Topic: Is it dead?????
no photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:53 PM
Okay, Okay, Man! Women!:angry:
I got my cattle prod.

eileena9's photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:58 PM
devil I heard about your cattle prod!!devil

Ooops, you mean the real one......blushing blushing blushing

no photo
Wed 10/15/08 07:17 PM
Get your mind out of the gutter!laugh
I'm telling!

michiganman3's photo
Wed 10/15/08 07:37 PM
So is it dead?????scared scared scared shocked

eileena9's photo
Wed 10/15/08 07:42 PM
Why should I get out of the gutter?? All my friends are there...devil :tongue:

And MM, he hasn't gotten back to me on it.......................maybe it eated him!!!!shocked shocked scared surprised

no photo
Wed 10/15/08 08:03 PM
laugh laugh

eileena9's photo
Wed 10/15/08 08:08 PM
Yay!!!!:banana: :banana:

It didn't eated you!!!!!:tongue: laugh laugh

Marie55's photo
Wed 10/15/08 08:08 PM
Guess it wasn't dead, just saw it chasing Mirror down the road. rofl rofl rofl

eileena9's photo
Wed 10/15/08 08:14 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Wed 10/15/08 08:16 PM
I hope it doesn't get indegestion if it catches him.

Marie55's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:49 PM
No indigestion yet, just saw them go running by again. Run faster Mirror, it is gaining on you. :laughing: rofl rofl rofl

eileena9's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:51 PM
Oh no!!! It's chasing the little monkey again!!!!scared scared scared shocked shocked

no photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:57 PM
Wonder if it can climb a tree.
Amazing what a cattle prod can do!
ITS Alive!

Marie55's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:59 PM
Watch where you point that cattle prod Pat, they BITE!!!! scared

eileena9's photo
Fri 10/17/08 09:00 PM
I think Pat just likes getting it annoyed!!!scared scared

If it learns how to use the chainsaw, I'm gone!!!!sad sad sad

no photo
Fri 10/17/08 09:01 PM
I cheated, hooked it to my car battery!pitchfork

Marie55's photo
Fri 10/17/08 09:03 PM
Now Mirror is in deep doodoo, Pat has it really steamed. Think I will hide in the corner so it doesn't come after me. I don't have a cattle prod or chainsaw to protect me, just a stupid little 6 pound dog and she is worthless. Damn, I might as well be hamburger. noway sad

eileena9's photo
Fri 10/17/08 09:05 PM
At least you have a dog Marie......I'm here by myself!!! sad sad

And he doesn't just poke it......he re-incarnates it!!!!!!!!!!!!frustrated frustrated

no photo
Fri 10/17/08 09:07 PM
I want to see it FLY! Where's the nearest dam!pitchfork pitchfork :banana: :banana: :banana:

izzie's photo
Fri 10/17/08 09:08 PM
eileen... if you want ill send you my cat..
he is a panther. he will eat anything..

and im kinda anoyed with him so happy to bne rid of him. lol