t22learner's photo
Mon 09/29/08 04:10 AM
This is priceless. The McCain campaign owns the site. Go ahead, cut/paste into your browser... It goes right to John

That's not sexist, is it?

Etrain's photo
Mon 09/29/08 04:23 AM
fittingrofl rofl rofl rofl

s1owhand's photo
Mon 09/29/08 04:25 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Mon 09/29/08 04:34 AM
humorous i'll admit but meaningless...

here's what i read about it -

"Are you all daft? I thought reddit's audience was supposed to be tech savvy?

I can register any domain I want, cloak it with DomainsByProxy, and redirect it to any site I want, including McCain's. They aren't using name-based virtual hosting, so any domain I point there will pull up his website.

Check it out! I just set up a subdomain on one of my own domains to redirect to Holy crap! The first time I go it shunts me over to /palin.html! Holy crap! A traceroute leads to! Holy crap, John McCain is in my named.conf, stealing my subdomains!

Hit - traceroute it, dig it, whatever you like. You"ll get the same results as this job.

More self-education, less gorging on gossip, people. Anyone with $8 and 5 minutes could do this."
