Topic: It is an embarassment to this country
Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/17/08 12:51 PM
I know I preach about racism. I tell people who do not believe it is around that much anymore to beware it is closer than you think. I identify racism where others do not see it. It has become a project for me for the last few, well 20 years. I have been published on the subject and will be again soon. Even with all of this, I still get taken aback when I see it. I am still shocked at the ignorance and unjust hatred in this country everytime I see it.

Every time I watch a McCain/Palin rally it is there for all to see. I am shocked first and then I get frustrated and angry.

Do the American people really not see that calling Obama a terrorist and showing the hatred so blatantly makes them alike to or the same as domestic terrorists? White racism against other races, religions, economic status, etc... has been our home terrorist organization for as long as we have been a country. They terrorize other people, period. That is what they do.

I cannot help but feel shame and frustration because the knowledge is out there to unlearn this type of behavior. All people have to do is put themselves in the shoes of the other person. How would you feel if you were called a terrorist? How would you feel being compared to bin laden? Etc....

It is wrong people. There is no justification for it. We are Americans and we are smarter than this, we really need to show our intelligence here.

purposebuilt's photo
Fri 10/17/08 01:00 PM
Wow, another thread calling whites as a group racist and ignorant.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/17/08 01:01 PM

Wow, another thread calling whites as a group racist and ignorant.

Where does it say that?

tribo's photo
Fri 10/17/08 01:20 PM

19) Racial prejudice or bigotry is stupid and childish And those who practice or condone it immature and foolish in their reasoning and common sense. It may be a natural thing to hate someone who has harmed or damaged you or loved ones but it is not a reason for racial hatred. I grew up in a small town in Ohio, everyone at that time who lived there was white Anglo Saxon. And everyone who injured me while I lived there, be it verbally, physically, or spiritually, was white. If I had a reason to be prejudiced, bigoted, or hateful as a young man, then I would have hated white people for sure But in reality it was only a tiny percentage of people in my town that injured me in one sense or another. And truthfully I did hate and was prejudiced against those particular people at the time. But not all the others, not everyone else. To have felt so would have been stupid, ignorant, and uncalled for. To hate all of a kind because of the actions of one or some would be as stupid as hating all food because you had a few or more terrible tasting meals. Both things will lead to nothing but starvation and death - spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/17/08 01:44 PM


19) Racial prejudice or bigotry is stupid and childish And those who practice or condone it immature and foolish in their reasoning and common sense. It may be a natural thing to hate someone who has harmed or damaged you or loved ones but it is not a reason for racial hatred. I grew up in a small town in Ohio, everyone at that time who lived there was white Anglo Saxon. And everyone who injured me while I lived there, be it verbally, physically, or spiritually, was white. If I had a reason to be prejudiced, bigoted, or hateful as a young man, then I would have hated white people for sure But in reality it was only a tiny percentage of people in my town that injured me in one sense or another. And truthfully I did hate and was prejudiced against those particular people at the time. But not all the others, not everyone else. To have felt so would have been stupid, ignorant, and uncalled for. To hate all of a kind because of the actions of one or some would be as stupid as hating all food because you had a few or more terrible tasting meals. Both things will lead to nothing but starvation and death - spiritually, emotionally and physically.

I agree.

no photo
Fri 10/17/08 02:00 PM
Racism is very much alive an well.
No one race has a monopoly on racism.
Some maybe more aware of it then others,
or effected by it more then others.
Which brings about awareness of many issues.
The worse form of racism is subconscious racism,
when people are not aware of the issues.
The media plays out subconscious racism on a daily bases.
People feed on it subconsciously daily.
Still, some people simply love too hate.

Yet we have all come a very long way in understanding, and in love for one another.
