Topic: This Sounds like a lot of fun
Kidmud79's photo
Sun 10/12/08 09:49 AM
So My New EP "Birds will Move In is now out. You can get it at ITunes, Amazon, Puretracks, and Emusic. Go check it out and if you like it. Pick up acopy. It's Very Affordable.

kid mud is, more or less, part of the one man band movement (further e.g.: final fantasy; st. vincent, etc.), which means that Kid Mud writes and plays each part of the song himself, then layers it together into a cohesive whole. computers not only enable production, but also add density to the live instrumentation, and the effect is something rich and satisfying. (anyones-guess)

Sean Duncan - the brainchild behind Kid Mud - recorded Birds in his humble home recording studio, playing each instrument himself (his sister contributes background vocals to one track). A self-taught musician, Duncan's songs vary in styles from the more indie rock "Number 12 Looks Like You" to the slow and melancholy "Press It Out." Far from just a singer/songwriter, there is lush instrumentation, not to mention computer blips and beats, recalling the work of Badly Drawn Boy, Sparklehorse and Broken Social Scene.

Prior to Kid Mud, Duncan played in a number of bands including Fiver, American Holidays, and Duncan Booth. Along the way he has shared bills with the likes of Calvin Johnson, Death Cab For Cutie, Earlimart, and Frank Black of the Pixies. Head over to Kid Mud's MySpace to stream three new songs, as well as a cover of "Be My Baby." (New and Used Records)