Topic: BIKERS....question about the Fi2000
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Mon 10/06/08 09:41 PM
I just installed some Hard Krome 2 into 1 sideburners on my 07 kawasaki Vulcan custom....I put the Fi2000 EFI tuner on it and left it at the factory setting for my bike....Just got finish taking the bike out on the highway for about 20minutes....I guess my question is?????? How will I know if I need to fine tune it? So far its seems to be workin fine(no popping or dragging ect.)...I just dont want to be over cofindent and mess up my bike....thanks in advancehappy

rubberslave's photo
Mon 10/06/08 09:59 PM
Hey Rev, you might want to go to and talk to the helpful people in the "tech" chat room. I Put slashcut Cobra's and a tuner on my Vulcan 1600 and didn't have any luck keeping the backfires and stallouts at the light at bay until I talked to these guys. It sounds like you have a pretty good set-up right now and the only way to fine it up some more would be to take it in to a specialist to have it Dino'ed. I finally did that with mine and now it sounds like a friggin race car. In reality though, you really don't have to worry much about these Vulcans, they are practically fool proof and indestructable. Just think, at least your bike doesn't need a magnetic rear wheel like most Harleys to pick up the fallen pieces on the highway...:) Welcome to the Vulcan Club, glad to have ya'!:) We need more women riders out here.

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Mon 10/06/08 10:02 PM
thanks for the much did it cost you have it dino'ed?

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Mon 10/06/08 10:04 PM

:) Welcome to the Vulcan Club, glad to have ya'!:) We need more women riders out here.

Thanks a ton:smile: Im so glad to be a part of it all!!!!!!!

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Sun 10/12/08 07:46 PM
no other advice out here...come on bikers, show loveflowerforyou

chevylover1965's photo
Sun 10/12/08 07:48 PM
sorry darlin' , wrong bred for me ! im a yamaha rider ! drinks

no photo
Sun 10/12/08 07:52 PM

sorry darlin' , wrong bred for me ! im a yamaha rider ! drinks
Im kinda lookin for people who have used the fi2000 with new pipes, not really kawasaki but any brand can use this little gadget.....thanks for the support tho:smile:

mssilverfox's photo
Sun 10/12/08 10:29 PM

sorry darlin' , wrong bred for me ! im a yamaha rider ! drinks
Im kinda lookin for people who have used the fi2000 with new pipes, not really kawasaki but any brand can use this little gadget.....thanks for the support tho:smile:

haven't used that but I'm a Harley rider smile2

no photo
Mon 10/13/08 07:53 PM

haven't used that but I'm a Harley rider smile2

did you install it yourself? Im wonderin if its easy to tuning mine as we speak..reason Im asking is, it might be worth the money to let the professionals handle it but if its easy I'll keep messin around with it...again thanks in advance :banana: