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Topic: A querstion for the guys...
jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 09:03 AM
Are you intimidated by a woman who shares how she feels about you? Do
you automatically assume that if a woman says she likes you -- even if
she says she loves you, perhaps -- that she's wanting to trap you into a
relationship or marriage?

Would you rather she just not say anything at all?

Do you feel somehow obligated to reciprocate if she says she likes you,
is very fond of you, but you don't feel the same level of attraction?

If you show interest in a woman, and she reciprocates that interest, is
that a turnoff for you? Would you rather she act as though she isn't

Inquiring minds want to know...

no photo
Wed 03/28/07 09:24 AM
Not sure about other gentleman here, BUT , I prefer to know EXACTLY
where I stand with a woman, one way or the other.
If I choose to reciprocate the comment , that is my choice, but I want
to know, rather then assume, OR worse, GUESS....

just my 2 cents .. :)

TRS's photo
Wed 03/28/07 09:46 AM
If you show interest in a woman, and she reciprocates that interest, is
that a turnoff for you? Would you rather she act as though she isn't

That is nothing less than playing games with someone's emotions. And I
don't think that too many people like game players. In fact I see that
very thing in 90% of the profiles....NO GAME PLAYERS. If someone acts
as though they aren't interested in me...then that's where it stands.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 10:00 AM
I agree, TRS, but I think a lot of men still like a woman who plays hard
to get. Or, at least I think a lot of women think that's what she's
"supposed" to as not to be perceived as being too "easy."

I've never played by the "rules" and don't have the time or patience for
such ambiguous crap. I don't like being considered "game" by a man. I'm
not something to be caught, like a prize-winning bass. So that's why I
wondered what men think about that.

no photo
Wed 03/28/07 10:04 AM
Keep things Honest, Open and let it bloom if that's
what in fact the attraction is more than unhealthy
infatuation....I like to Know what The Opposite sex
Thinks about me and if I do share those same feelings
I am No clam...I'll put it all out there, a Burnt Heart
can callous. The person doesnt always have to feel that
same emotion, Meeting half way is sometimes the best part


twosteper's photo
Wed 03/28/07 10:20 AM
well this ole rock a billy perfers to be honest n open in all things

im to old n ugly for games..laugh laugh

i guess thats why im alone now

im too honest n open

but i like a woman to know about me before all things get started

i believe honesty is the best policy

party on yall...drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Wed 03/28/07 12:05 PM
It will be a TURN-OFF to me if a woman starts to play hard to get,
especially if she had shown interest in me first. With me, she must
ATTACK with FULL FORCE. No games. While I return with full or even more
force, until some will find like "he's stupid?' By going at her with
full velocity, I mean first trying to unmask if she has more chit in her
head than mine, before I think about bed. When I have seen and heard
enough about if she is wife material to grow old toegeher, (you can't
wait forever) then I want to start going to bed with her one time. I
mean what I say and I see no reason why she should not so the same.
If I am unable to be with an advancing woman? I will pretend that I do
not understand what she is saying or doing or I will try to find a way
not to hurt her feelings.

no photo
Wed 03/28/07 12:06 PM
find a way to escape?

Ms_Scorpio71's photo
Wed 03/28/07 12:11 PM
I know this forum is for men but here's some advice Jean say true to
yourself and give her the choice let her know exactly how u feel either
she's down wit or not but be honest u never know how it may work out

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 01:48 PM
I always stay true to myself, no problem there whatsoever.

And I hope you're not offering me advice with regard to the pronouns
"she" and "her." LOL.

no photo
Wed 03/28/07 01:55 PM

who thinks of this stuff? if i like a woman and i let her know it then
yeah i want to know if she likes me to. now if we been on three dates
and she says she loves me that to me says something is wrong with her.
if she gives her opinon about me good or bad thats fine but if it get
where she always thinks i need to do something diffrent than shes
history because im me and aint no woman going to change who i am

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 01:59 PM
Sounds like you're the kind of guy who's unwilling to compromise...and
that can be a good thing or a bad thing. I know there are values I have
that I would never compromise, but I'm willing to at least try to be
somewhat flexible on others.

ccrzyolfool's photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:16 PM
I like a woman who can say what she is thinking or feeling and not have
to worry about any eggshells that may be in the way of her words . Too
old for the head games just be yourself and if things click great if
not at least you may have a new friend . Is it really so hard for
people to just be honest these days ???

no photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:17 PM
flexiable is the key word, you know bend a little but dont let them
break you, cause you know you all you got

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:19 PM
thanks, cc...that's the answer i was hoping to hear. It's
nerve-wracking, sometimes, putting your heart on your sleeve like that,
but I think it's better than keeping them bottled up and worrying about
it constantly, not knowing where you stand, or whether or not anything
will ever come of the relationship.

Ms_Scorpio71's photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:47 PM
OH Jean u are a smart a$$ they should be happy u don't like them laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ms_Scorpio71's photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:51 PM
NO wonder ur in the dark i saw your pic sick
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ms_Scorpio71's photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:52 PM
One more thing Jean u spelled Question wrong, u need advice

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 03:11 PM
excuse me? Just wtf is your problem? FYI, I get LOTS of compliments, so
that you don't happen to like the way I look is hardly a matter of
concern. LOL.

Also, I spelled "querstion" like that on purpose, just to let you know.
As an editor, I "spell correctly" for a living, and have been correcting
others' grammatical mistakes for more than twenty years, so I don't
think I need editorial advice from you, but thanks just the same.

Ms_Scorpio71's photo
Wed 03/28/07 03:24 PM
Look Jean I'm going to let that go trust me, who's give's a sweet f_ck
what u do for a living!!!!!!u want a DOGGY bone for it. laugh laugh
laugh laugh

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