Topic: I have a question,????
Riding_Dubz's photo
Thu 10/16/08 08:59 AM
Yesterday there was a topic,

can a Man a woman, be just friends,

from what i saw, most ppl said NO,

Now my questions if can, find and dandy,

Now to those ppl, who, said no,

what would you do, if you got into a realtionship,

and your significant other has alot of friends of the oppsite sex, what what what what

would you still date them ?!

me personally i have Alot of girl "friends"

alicat4213's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:01 AM
A lot of my ex's had a lot of girl "friends" it doesn't phase me at all... I have a lot of guy friends too so whatever

Riding_Dubz's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:03 AM
dosn't pertain to you cuz, dosn't bother you, im asking if, you "HAD" a problem with it,

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:04 AM
Peps are ignorant! :tongue:

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:04 AM
I actually have more men friends then I do female friends. If I were in a relationship and my S/O wanted me NOT to be friends, I'd question our relationship but, I wouldn't ignore my S/O either, to hang out with friends all the time.

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:05 AM

Yesterday there was a topic,

can a Man a woman, be just friends,

from what i saw, most ppl said NO,

Now my questions if can, find and dandy,

Now to those ppl, who, said no,

what would you do, if you got into a realtionship,

and your significant other has alot of friends of the oppsite sex, what what what what

would you still date them ?!

me personally i have Alot of girl "friends"

Ya & i'm ONE of THEM! Luv ya BABY! love yawn

lilith401's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:06 AM
Edited by lilith401 on Thu 10/16/08 09:11 AM
I can be just friends with men and women. The penis and vagina have no bearing on my ability to befriend them.

But I think you know the answer... the people who said no will say it is no problem, when in reality they will be jealous and it will destroy the relationship.

I'm having dinner tonight with a dear, male friend. We hug and kiss cheek and once he held me when I cried. Never once have I thought about being intimate with him. Hopefully Lexy won't read this, but my friend is the smartest, kindest man I've ever known. If I could pick my father it would be him (Not that he is that much older, but still)

It just depends on the type of friendship, that's all.

eileena9's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:07 AM
Okay, can't answer this one......

My best friend is a guy, and Jon's best friend is a girl (he used to have her picture on his profile), so we are both fine with it. drinker flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:08 AM

Yesterday there was a topic,

can a Man a woman, be just friends,

from what i saw, most ppl said NO,

Now my questions if can, find and dandy,

Now to those ppl, who, said no,

what would you do, if you got into a realtionship,

and your significant other has alot of friends of the oppsite sex, what what what what

would you still date them ?!

me personally i have Alot of girl "friends"

Same here, I only have two close male friends, and I've known them forever.

As a general rule, I've found the girls to be smarter, more fun, more open-minded, better problem-solvers, more creative, more understanding, and they rarely ever try to get me to go to bars or to work on the 1957 pickup truck (that hasn't worked since 1958) in their front yard.

I just don't see anything wrong with having friends of the opposite sex.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:09 AM

But I think you know the answer...

I think i know the answer to,

I was just curious,

about how ppl lived without friends, of the oppsite sex ?!

what what what what what what

Lizexy's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:09 AM
I don´t mind, I have male friends too..

lilith401's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:10 AM
They won't admit it, but people who are jealous of opposite sex friends will be petty and annoying, controlling and pick fights....

We've all seen it.

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:10 AM

Hopefully Lexy won't read this, but my friend is the smartest, kindest man I've ever known. If I coud pick my father it would be him (Not that he is that much older, but still)

It just depends on the type of friendship, that's all.

OK, I'll just pretend this is a parallel-universe version of you this time!

lilith401's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:12 AM

Hopefully Lexy won't read this, but my friend is the smartest, kindest man I've ever known. If I coud pick my father it would be him (Not that he is that much older, but still)

It just depends on the type of friendship, that's all.

OK, I'll just pretend this is a parallel-universe version of you this time!


Thanks, Lexy Lexicon.

ljcc1964's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:16 AM
Does my man need to spend time with them...and exclude me? Or does he have contact with them behind my back?

I would have a problem with that.

Otherwise....I'm not insecure and I'm also not his policeman or mother and believe that it's never a good idea to dictate who he can be friends with.....unless he disregards me in the process.

mscherbear's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:19 AM

Does my man need to spend time with them...and exclude me? Or does he have contact with them behind my back?

I would have a problem with that.

Otherwise....I'm not insecure and I'm also not his policeman or mother and believe that it's never a good idea to dictate who he can be friends with.....unless he disregards me in the process.

Well said! drinker

SitkaRains's photo
Thu 10/16/08 12:41 PM
I personally have a lot of male friends. I also make it a habit of telling my partner's right up front and I don't date jealous men.
I have had more male friends in my life that have remained true blue to me and I trust them with my life.
I also believe that if a potential partner can't handle it then that is in them and their personal hang up.
I won't give up my friends for a man, just won't do it.
I also prefer my partner to have a few female friends they to me are more well rounded in life.