Topic: THE DAM GAME......... - part 24
grammy09's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:00 PM
ok perve away

no photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:07 PM
come over to the damn corner!!bigsmile

grammy09's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:13 PM
i would mikey but i have a head ache

no photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:33 PM
Damn me too!!!:tongue:

EarthSprite's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:41 PM must be that time of year eh??


no photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:41 PM
DAMN wish I had time to chat with you all, but I have to get ready to go to a meeting with the Special Olympics in which my daughter is a part of. We are walking on Saturday morning for the pledges our group has collected to pay for expenses when they go to state games. They are a great bunch of kids.
Hope to talk to ya tomorrow though, didn't get on today at all. See ya later. Damn, good to see you for a short time anyhow. Bye

waving mikey, gram and whoever else has popped in...Have a great evening.

EarthSprite's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:43 PM
You have a good time Fun..!!

no photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:44 PM
Damn Earth U ring my chimes!!!bigsmile :banana:

EarthSprite's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:48 PM
How can I do that when you are in the damn corner??..huh

grammy09's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:53 PM
damn cold windy day

EarthSprite's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:54 PM
See Mikey?...

Grammy says it was the damn wind that rang your chimes...:laughing: :laughing:

no photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:56 PM
the wind had to be blowing in the damn RIGHT place to ring those chimes!!!bigsmile :tongue:

grammy09's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:56 PM

See Mikey?...

Grammy says it was the damn wind that rang your chimes...:laughing: :laughing:

laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:00 PM
The damn days are gettin' shorter....grumble & summer went by 2 damn fast! tears

no photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:02 PM

The damn days are gettin' shorter....grumble & summer went by 2 damn fast! tears
They are calling for damn snow here tomarrow!!grumble

no photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:04 PM

The damn days are gettin' shorter....grumble & summer went by 2 damn fast! tears
They are calling for damn snow here tomarrow!!grumble


EarthSprite's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:06 PM
It started snowing here a few damn weeks ago...sad

heat..!!! I need heat I tell ya....slaphead


no photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:10 PM

It started snowing here a few damn weeks ago...sad

heat..!!! I need heat I tell ya....slaphead

Damn EARTh I can provide heat for ya?bigsmile

EarthSprite's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:13 PM
Damn Mikey...

When did you become a "fire starter"???...biggrin

no photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:17 PM
From the moment I was born!!!bigsmile