Topic: To Bail or Not To Bail...
directandwrite's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:44 PM
Okay, I've gotta get some opinions on this one too...should we bail out the banks or not?

Jill298's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:46 PM
If everyone bails... that will just add to the problems and create more of a crisis

DeniseC86's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:46 PM
after all the attention that has been focused...i personally say this, "damned if we do, damned if we don't." I'm not even sure of the situation anymore. They are blaming the accountants for the problems. The accountants only show where the money went! I guess somebody has to be the scapegoat

directandwrite's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:49 PM
I'm thinking we should give the banks a governmental "loan". They gave those out...they're familiar with how they would be like their mortgage. Compounded quarterly or whatever they compounded others' loans.... They shouldn't get a free ticket out, but should have to be held accountable for their actions just as any other bad investor would...

mcattygarnett's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:50 PM

after all the attention that has been focused...i personally say this, "damned if we do, damned if we don't." I'm not even sure of the situation anymore. They are blaming the accountants for the problems. The accountants only show where the money went! I guess somebody has to be the scapegoat

I would have to agree with this statement

FreeToB's photo
Tue 09/30/08 06:01 PM
Wow. I'm not going to be on here all night but will respond to this anyway.

I bought a home in a nice neighborhood. I saved up the downpayment and made the note until it was paid off (early) even when I really could not afford to. Then Bill Clinton came around and allowed anyone who would sign a paper, if they could afford a down-payment, note or anything to buy into a home there. Now my home is worth about 25% of what is was when I bought it, there was gunfire Friday night and lots of other nights, hoodlums walk in the middle of the street and dare you to honk (I do...and accellerate), my neighbors have been burgularized numerous times, and the punks think nothing of smoking crack in the front yards. All due to letting people without a work ethic or any visible means of support "buy" something they cannot afford, and should not have.

Then our Emporer, George Bush decided that to de-regulate his friends in the financial industry and to allow them to trade in worthless mortages with about a 20% payment rate at face value. These bankers are not idiots and knew what they were doing when they did it. They had carte blanche from the Bush administration.

I do not think that we should bail out Wall Street. WE (real taxpayers) did not cause this "crisis". I also do not believe that people who can afford to be home rather than at a job every day should be bailed out of thier bad investments. I never bought anything that I couldn't afford, but I never got anything from the government either. If I have I have and if I don't, I do without.

Hopefully, every single person who could not afford a house note will be evicted and the credit companies will lower the interest rates to allow working people to move back in. And hopefully these banks who flew fast and loose will lose thier asses (wishful thinking). Perhaps a depression is necessary to let young people get a fresh start with a relatively clean slate.

galendgirl's photo
Tue 09/30/08 06:41 PM
Although NOT bailing out hurts everyone...will bailing out help? The reality is that most people don't manage their own personal finances any better than the banks or Wall Street... and to give a huge chunk of money to people who have no idea how to spend it seems crazy, too. I don't know the answer...I just know my kids and grandkids will be the ones who really pay for this mess. Bad stuff anyway you slice it.

RKISIT's photo
Tue 09/30/08 06:44 PM
look if your stupid enough to loan money to people when insurance and land taxes have rose sky high,then they deserve what they get. well im just saying thats what happened in florida:smile: