Topic: Iraqi President Seeks Arab Support | |
Iraqi President Seeks Arab Support
Published: 3/29/07, 12:25 AM EDT By SALAH NASRAWI RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - Iraq's president tried to win Arab support Wednesday, promising Baghdad will give a greater political role to Sunni Muslims but calling on Arab countries to help stop terrorism in Iraq. A summit of Arab leaders in the Saudi capital Wednesday is taking a tough line on Iraq, demanding it change its constitution and military to include more Sunnis and end a program uprooting former members of Saddam Hussein's ruling Baath party. The Sunni-led governments of the Arab world have long been suspicious of Iraq's new Shiite leadership, blaming it for fueling violence by discriminating against Sunni Arabs and accusing it of helping mainly Shiite Iran extend its influence in the Middle East. In a speech to the summit, Saudi King Abdullah denounced the U.S. military presence in Iraq as an "illegitimate foreign occupation" and warned that sectarian bloodshed was leading to civil war. The head of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, warned that the Iraqi government's sectarian policies were threatening a wider conflict. "The clash between Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq and the policies that enflame and exploit it could light a horrific regional inferno that will leave no one victorious," he said. Ahead of the summit, Iraq's Shiite prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, and President Jalal Talabani promised to introduce new legislation to let former members of Saddam's ruling Baath Party resume jobs in the government. The legislation, which has yet to be put to parliament, was seen as an attempt to avert criticism at the Arab summit. Al-Maliki is said to fear rising support among U.S.-allied Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan for an Iraqi national unity government led by former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, a favorite of Washington. In a message to the summit released Wednesday, Talabani said the legislation would "abolish the Debaathification commission and replace it with a Justice and Accountability Law." He promised "bridges of confidence to be built linking all the elements of the Iraqi people, bringing opponents of the political process into the process and elements of the former army into the new army." Talabani, a Kurd, called on Arab nations to back the Iraqi government by cancelling Iraqi debts and help stop militants from crossing into Iraq to join the insurgency. "Our utmost need will remain that we should act together to break the neck of terrorism," he said. The promise of the legislation was a sharp change from past dealings with Arab leaders, when Iraqi officials angrily dismissed their demands. Many among Iraq's Shiites believe Arab nations are bitter over the fall of Saddam and the loss of Sunni Arab dominance of the country. Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. |
Good one Fanta,
Sunnites vs Chiites, America's North vs South, Republican (conservative) vs Democrat (liberal)divide, Christians vs the rest of the world !!! What's so complicated or foreign about that!!! ...and how come people are not coming to your posts in droves?!?!?! Back to the article of your post, I'd like to propose a US Civil War metaphor! North - South factions could easily be compared to Sunnites (US north) and Chiites (US south). The North (Sunnnites) closer to the central power, and the South (Chiites) more independent and 'reactionaries', not shy to resort to terrorism to gain representation. Now imagine for a moment that ENGLAND (US for the other side of the mataphor) ... had seen this chaos (War of sessesion or US Civil War) as an opportunity to regain its loss, since the war of independence, of its presence and power over the 'new US RESSOURCE RICH continent' (Iraq for the other side of the metaphor), ... and ENGLAND had decided, in its paternalistically condecending manner, that the North ONLY (Sunnites), deserved to rule the New Union (supposedly a new democratic Iraq for the other side of the metaphor). Do you think for a single moment that the South (Chiites) would have quietly accepted this act of insurgence, as a gift of 'liberation'. That the South could have for a single moment, accepted the controlling and manipulative conditions to stay out of power as set by Bad Old England (The US in Badgdad today), whom they had fought out of their country years ealier, (Declaration of Indepence 1776 then, or Gulf war, recent past). Let's all get real for a moment!!! What's is so hard to understand that this is a 'NO-WIN' for Americans. That a sovereign country (US), regardless of its size and power, cannot