Topic: PAIN | |
For about a year now I have had horrible pain inbetween the wrist and lower thumb knuckle. I was diagnosed with arthritis. My grip isn't what it use to be, have a tough time opening things...simple things. I have tried 2 prescriptions and an over the counter topical far nothing is working. Has anyone tried something that works for arthitis?
My ex brother in law suffers horribly...the only thing he has ever found to relieve the illegal and you have to smoke it
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DAMN...I gave that up years ago!
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Yeah...but it helped him through some horrible times with his pain...said it helped him more than any pill he was taking
For about a year now I have had horrible pain inbetween the wrist and lower thumb knuckle. I was diagnosed with arthritis. My grip isn't what it use to be, have a tough time opening things...simple things. I have tried 2 prescriptions and an over the counter topical far nothing is working. Has anyone tried something that works for arthitis? If you are having problems with gripping items, there are adaptive devises to use. |
Sorry to hear that Shutter; have the same problem (but in my neck and lower back) and I've tried everything too -- nothing works except the illegal stuff and you know I'm not going there. Wish I could give you an answer and help you more hon ![]() |
I'd get a second opinion......sounds more like carpal tunnel
as for arthur Itis........I use heat, alieve, and glucosamene/msm but only get basic relief |
You all might want (acupunture) Please over look spelling.It is for pain that we all have to just live with.Works great.Even if you don't like needles,It doesn't hurt and you are unlikly to see them.Does not cause all ill efects that comam meds do. J.M.O.
Hope you find your help with your pain! ![]() |
You know the saying: "If you don't use it, you'll lose it"...?
This is particularly true when it is regarding our hands. I have been having increasing symptoms of arthritis in my hands for about the last five years. I also have an arthritic knee and ankle from being in a motorcycle crash back in the early 1990s. I have to use my hands to make my living, as I write and do medical transcription. I could still write if I lost the ability to type by using voice recognition computer software, but I wouldn't be able to transcribe anymore. Therefore, when my hands start hurting it puts me into this like state of near-panic, right? (lol!) Taking some drug on a regular basis for arthritis pain is not a good idea, in my opinion. Consider that if it IS arthritis, it's not going go away no matter how much you dope yourself up; it's not like an infection, in other words, or a cold. It won't be "cured" by the drugs. The drugs will only mask the pain, and at some point you'll need more drugs because the pain will get worse. To get my hands working I massage them and exercise them. I don't take anything for the pain other than the occasional aspirin, naproxen (Aleve), or ibuprofen (Motrin), and I don't take any pain reliever on a regular basis, or every day. Another thing you might want to try that has worked really well for me is to run cold water in the sink and put your hands under the cold water. Once your hands start to feel cold from the water, turn the hot water on and let the hot water run over them--as hot as you can stand. Once you do this a couple of times, if this is truly arthritis pain, you'll notice a big difference. The pain you're describing doesn't sound all that much like arthritis, however. It sounds more to me like either carpal tunnel syndrome or (more likely) trigger finger syndrome. If it's just in one hand and localized to one part of the hand, do as another poster here has suggested and see another doctor for a second opinion. A friend of mine who wrenches on bikes for a living and plays the guitar developed trigger finger and ultimately had to get surgery on his hand. That fixed the problem and he doesn't suffer anymore. So do see another doctor and see what that doctor says. If you do have trigger finger syndrome instead of arthritis, a simple surgical procedure might put you back to normal. I hope this helps. Good luck! yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
i suffer with chronic pain from endometriosis and from bladder problems, they also think ive got osteoprosis and/or arthirtis, im waiting for results of a bone density scan, cushings syndrome could have caused this. i take pethidine (demerol, dihdrocodeine, and volterol. The pain relief im on do help my bone/joint pain but they dont touch the endometriosis pain, but there could also be more going on. demerol is a good pain killer, but you build up tolernace easily and doctors are reluctant to prescribe it long term, personally i wouldnt recomend it. im waiting to see a surgeon about some of my pain, and then im going to pain management and most likely going on morphine or fentanyl,ive had both before, but again i wouldnt recommend narcotics unless the pain is so bad you cant move because the side effects and tolerance isnt good. goodluck ![]() |
Shutter - if it is truly arthritis, they may try a steroid injection into the joint, it will relieve inflammation, but sometimes they are only temporary. It could be any of the things people have suggested above and I agree with another opinion, try a rheumatologist, they specialize in arthritis and the diagnosis of such.
You can get marijuana legally now in pill form, I know of people on it, but have to go through a pain specialist as it is controlled. Hope you get some relief, chronic pain is awful. I have my own arthritis issues. Take care. Maybe try a massage therapist too, mine has helped my back pain and headaches, I wonder if a good therapist could show you some massage techniques that would help with the pain. Just a thought. Take care. |
An Occupational Therapist that can help.
Water Therapy
Work on your flexiblilty and range of motion while in a swimming pool (or maybe bathtub since it is your hand) You might want to look into an ergo board too, and see a chiropractor. |
An Occupational Therapist that can help. Ooops....meant to say that an Occupational Therapist can help. ![]() |
If its not rheumatoid arthritis & your doc says its ok to, try massage therapy. Its what i do for a living. Tell them if you call for an appointment that you have that & dont want a deep tissue therapist ok? Light work for that.
I'd get a second opinion......sounds more like carpal tunnel as for arthur Itis........I use heat, alieve, and glucosamene/msm but only get basic relief |
For about a year now I have had horrible pain inbetween the wrist and lower thumb knuckle. I was diagnosed with arthritis. My grip isn't what it use to be, have a tough time opening things...simple things. I have tried 2 prescriptions and an over the counter topical far nothing is working. Has anyone tried something that works for arthitis? ![]() |
For about a year now I have had horrible pain inbetween the wrist and lower thumb knuckle. I was diagnosed with arthritis. My grip isn't what it use to be, have a tough time opening things...simple things. I have tried 2 prescriptions and an over the counter topical far nothing is working. Has anyone tried something that works for arthitis? ![]() |
{{Shutter}} Sounds like several have given some good advice. Hope something works and you get relief soon!
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Acupuncture works painless, too.