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Topic: koury said she will be back in a bit
MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 09/27/08 08:38 PM
waving A motion to adjourn is always in order.smile2

no photo
Sat 09/27/08 08:40 PM

cottonelle's photo
Sat 09/27/08 08:43 PM
hey koury, i found this site that might help you with your problem your having now that you plugged up you toilet


mischievouskttn's photo
Sat 09/27/08 08:51 PM

hey koury, i found this site that might help you with your problem your having now that you plugged up you toilet



no photo
Sat 09/27/08 09:06 PM
i cant help but wanna burst out in laughter laugh

mischievouskttn's photo
Sat 09/27/08 09:17 PM

i cant help but wanna burst out in laughter laugh

go right ahead, that was sorta the point winking

no photo
Sat 09/27/08 09:30 PM
ok rofl

cottonelle's photo
Sun 09/28/08 01:14 PM

she hasnt got it fixed yet so she had to drive down to mc donald to use there toilet this morning. shes now banned from there for what she did to their bathroom and driving away all the costumers

next time give a courtesy flush, koury

mischievouskttn's photo
Sun 09/28/08 01:32 PM
Edited by mischievouskttn on Sun 09/28/08 01:34 PM
I'm laughing... really, I am. huh

p.s. i'm really regretting the hello kitty potty picture now...but I'm not changing it damn it. Ya can't make me. :tongue:

cottonelle's photo
Sun 09/28/08 03:20 PM
must have been something she ate....

from yahoo....
kourylyn: i have to go upstairs and take a poop, i'll be back in a little while..k?

cottonelle's photo
Sun 09/28/08 05:12 PM
has anyone seen koury?

Dan99's photo
Sun 09/28/08 05:15 PM
I heard Koury was giving herself a blumpkin..

cottonelle's photo
Sun 09/28/08 06:00 PM
that would explain why she always in the bathroom

cottonelle's photo
Tue 09/30/08 02:39 PM
koury got REAL drunk last night. she is sooooo gonna have the hangover poopies today

no photo
Tue 09/30/08 02:50 PM

jtip1977's photo
Tue 09/30/08 02:53 PM

koury got REAL drunk last night. she is sooooo gonna have the hangover poopies today

Is it the pasty poo or the explosive diarrhea?

cottonelle's photo
Tue 09/30/08 02:56 PM
not sure, we`ll have to asker her that when she gets here

no photo
Tue 09/30/08 03:55 PM
either way, it gonna be nasty sick

cottonelle's photo
Tue 09/30/08 04:22 PM
hahahaha, she just asked what "pasty poo" was...lol

i told her that its not quite a log but not soupy either....kinda in between

but she wont answer the question...lol

cottonelle's photo
Tue 09/30/08 04:24 PM

kourylyn: i do NOT have the hangover ****s... although dinner tonight is taco bell...so tomorrow may be a different story *shrugs*

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