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msmiko's photo
Thu 03/29/07 04:05 PM
YAHOO "ONLY":heart: :heart:

no photo
Thu 03/29/07 05:45 PM
msn rox sorry

Tameka's photo
Thu 03/29/07 05:49 PM

Sluggo's photo
Thu 03/29/07 09:48 PM
Bottomline the best messenger is the one you can talk to your friend

I use to use ICQ back in 95 or 96 but nobody I knew (out of my area
code) had it so it wasn't really useful...

AIM Sucks (notice the capital "S" there), AOL seems to try to make
everything for the computerly challenged (or retarded) so if you're good
on computers you have to learn to think like a retard. Plus AIM has made
all of my compters freeze up for some reason or another because it
conficts with some other programs.

Yahoo & MSN are sorta a toss up but I like MSN since you can add
emoticons pretty easily (but my phone likes Yahoo better since it can
use Yahoo)

Nervesgone's photo
Thu 03/29/07 09:56 PM
Oh god, the phone!!!

I use msn for mail and yahoo for chat rooms.

Anzhelika_VN's photo
Fri 03/30/07 03:39 AM
Yahoo leads:)
I thought ICQ is the most popular in the world...

AutumnLee21's photo
Fri 03/30/07 04:15 AM
I use msn only

shenadra's photo
Fri 03/30/07 04:17 AM
I use msn mostly...My friends have really cool emoticons, and I steal
those from them. LOL

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