Topic: Everything Happens for a Reason...
directandwrite's photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:03 PM
Okay, here's one for you....lots of people say that, good or bad, everything happens for a reason. I think so...even though I often don't really believe it myself... :tongue: What are your thoughts, my fellow buddies?

no photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:04 PM
someone in here said it's like a thread trying to understand the tapestry

I kinda liked that

no photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:06 PM
Sometimes there is no good reason......ohwell

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:06 PM

someone in here said it's like a thread trying to understand the tapestry

I kinda liked that

I never heard it put that way, but it's absolutely true.

the_mind_flayer's photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:06 PM
I registered this place for a reason. Haven't figured it out yet.

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:07 PM
I believe it!!! Everything does happen for a reason and I believe it happens the way it is supposed to happen

We are not in control - we are just along for the ride so Im enjoying the scenery along the way

There is a purpose to everything that happens. We may never know what that purpose is- but I know in my heart that there is one.

Mayhem_J's photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:07 PM
I believe in choice....

RKISIT's photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:08 PM
im your buddy,do you really want to be my buddy:smile:

directandwrite's photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:09 PM

I registered this place for a reason. Haven't figured it out yet.

Me too! So true! LOL!

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:09 PM

I believe in choice....

Yes, because I believe that everything happens for a reason doesn't mean I don't believe in choice. Much of what happens to us is about making the right choices and learning to live with them.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:17 PM
I tend to believe there is a reason but at the time you might not understand it. I was so pissed at GOD when my husband who was in excellent health and survived the military was killed on his relatively benighn civilian job by CO2 off gasing from a furnace. Didn't make sense, not that premature death ever does, but he was so great to so many people a lot of people were just wrecked. Anyway three years later reading the extended autopsy report again the attorney sent me a letter telling me that he had had a rare genetic disorder that had he lived another say ten years he would have had a terrible neurological disorder that would have basiclly made him a completely cognitively normal person in a physically devastated body for what with medical care might have been decades. While I hated looseing him young with children in the home still I now kind of consider it a blessing that he didn't suffer. Yea I miss him sometimes still but I have faith that eventually I will meet another great guy and life hasn't been all that terrible once the shock wore off and the greif lessened.

no photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:26 PM

I tend to believe there is a reason but at the time you might not understand it. I was so pissed at GOD when my husband who was in excellent health and survived the military was killed on his relatively benighn civilian job by CO2 off gasing from a furnace. Didn't make sense, not that premature death ever does, but he was so great to so many people a lot of people were just wrecked. Anyway three years later reading the extended autopsy report again the attorney sent me a letter telling me that he had had a rare genetic disorder that had he lived another say ten years he would have had a terrible neurological disorder that would have basiclly made him a completely cognitively normal person in a physically devastated body for what with medical care might have been decades. While I hated looseing him young with children in the home still I now kind of consider it a blessing that he didn't suffer. Yea I miss him sometimes still but I have faith that eventually I will meet another great guy and life hasn't been all that terrible once the shock wore off and the greif lessened.
flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:50 PM
"Everything happens for a reason" is something people say when they are either baffled by circumstances that seem completely illogical and unfavorable, or trying to make themselves believe that they "did something" to "deserve" circumstances that are favorable.

I could get into a big dissertation about karma here, but I've learned by experience that this just antagonizes people, so I'll keep my remarks to a minimum:

When you perceive something as being "fate" or "happening for a reason" it is most often a reaction to something that is based in karma. It will usually be something fairly important, i.e., a death, an accident, or an overwhelming attraction or aversion to a particular person.

I've been a professional tarot reader for a very long time now and am used to hearing people say that something was "fate" or that it "happened for a reason". A person may be married multiple times and think they know what love and relationships are all about, and then, at some later stage in life when they're not even looking for it, meet someone who completely sweeps them off their feet, and experience such a profound change of life and outlook that they begin to feel that it was "fated"--this is how we can discern karma from regular circumstance.

And that's all I'm gonna say about that. Not trying to offend. I hope this helps answer your question. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Sat 09/27/08 03:52 PM
I knida agree with Scarlett here. I think it is how we perceive things...sure everything happens for a reason.....or do we as human beings give reason to everything that happens. It's how we make sense of things.

MatthewB1983's photo
Sat 09/27/08 04:49 PM
most of the stuff that happens to me I usally learn something from it.

mcattygarnett's photo
Sat 09/27/08 07:18 PM
I do believe that everything does happen for a reason, we may not know why at the moment, but we will see why soon enough.