focefully and illegitimately force its intentions on another sovereign country (Iraq). It is not a matter of 'good and evil' John Wayne stuff!!! The American South would still be fighting England for its 'imagined' unjustified interference, and so will the Chiites fight the US for theirs. Remember, Chiiites are supreme in Iran. There is no coincidence that Iran is reacting so fiercely theses days to US's "... this is how we'd like you guys to live your lives!' bullish ways. Bush father listened to his intelligence experts, and wise advisors, when they told him that setting foot in Bagdad was crossing the Rubicon, with no prospect of winners. Bush son listened to fools, whose sole source of inspiration where John Wayne movies, and the World according to J.R. Ewing of Dallas fame. ... if nothing else, just consider this: The south would never have accepted an Hypothetical condition from England that they not be allowed to share the powers of their own sovereign Country. Why should it be so hard for us to understand that this is the same vital, and virtuous forces at play with the Chiites? Southerners stopped at nothing to impose their right of representation. Neither will the Chiites. Of Anyone, US citizens with the slightest knowledge of their own fundamental history, should see the irony, and the total contradiction their leaders put their country into. When you're a metaphorical world giant such a the US, you must be responsible for the fact that when you roll around in bed for your stretching comfort, there is a very real and significant possibility you might be crushing half the planet to death in the process. Don't be surprised that the survivors are mad as hell!!! |
I can only speculate that people have a hard time with opening their
minds voil. Ignoring facts and maintaining a superiority complex that they are right and everything else is wrong. They come and read I am sure. They dont comment because it is foreign to what they wish to believe, but they do read it. Unfortunately, they then jump to a web site that is one-sided, so that they can feel superior and justified in the view they want to believe. It is the same reasons we are in this mess to begin with, and Bush was reelected. I call what I do here reverse propaganda, if the truth is posted enough, and they still walk around with closed minds at least they have received a dose of the truth. If they read the truth enough, maybe, maybe it will sink in past the brainwashing and open their minds just a crack. |
Let me just say i voted for bush this last time ONLY because kerry
couldn't make up his dam mind about anything. His version was to invite the enemy for tea and cakes. OH BOY!!! I didnt WALK to the voting poll...I RAN. For decades these countries have wanted us in their holy wars. We are now there and they now want us to whatsee??? LEAVE. Lots of americans think we went to Iraq this time due to 9/11. They dont remember the WTC being bombed when? back in the early 90's. They finally convicted the man behind that bombing but most are not even familiar with the bombing back then. The WTC was a target for YEARS for these terrorists. Many disagree with me because i feel we have done ALOT for the Iraqi's. Saddam is gone and thats a good thing BUT its time for our troops to come home. Until they do i will continue to support the men and women serving over there. Voil....easy babydoll!! TRUST ME!! the southern men here have NEVAH FORGOTTEN!! the yankees came down, stole all the WUMMEN, kicked butt, and WON!! They nevah forgot...and i aint whistlin dixie!!! |
reverse propaganda..interesting term...I like minds close
mouth's |
funny how Clinton got busted for a lie about a blow job,
but Bush sends our country into war based on lies, and everybody wants to kiss his ass? |
When you said: "... Voil....easy babydoll!! TRUST ME!! " I did trust you!!! ... and went on to put an 'Easy BabyDoll' without even questionning it! Because, you know, you don't question a member of the GANG! You trust, you agree, and you believe everything without question! Well let me tell you, it wasn't a pretty sight, believe me! I ended up in jail, charged with gross indecency!!! When they asked me how I intended to plead, I didn't hesitate one moment: '... GUILTY! I answered.' GUILTY of having taken your words at first degree! GUILTY of making no effort to understand the bigger context you were referring to. GUILTY of not listening and discarding outright the people whom told me loud and clear: 'that's not what she meant!!! IT'S A METAPHOR'. GUILTY for not even giving any thoughts to either the legitimacy, nor the consequences of my thoughts, words and actions! You know 'barbiesbigsister', you and I, in a way, think alike. I am confident if we were