom Cruise, but two wrongs don't make a right! It goes back to the old saying, If so and so jumped off a bridge...

This kind of attitude is not what turns Roseanne and Rosie on!

Winx's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:51 PM

very well put:smile: :smile: :smile:

Ummm...they're lies.

I didnt see any lies

Most of the DEMOCRATS are for Abortion

San Fransissyco is Mostly Liberal Democrats who give a safe Haven to Illegals

Look at will Clinton Did in the oval Office

You Dems have said repeatedly in these forums that Katrina was Bush's Fault and 911 was a inside job...

I didn't see lies, the truth just doesn't look that good too you......

Welllll, golly, San Francisco sure represents the whole U.S.noway

One man - Clinton. He is one man!! He is not all of the Dems.

A few Dems. on a dating site say that 911 was an inside job.
They are the minority.

Katrina was a combination of several people and several organization's fault, btw.


Now you say Katrina is everyones fault, month ago, F*** bush for Katrina, it is all that jacka$ss Fualt for for appointing that guy..

Dems are hippocryts.... And yes I meant to put Hippo in there because they are Big hippocryts

I would rather tell my ex wife that I miss her and I am miserable without her and she can come back and run my life, than vote for Comrad Obama....

I've never talked about Katrina on here. I didn't say it was everyone's fault. I said several persons and organizations.

I believe it all started with not enough money spent to maintain the upkeep of the levees.

Having lived in that area, one would know that the Gov. there is very corrupt. More so than other places, it's no real big secret. There is plenty of money for the levees, but the truth is that only about $10.00 of every $100.00 that is for such maintenance and repairs, actually goes towards it. So, out of millions of dollars, only thousands went towards the actual cause.

That is terrible!!!mad

Yes it is. It is down right disgusting. Even post Katrina money was very badly mishandled.

But According too all the liberals, it is all GWB's Fault....

ALL the liberals?:angry:

no photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:53 PM

i said republicrats bro.... there is a difference. The majority of both parties overlap these days. The true republicans are good to go. You know the REAL conservatives. That's actually what we need. We need cuts in government spending. We need a modest foreign policy of nonintervention. You know the rest...

Well unfortunatly they are not running for president, and if they are, they will not win.... And McCain is the best chance to keep that commie Obama out fo office....
Come on man do I have to give you another one

What? Another reason not to vote for Obama?
We are talking McCain your man..Read the posts intead of slinging crap, unless thats all you got..What no substance just crap?

You know, I used to post a lot of facts on here, but the Dems on here could not handle it and just threww Crap at me.... So throwing facts at them is just like throwing at a brick wall.... Why bother when it is "Lies" when it is about obama and "Truth" when it is about McCain...

You dems think you are soo high up in the clouds and are not capable of anything wrong.... Reid, Pelosie and Obama are sooo full of crap, they could be considered sewers...

Nancy pelosie is a Freaking joke.... Murtha is a idiot along with reid.... Look at al Franken, he is a Dip$hit, he makes Tom Cruise look normal...
I ask him a simple question.What has McCain accomplished in 20yrs in the Senate on reform and working across the isle..I gave him one..But all he does is sling crap..Its a simple question..Im an Independent BTW

And I asked you a simple question and you will not answer it, And how many times are you going to state you are a independant? Do you want a cookie or something?
I answerd you question twice..You seem not to want to or no know how to answer mine..Thats ok man just keep sling it if thats all you got..