Topic: Pin Pricks
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Mon 09/29/08 11:18 PM
Peering through the darkness and I see it ahead
Tiny pin pricks of light
Distant yet close
Confusing yet soothing
Concentrating on the pin pricks I walk towards them
All thought escapes my head
I forget my own name
Time ceases to exist
No future, no present, no past
And I don't care
Simply following the pin pricks of light in the darkness
Going along at my own pace, knowing this is no race
And I don't care
Sound simply vanishes
Sight is only of pin pricks of light
Touch, I can feel nothing
No emotions, nothing physical with in my reach
And I don't care
All that matters now are those tiny pin pricks of light in the darkness

s1owhand's photo
Mon 09/29/08 11:56 PM

and as you approach
so many lights
flames at the concert...


enter at your own risk!..