asked our preferences, we would both opt for: ... a life where everyone agrees, honors, and lives by the same rules, ... and might as wll be ours. ... a life where, if serious disagreement occurs; where our rules are no longer honored, clear action would be taken to rally, or get rid of those whom don't agree, such that we could get back to ...'everyone agrees! (to the same rules that are ours)' ... a life where we wish for everything to be Right or Wrong and black or white, because you and I know 'Barbies...', that 'GREY' can get so complicated. It only forces us to make room for so much more information and points of view, ... only to end up running the risk of having to change or adapt some of our rules. Over our dead bodies, right 'Barbies...'?!?!? Our rules are the RIGHT ONES!!! On the other hand 'barbies...', you and I, in a completely different, and less automatic and instinctive way, also think alike! YOU AND I, deep inside, KNOW, that eventhough we would prefer for it to be simple: '... go after the BAD GUYS, put them out of circulation, and restore peace and order for all!!!', while a nice wish, that isn't REALITY!!! YOU AND I KNOW, eventhough we don't have the answers, imposing such simple black and white solutions, does nothing to restore peace and order for all. It doesn't even do it for ourselves. YOU AND I KNOW, that the greatest gift for any human being is participating and chosing liberty and democracy FREELY! For and by oneself! Imposing one's 'brand' of democracy on others, is a travesty of democracy! YOU AND I KNOW, that if the US and Great Britain really had a genuine interest for Iraquis ('... believe we have done a lot for the Iraquis' as said in your comment), they wouldn't have collectively been IMPOSING, for the past 80 years, their brand of 'subservient democracy' in this Iran-Irak, Persio-Arab, Sunnites-Chiites-Kurds reality. YOU AND I KNOW, that when countries such as Great Britain in the earlier stage, and the US in the latter, play 'Frankestein' with Geopolitics, it only short-circuits the sacredness of civilized life itself, ... and creates MAN-MADE monsters that need to be destroyed eventually!!! When we don't learn the BIG LESSONS, from those Frankenstein experiments, destroying the monsters no longer suffice. Life will always find its way to the source: FRANKENSTEIN MAKERS AND MASTERS!!! You're right 'barbies...', it's not enough to stop at 9/11, but it's not enough to stop at the first bombing of WTC either. Why are we targets? And please let's not do this '... Because we're 'good' and they're bad, ... so they're jalous!' ... convenient and absurd denial caper!!! Denying our part of involvement and responsibility. Reducing everything to '... get rid of them all! and let's move on...', ... only serves to keep us from asking the real questions! Keeps us from thinking and participating in learning, and changing some, ... IN ORDER TO GENUILY PREVENT TERRORISM, AND PROMOTE FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY! About the Great Britain and the US as Frankenstein makers, AND THE GREATER LESSONS WE MUST YET BE LEARNED, LET'S NOT HESITATE to read, learn and understand the nature of the situation in that part of the world. Don't shy away from the effort of learning and knowing whom are the political factions, the religions, the nations, the history, of those REAL FAMILIES MADE UP OF FATHERS, MOTHERS AND CHILDREN, just like OURS. Don't hesitate to read and understand the facts about 'Mohammad Reza Pahlavi' the Empress Shah of Iran, and his downfall. Way before Saddam, the Shah was a Britanno-American Frankenstein in the highly contentious Petrole-Rich IRAN (how funny, Petrole again). Don't hesite to learn about the century long bad blood between the Persian and Britano-American regimes. The Persians didn't agree with Britanno-American Colonio-Imperialism over their people and over their resources?!?!! How totally insulting of them to reject our gift of higher civilization against just a bit of oil!!! (sarcasm) THOSE WHOM DON'T LEARN FROM HISTORY, ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT!!! The 'THOSE' in the quote, could apply to a lot of us in North America; complacent in our relative power, successes and comforts, and, without learning, we will ignorantly and irresponsibly keep repeating a history of retalition without conscience! Conscience: learning and knowing the facts, and our part of responsibility in any situation where WE ARE INVOLVED!!! Let's move beyond the mut, stale and pointless fingerpointing: '...Bring our soldiers home!' or '... Support our soldiers in winning the war at all costs!'. ALL WESTERN NATIONS SUPPORT THE AMERICAN, BRITISH, CANADIAN, (TO NAME ONLY THOSE), MEN AND WOMEN , FIGHTING IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ, FOR THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE THEY ARE MAKING TO THEIR RESPECTIVE FREE NATIONS. The point is, '... WHY ARE OUR NATIONS SENDING THEM TO WAR?' and, '... WHAT ARE THE LEGITIMATE AND JUST ARGUMENTS WHICH, WITHOUT ANY HESITATION, HONOUR OUR COUNTRYMEN AND SOLDIERS LIFE OFFERING EFFORTS! They are risking their lives. The very least we could do, to show true solidarity, is inform ourselves, and understand why this war should justify the loss of lives : We must know the difference between: Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, (and their relations) Persia, and Arabia, (and their realtions) Chiites, Sunnites, Kurds, (their relations, and legitimate aspirations) Petrole and democracy (as a hint, there really shouldn't be a relationship, eventhough Great Britain and the US has tried to convince us of the contraty) War against terrorism, and War against sovereign nations Defensive terms of engaging in WAR and Pre-emptive temrs of engaging in WAR (Proof of imminent attack must be made to your nation, and to the international community before engaging in pre-emptive. THESE ARE OUR OWN TERMS OF RULE OF LAW) What does the term sovereign mean? When, and under what circumstances would you place the origins and escalation of the American conflict with the Arabo-Persian world? If one isn't interested in investing the small effort in debating or answering these questions for all, regardless of party ties, or personnal beliefs and opinions, ... or find it too complicated to authentically and objectively look, search and understand, ... beyond radio, TV and Beer Hall propaganda (liberal or conservative), ... the overall context and reasons our compatriots are sent to WAR, THEN LET's AT LEAST STOP INSULTING OUR SOLDIERS AND THEIR TRUE SACRIFICES WITH COMPLACENT SLAM-BANG COMMENTS!!! SUPPORTING SUCH MAGNAMINOUS SELFLESS COURAGE AND GENEROSITY SHOULD SUMMON US AT THE VERY LEAST TO DO VIOLENCE TO OUR PARTISAN BICKERING AND PETTY COMPLACENCY! LET'S DO IT !!! THEY'RE WORTH THE EFFORT. |
Voil!!! now shugar!! I was making fun of the southerners. Being you made
a comment on the south and the civil war...i just hadta!!!!! |
So Barbiesbigsister,
You mean to say I wore that 'easy Babydoll', made a fool of myself, scared the shoot out of everyone, traumatised young children, terrorized women, and homosexuals alike, and went to jail, all on a joke of yours??? Ahhh! What the heck, ... I forgive you!!! ... and still would like to hear what you have to say 'barbies...' about making a little 'propaganda cleansing' effort I propose we make, fro ourselves, and ... for our soldiers!!! What do you think, Are you on? |
Voil i am smack dab in the middle of HILLBILLY HELL!!! Good ol boy
club...50 years BEHIND THE TIMES but you gotta looooove the southern UNITED STATES!!! It boggles my mind and has me ROTFLMAO at the HILLBILLYS who STILL hold a big ol GRUDGE against "them DAM YANKEES!!!" Callin you "babydoll" is a southern womens compliment Voil.. |
Still want to hear what you think 'Barb..'
Pick any part of the texts, and let's JAM!!! The South, visitied quite a bit on business and totally loved it. Don't know that they would allow me to live there, I don't own a pick-up! Went ssa deep and cosy as Eldorado, Ark., (keep fond memories of that) Louisianna, of course North South Carolina (totally charmed by Charlotte), Alabama, TEXAS (overated IMO) , ate gritts, growled my speech, and wore cowboy boots and hat. I've never seen Tennesse, but found myself singing the ChatChooChoo more often than most at one time in my life. Met several Southern Belles, what 'fine tooth' they had (sorry, sorry, not in front of one I know!), but must admit I have no clue what 'ROTFLMAO' means. Please indulge me, Oh gracious Southern Belle you are! |
IF SO, LET's STOP INSULTING THEM (and the true sacrifice they make) WITH OUR COMPLACENT and PARTISAN 'SLAM-BANG' COMMENTS!!! Such magnaminous an selfless courage and generosity from our soldiers, should at the very least summon us 'at home' to do violence to our partisan bickering and petty complacency, which does nothing else than send a confused message to our men and women in action. Let's clean-up our act, and send a clear message. LET'S DO IT !!! THEY'RE WORTH THE EFFORT. |
Hello to this thread of the old gang, Im newly arrived from another site
with a gangly group of my own, and with some thoughts and opinions about and on a subject tat I know first hand, it will be very interesting to read you people for the next few days before I jump in, take the plunge as it were. Vio i think we'll have fun. Fanta cant wait! well off to some more browsing around on my day off. Doc Airborne!! |
Welcome to the post. It's an honor! |